Edge Online was ridiculed by everyone in January, but sadly they were 100% right. Once activated game disc has resell value of ZERO DOLLARS. Activation #2 requires payment OF FULL PRICE. The only value disc has is that it can give you all the game data without slow/long download from the web.
Also, console will ask for Internet connection to authenticate your games
daily. I know that pointless gifs are not welcomed here, but...
It's one option. ONE.
Activation #2 only costs money if the original owner wishes to keep playing the game on his account as well.
1. Sell the game as used and de-activate current owners access to the game. No cost.
2. Give the friend a game, but you want to keep playing the game on your machine. Friend is going to have to pay for the game to play it on their system.
3. Go to a friends out with your copy of the game so you can play on their machine. Log into your account. No cost.
Seems reasonable to me. And since Option 2 isn't even remotely similar to a person selling a used game, then no, you won't have to pay to be able to play a used copy of a game. Although personally I think they should charge a small fee (5 USD or something).
I don't know about others, but I'm damn cheap and buy only about 1/5 to 1/4 of the games I play.

The rest are borrowed to play on my own account.
XB1 is a non-starter for me.
In which case are Microsoft really losing that much if you ditch their system? If you won't ever pay for all the games you play it's unlikely that you'd also pay for apps., media, or services on the platform.
As well, while Sony may not do this. Don't be surprised if they have a similar strategy to that outlined above. After all many of these things are done in order to make the publishers happy and keep them in business so that games can continue to be made for consoles at an affordable price.
If Sony doesn't have a similar business model as above, then also don't be surprised if you see more 3rd party exclusives on Xbox, timed or otherwise.