The problem is the lack of universal support, all the cool ideas -we talked about it later- people came up with til now, will be useless, and so would be Kinect. It'd become an useless gadget and only 3-4 niche games would actually support it.What's the problem for people like you who want to enjoy the full Kinect experience to get a package deal.
Also, what ERP said.
I am subscribed to a newsfeed where updated news appear every single minute and I was used to see so many bad news and unfavourable headlines regarding the Xbox One that sometimes you felt like hiding under a rock for actually wanting one.Wow, I'm very surprised MS took this action. That's not like them. But I feel it was the best move for the platform going forward. They really took the worst beating I've seen in the court of public opinion. Personally I didn't have a problem with their choices, but a lot of folks did. I loved the Family Share plan. I'll be sorry to see it gone. My biggest problems with the platform was price & lack of backward compatibility. So I'm still going to have issues with that going forward & I'll still have to wait for a price drop before I buy it. But DRM & used gaming was never an issue for me. Hopefully this will turn things around & will help them keep from hemorrhaging any more. Can we now quit talking about that crap & talk about something else, PLEASE? LOL
Tommy McClain
Maybe this will change, maybe not... but I suppose it will.