New Stuff about PS3!

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That the PS3 won't launch worldwide in May.

I don't think anyone is expecting a "world wide" launch in may - in fact, I'd much doubt Europe at least will see a PS3 before september. However the reasoning you guys are using to argue that a May 2006 in America / Japan is not cutting it either. Titanio has brought forward some excellent points, so has Shifty. As a PlayStation gamer, I'd still buy a PS3 regardless how many "big hitters" will be there at launch. Consider me the PlayStation player since 2 generation that's looking forward to much more in given time. I'm not the average joe that buys his consoles when they fall to a reasonable price. At the very beginning of a console's launch, most buyers are made up of fans, anticipators and hardcore-gamers. These people bought a PS2 back at launch when there wasn't much to excite the "average joe" either - it certainly was more than enough for many of the Tekken and Ridge Racer fans outthere. How will this be different if PS3 launches in May in limited supply with an average launch? Knowing that big hitters like KillZone (even if the hype is more on pretty CGI and hype than anything), MGS4, the next GT5 will come is more than enough to sell me one in advance.
serenity said:
Who are you going to believe ?

Carmack, Gabe


An Anonymous developer
That's not an argument here. What if it's Carmack who accepted the interview behind anonymity? ;) The only argument is it was PSM that reported it. If it were on a mainstream media source, you wouldn't call bullshit...
Problem is, if you develop for both sides (SONY & M$), you'd want to stay as neutral as possible. So if any of this is true, I'm sure these guys don't want to ruin their relationship with either side, so the only option is to stay anonymous...

I know I wouldn't want to shoot myself in the foot by doing such a thing if I were them.

one said:
The only argument is it was PSM that reported it's a question: If it weren't PSM that reported it, but say, this website, would you guys have taken these comments differently?
Atsim said:
You do realise that right now the Xbox 1 is still capable of running some of the top PC games (Doom 3, HL2, FarCry)
That's a truth with modifications. Doom 3 is heavily modified with regards to light sources, shadows etc. If it was programmed to do the visual quality of the PC game it would run like ass and look like crap, due to it lacking DX9. I'm sure FC and HL2 are similarly recoded. After all, they have to run on a friggin celeron.

Maybe eventually a PC will be able to run it at a higher resolution, but for now the 360 is the winner. Especially since the developer said so...
The dev is naturally interested in hyping their title, of course they'll "say so".

Maybe oblivion will look better on x360, who the hell can say for sure, but it won't support user-made mods I'm sure, and that will be half the fun, seeing what other people can come up with to extend the game. In the choice between a game available on the PC and a console (any console), I'd personally pick the PC version pretty much EVERY TIME. Especially since oblivion is a first-person game, and MS won't allow keyboard/mouse input.
I'm unsure which platform will support Oblivion best. Primarily it's been in development for years on PC, written for x86 and a PC's architecture, and presumably aimed at a midrange PC spec to maximise customer base. To get a better experience on XB360 they need to rewrite for in-order multicore PPC working within the particulars of the hardware. That requires some intelligent reworking. Now given some of the lousy lack of opitimizations in Morrowind I haven't seen anything to make me think Bethseda are up for the job. Though I admit some of the Oblivion movies are at a decent framerate.

If they make reasonably good use of the XB360's hardware then I can believe it, but if they only manage a moderate use, converting their x86 engine to XB360, maybe graphically it'll have advantages but I can't see it being the best experience.
Shifty Geezer said:
I'm sure there'll be enough content to fuel early adopters gaming
That's what I hoped when I bought my PSP, but alas that wasn't the case (for me, obviously). I've sold it to finance a 360. I really do hope they manage a decent launch (or launch window) line-up for that (as well as the PS3 which I'll probably buy as well).
Alpha_Spartan said:
If the PS2 didn't launch with Madden 2001, do you think it would have done well?

I've got to just cut out and quote this line.

Let me ask you something Alpha, were you not around during the PS2 launch period?

The PS2 did not need anything to help it sell other than it's brand name and the hype generated from the original March '99 unveiling.

The momentuem this console had was frankly unbelievable.

The buying frenzy at launch in Japan, US and Europe was unprecedented.

There had been no product launch like it.

The shortages went on for well over 3 months in all territories. They were selling PS2s on eBay for $1000.

With just one trailer at E3 2000, Sony killed the Dreamcast. That was for Metal Gear Solid 2.

Sony have been very cleverly building the hype for the PS3. They started with CELL tibits in 2001. You should have seen how this forum reacted to the initial feeds they received.

At this years E3, Sony gave MS a lesson in how to launch a console.

MS must be praying that the Killzone footage was CG. The fact is the original demos for the PS2 were surpassed in the first year of the consoles life. It is an internet myth that the PS2 demos were some how never bettered by real games

Visit Gaming Age forums for a longer discussion on this issue.

Battery is going so I'll have to finish now.
Titanio said:
Ni-oh is not a launch title, they have said from the start it'll be Summer 06, to coincide with the movie IIRC. Summer 06 won't be too far after the Japanese launch, though.

Gundam is the only confirmed PS3 launch game at this stage, I think.

the original poster that i have replied to said "From the list given I would bet on these being "launch window" titles." since summer 06 is considered within "launch window" period i included in mine too.
scooby_dooby said:
I'll take that wager. $100? $1000? Bethesda has stated the x360 will be the best possible version, only the best PC's available on the market today will be able to match it, MATCH it, otherwise the x360 will look better. You can spend $500 on a GPU if you like, but I won't be.

Considering the 360 version has no toolkit? The PC version will easily be better.
Nick Laslett said:
I've got to just cut out and quote this line.

Let me ask you something Alpha, were you not around during the PS2 launch period?
I still have the "Dreamcast is Dead" March 1999 issue of EGM with Episode I on the cover where the PS2 was unveiled.
The PS2 did not need anything to help it sell other than it's brand name and the hype generated from the original March '99 unveiling.

The momentuem this console had was frankly unbelievable.
You put way too much emphasis on brand name. Nintendo used to have that at one time.
The buying frenzy at launch in Japan, US and Europe was unprecedented.
Buying frenzy? Well, I guess. The Japanese wanted a cheap DVD player and that's what they got with the PS2. In fact, The Matrix DVD sold more at the PS2 launch than any of the crappy launch games.
I surely didn't buy the PS2 for any of it's launch games. MGS2 trailer and the inevitable Final Fantasy sequel are what sold me. Plus I wanted a DVD player.

The launch games were just filler.
In all honesty seems as though, for the PS3 and 360, that there will be more refined games at launch. You can clearly see that these two companies are trying their hardest to get out good launch games so the systems will sell. development in general seems to be progressing along faster (compared to last generation). So I think lackluster launch lineups won't be as attrocious as the PS2 launch and the 360 launch.

But aside from launch games..the important next step is to see how fast a AAA titles get shot out the gate. I don't consider launch games as AAA titles (maybe in name but not in all the other aspects). With time...and a little love...the good games will be coming out...until then well be getting games that look just as good as good, if they where on the PC (I believe).
How did PS2 compare with PS1? Were there any must-have titles for the original playstation it did it have the same lack-lustre beginnings?
seismologist said:
Pitting a high end PC vs. X360 in a game designed for the PC? yep I'll take that wager.

It is and always has been a CONSOLE game first, PC game second.

The entire control scheme has been redesigned for a console.

WHere do you get your information? Seriously...

Bethesda has stated, EXPLICITLY that the x360 will run the best possible version, with all setting maxed out, and that the best a PC wil be able to do is MATCH it. This isn't a PC game, this is a console game ported to PC.

Get your facts straight!

Anyways, It my opinion that Sony can not afford a PS2 style launch, lets be real, it was weak as hell. They have a real competitor here, with real momentum, they will need software to counter that momentum. Otherwise they'll lose market share. They'll wait for NA launch until they have at least 2 or 3 killer apps to counter MS's very good line-up.
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Shifty Geezer said:
How did PS2 compare with PS1? Were there any must-have titles for the original playstation it did it have the same lack-lustre beginnings?

Wasn't FF7 basically what sent PS1 flying?

When SE left nintendo for Sony, I think that was the beginning....however..admitedly...I was a N64 guy :p
scooby_dooby said:
It is and always has been a CONSOLE game first, PC game second.

The entire control scheme has been redesigned for a console.
I see you've gotten over your disappointment regarding the "harddrive scandal", here's good ol' xbot scooby back in full force. ;)

I guess you're trying to tell us here we all have to play the next elder scroll game using a joypad, but somehow I don't quite believe you.

this is a console game ported to PC.

Get your facts straight!
Sure. And you can mod the xbox game too, right? Oh, you can't? Wow, guess the game wasn't designed for x360 first and foremost after all!

Come on now. As much as I appreciate your youthful enthusiasm, this is a bit over the top.

They'll wait for NA launch until they have at least 2 or 3 killer apps to counter MS's very good line-up.
We haven't played a single game yet, we've no idea if the line-up is very good or not, and I don't think sony has to wait even a single second to launch, this is playstation we're talking about.
Guden Oden said:
I see you've gotten over your disappointment regarding the "harddrive scandal", here's good ol' xbot scooby back in full force. ;)
I wont step into your argument but can you stop taking shots at each other? :rolleyes:
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