FInally we're getting somewhere
scooby_dooby said:FInally we're getting somewhere
Shifty Geezer said:How is that not possible? If it is possible, how do we know, or have sufficient reason to believe, that it's not what happened? As long as there's more than one reason for a comment, isn't it presumptious to take the word of a Guerilla person as the word of Sony?
Nesh said:Ahm....You are serious? Or is that a joke?
The physics is almost completely there already
Acert93 said:While some were hyping realtime deformable terrain after GDC, it seems they are only using parallax occlusion mapping for the look and simulating the effect or ruts. Compared with the complexity and quality of the CGI against what I have seen in the game there is a significant gulf in regards to physics. The footage thus far has also lacked the density/amount of mud, dust, or car parts. Don't get me wrong, Motorstorm looks good (the inside vehicle view looks like a lot of fun and well designed), but it is below the E3 2005 footage on every level including physics.
TheChefO said:He uses the fact that everything is on video as a shield for making sure nothing had any hickups or issues when in fact we know this is false as Heavenly sword was rendered ~5fps and sped up to look realtime - lie
patsu said:I'm impressed how well the PR work even after so many months.
If we take a step back and look at HS, MotorStorm and Resistance today. Would you say the trailers are indicative of the _gaming_ experiences (not solely visual fidelity) ? Are you not excited about how well HS and MotorStorm turn out so far ? And if XBox 360 is close in power to PS 3, then similar action will come to that platform too ?
*Assuming* that you like what you see today, how would you tell gamers about your vision a year ago ? And to impress upon them that all these are possible in real-time ? It's important that these trailers carry some sort of vector (i.e., have legs), common vision and weight to project a consistent PS3 vision.
You need to know that no matter what you say, there will be opposition. For instance, even today I remember there is a TeamXbox article posted here somewhere that insist that the latest MotorStorm trailer is "faked".
You also need to know that time was likely tight and people were probably overwhelmed (as always). I don't think Sony and the devs have much time at all to have a 360 degree review of the presentations and the implications of the trailers. As I recall, the KZ trailer was a rush job too.
Most importantly, you need to remember that the majority of the people are not as technical as the folks here. All the detailed discussions about level of AA, poly counts, etc. etc. ... do not matter one bit to many outside the fora. I for one, was impressed by the atmosphere of the war zone and how well they depicted it. I also like that flying thing, the flame thrower and the screams.
For that matter, if a marketing guy were to pay someone to do a target render or whatever, do you think he/she really wants them to include all the jaggies and simulate all the possible sharp edges ? Or would you prefer an eye-pleasing presentation with the rough edges smoothen out ? I don't think most people (say majority of the 100 million PS2 owners) will care how these trailers are made (5 fps speed up, or in-game engine) as long as they convey similar gaming experiences at the end of the day. So why should they target the message at us the picky minority who will always find something to say about the trailers, rather than the rest of the folks ?
To me, the trailers are just trailers. Not an evil scheme or some sort of conspiracies to fool all the gamers in the world. And in all goodness, I'm starting to realize may be they (at least some of them we have seen) do convey the PS3 vision.
MechanizedDeath said:Trying to analyze PR speak it an exercise in futility. It's intentionally ambiguous. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to dodge a question. If you try to infer meaning, then you have no one else but yourself to blame. That's the end of my brief stay in this thread. The first page was good, at least. PEACE.
mckmas8808 said:I was basically tricked myself into believing something that was never said.
scooby_dooby said:lol...ya all your fault, we wouldn't want to place blame on the company that intentionally mislead you.
scooby_dooby said:lol...ya all your fault, we wouldn't want to place blame on the company that intentionally mislead you.
mckmas8808 said:I should have known better. I didn't know much about videogame PR at the time. If he were to say that today I would have picked it up.
TheChefO said:Of course not!! Dude this isn't just some corporation were talkin bout here!
This is S. O. N. Y.
The one and only.
Think about that next time you go and try and hold them accountable!
Nesh said:Well I know that despite the E3 trailers in 2005 we ll get real PS3 games that are amazing and pleasing enough. *shrugs*
Now can we PLEEASE stop trolling and acting like small children shouting "Sony is evil, Sony fooled us, PS3 is crap"? *sheesh*
scooby_dooby said:Yes, lets continue to make up excuses for companies to lie to us, show faked gameplay, and rationalize why it's 'ok' because in 4 or 5 years they might actualy deliver on those claims..
*sarcasm on*No! I insist. Sony is EVIL! They are fooling us all to steal our money! Thats EVIL! Nothing good PS3-related is actually real!scooby_dooby said:Yes, lets continue to make up excuses for companies to lie to us, show faked gameplay, and rationalize why it's 'ok' because in 4 or 5 years they might actualy deliver on those claims.
btw: no-one said PS3 is crap, and no-one said Sony is evil, nice try though.