New Lair pics

I'll say it one last time.
if the game looks like ass then, then I have no problem with you guys getting on my case. But its honestly hopeless ATM to judge the game by these shots.

Yeah, who knows if they are downgraded. That would be a leap. Obviously they are a step down, but we don't know why and if this is how it will be at launch. So we can leave it at: they look worse, but the game is playable in 2 weeks, so a more definitive summary of the game can be made then.

The other two are two small to see... but there is something seriosuly fishy with the first pic. The really nasty looking one.

Things have kind of a "placeholder" look. The textures. They don't look like Factor 5's work. Nor do the models.

The game has obviously gone through a few different looks over the last year. Perhaps these screens where not meant to be seen at all? It almost strikes me as some sort of test.
The screens were in EGM a while back.

maybe because the game will be playable there? a not just views of old screens that appeared in EGM months ago?

Actually only the first screen was in EGM. The other 2 are completely new. And are the exact same small resolution just like the other new screens for Motorstorm, Unknown Realms, etc... that were released tonight.
Show me one sentance that implies it. You're imagination seems to be getting carried away. The graphics are poor, especially compared to the previous shots, that's all anyone has said.

Well I ain't getting to this with you guys but I admit the graphics are poor but I don't believe for a second that this is what the game looks at the moment nor will it look like this in TGS. If it does, hats off to you fellows.
Actually only the first screen was in EGM. The other 2 are completely new. And are the exact same small resolution just like the other new screens for Motorstorm, Unknown Realms, etc... that were released tonight.

My mistake, but the first one, the only large image in the thread is definately old. Not really sure what motorstorm and unknown realms have to do with anything.

Whats so hard about waiting 2 weeks for tgs? It really sounds like you want this game to look like this if you arent willing to accept tgs will be a more up to date showing of the game. Which is my main point I'm trying to get across to you. I'm not saying you want the game to look bad, it just doesnt seem like you want to use any logic behind this. If the game looks like this at tgs, be free to pull this thread back up and flame me till my brain hurts.
My mistake, but the first one, the only large image in the thread is definately old. Not really sure what motorstorm and unknown realms have to do with anything.

My point is that the last two screens which have been released at the exact same res as the batch of new screens from the other games are from the most recent build.
My point is that the last two screens which have been released at the exact same res as the batch of new screens from the other games are from the most recent build.

I'm not sure, but how do you know they are the most recent build? It wouldnt be the first time a publisher released shots of an old build that looked worse. Not saying they are not new, but that just brings me to my point again. Which is...TGS.

I feel like a broken record saying it. :LOL:
My point is that the last two screens which have been released at the exact same res as the batch of new screens from the other games are from the most recent build.

I must agree with Bad Boy here. Your reasoning is pretty shakey. Those pics just look too crappy. I too would be shocked if that represents the current state of the game and there's not much reason to believe they are.
My mistake, but the first one, the only large image in the thread is definately old. Not really sure what motorstorm and unknown realms have to do with anything.

They aren't THAT old. Maybe two months? At that time they were from EGM, so nobody was allowed to post them, but they were discussed back then as a downgrade.

So yes, at least the first one=two month old EGM pic first time being seen on the net.
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Why do ALL of those screens have a disinct LACK of any real pixel shader effects? PSP version?

Especially this screen :

Were's the shaders?

That's what I'm saying. Something looks way off here. Like it's from a test build of the game. Something they could hone the balance and controls on. Or perhaps testing how it would look on the PSP? The lack of shader work is a red flag.
They aren't THAT old. Maybe two months? At that time they were from EGM, so nobody was allowed to post them, but they were discussed back then as a downgrade.

So yes, at least the first one=two month old EGM pic first time being seen on the net.

And who knows how old the EGM screens were? Hell we are still getting old screens of resistance in the october issue of EGM. :LOL:
Is there PSP version in the works? Would explain the screenshots! :LOL:

That was low.

I really hope Lair gets an uber upgrade, because its one of the few new franchises I was interested in (I dig dragons)..and I think/thought Factor 5 could bring that kind of vision (stuff shown at gdc/e3) to life.
That was low.

I really hope Lair gets an uber upgrade, because its one of the few new franchises I was interested in (I dig dragons)..and I think/thought Factor 5 could bring that kind of vision (stuff shown at gdc/e3) to life.

Why was it low?

I am a huge PS3 fan and I'm looking forward to all the games PS3 has to offer, however if this is all factor 5 (I DOUBT IT) has to offer, I have to pass on this unless the gameplay is extremely fun. That being said, I was only commenting on his comment about PSP, because clearly, this doesn't shout PLAYSTATION 3 to me...Looks more like PS2.

I still believe this is no where the level of graphics we will see in the TGS product...atleast I hope...
The top pic doesn't fit in with the other pics. There's no HDR bloom even looking straight into the sun, the lighting's non-existent, and it just looks like a different platform to the other two pics IMO. Maybe the PSP notion is true! :???:

The bottom pics are too small to check detail, but at least the artistry and geometry matches what we've seen so far in promo pics. Given too the point raised that they were at Siggraph, I don't think the top pic is at all indicative of the game. If it is, Factor5 have lost all credibitility!
more of the same terrible looking pics on this jap site
the fact they still have the GDC Lair image "posterchild" shot from GDC (march 06) right next to these shots really gives us no idea how old the build in these shots could be. And as you all know, and as I have said (many) times before, I'm waiting for tgs. ;) :LOL: