New Lair pics

I found a difference in geometry, lack of normal mapping, lack of teeths

I'm really not sure how you can see any of that given the size and quality of the shots. You're comparing to a 720p, decently captured shot where the dragon is front and centre.

Again, I'm quite confident that's the exact same model, it looks as it should given its placement in the shot. As soon as I saw the brightened shot, I thought "well there's the GDC dragon, anyway". It seems most agree, but we'll all hopefully see at TGS. Factor5 probably don't mind having a greater opportunity to surprise some people.
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I found a difference in geometry, lack of normal mapping, lack of teeths, this is the difference between a generational jump, in my opinion, if you look at the other ufficial screen, the models are a lot different and downgraded, from the first released, not a litle, a lot

so, don't ask me, they have choosed the screens as the ufficial screens of the game, if they put some dark images, maybe there're a reason, I think

What, you saw all that from a very blurry shot which has passed god knows how many filters and changes in brightness and contrast (thanks to our own Titanio) to a picture that was clear as July sky, downscaled accordingly?

I can't see teeth on Titanio's shot either, but at least i've got enough brains to recognise the fact that the shot is in a right state. There's a white blurry bit where the teeth should be, and in all honesty, that could be very blurry white teeth.

Why not just wait for proper shots or *GASP* real footage, before sentencing left right and center?
i recall the game is more or less based on Unrealengine3? coz if so then the 1st pic at least must be totally out of proportion compared to other UE3 based titles. im willing to bet however, is that what we bout to c at TGS would be nothing short of the last trailer we seen.
"I found a difference in geometry, lack of normal mapping, lack of teeths, this is the difference between a generational jump, in my opinion, if you look at the other ufficial screen, the models are a lot different and downgraded, from the first released, not a litle, a lot

so, don't ask me, they have choosed the screens as the ufficial screens of the game, if they put some dark images, maybe there're a reason, I think"
ever know a thing called DOF friend?
Maybe the orginal screens werent really gamplay... All these systems have limits ... I always thought the original Lair screens look "too good" but heres to hoping Factor 5 pulls out a miracle on PS3.
If you notice, in all the earlier pictures there is no view of the landscape. My guess is that they pumped so much detail into the characters and dragons, that there's nothing left for the land.
"perfectly, why this question?
are you suggesting to blame Deep of field in this pics? I don't see any DOF at all"
well as long as u know. the DOF might not be as strong in that shot but it's by no mean the sharpest pic, so DOF is somfin to consider at least.
edit: oh wow my bad, i seriously thought this was the older lair thread :p
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Now the question is, what the heck are Factor 5 Marketing doing?!

They have been so impressed with MS PR that they kidnapped their PR Director...

Guys, this is way to much talk here IMHO. These screens look very ugly. There's not much to debate about this...

Exactly. They are ugly, so lets wait until TGS to see if they are crappy shots (maybe their normal screenshot guy was out sick and they let the new guy take a stab at it) or if there have been changes to the game. Factor5 are pretty technically skilled, so benefit of the doubt and all. 14 days.
Maybe they have a dynamic rendering system that shows more detail when there are only one or two dragons in view, and less detail when they also have to render 1000 soldiers and a castle?
Maybe that when *GASP* we can see it in motion.

That didn't stop anyone from fawning over all the previous screens. So basically, you guys are saying we should only discuss PS3 screens if they look good, if not, don't discuss them until we see the final game? Give me a break.

Nobody's writing the game off, nobody's saying it will end up looking that way, nobody wants it to look bad, just relax.
That didn't stop anyone from fawning over all the previous screens. So basically, you guys are saying we should only discuss PS3 screens if they look good, if not, don't discuss them until we see the final game? Give me a break.

Nobody's writing the game off, nobody's saying it will end up looking that way, nobody wants it to look bad, just relax.

I just had a serious case of Deja Vu from the FM2 thread :LOL:

These screens (and one in particular) look bad. One of the contrast adjusted screen comparisons has a tangible link to the GDC dragon model but that's about the only positive I can take away from this.

I guess we'll see in a couple of weeks how Lair is shaping up.
So basically, you guys are saying we should only discuss PS3 screens if they look good, if not, don't discuss them until we see the final game? Give me a break.
Nobody is suggesting that either. I'm just simply saying why judge a game on old material. The TGS showing will hardly be the final game, but it will be the most up to date showing we will get. Thats like judging forza 2 in january 2007 on the shots we got the other day.

But we seem to all forget dev quote like this..
I was waiting for that to come up. In fact I'm surprised it took this long. The company and Sony anticipated this and we've been told to not answer the question. I can give you some idea of the current graphics though. Remeber the screenshot that surfaced from the GDC presentation? That was entirely real-time, in the engine, as in someone was actually playing the level(in fact I've played that level). Also in terms of the levels, Obivion has nothing on Lair in terms of size.
As for the state of Lair around the time of TGS, well I'll just say Lair will be there, definitely. Obviously I can't give confirmation to anything, but I would predict that it will be very far along by then.

The shots look like ass, I never denied that, but whats so hard about waiting for tgs? Feel free to discuss how the screens look like ass if you like, but its not going to get you anywhere If you ask me.
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I just had a serious case of Deja Vu from the FM2 thread :LOL:

These screens (and one in particular) look bad. One of the contrast adjusted screen comparisons has a tangible link to the GDC dragon model but that's about the only positive I can take away from this.

I guess we'll see in a couple of weeks how Lair is shaping up.

You mean where people talked for like 6 pages about how shitty they looked? Seems sort of a double standard here...

they are worlds apart, even when you lighten up the first

No they are not