New Lair pics


There was some serious downgrade on this game.



Tha last one looks nice. Is this still a launch title? Hopefully the finished product will show the Factor5 magic and it will exceed even their best footage they have shown thus far (the above falling decidedly short of such). Factor5 are some of the most tech savvy devs in the game, so I look forward to this title to give us a glimpse of what to expect over the next 5-6 years.
Cool, so Factor 5 is going back to Nintendo with the Wii?

Horrible, horrible graphics.
This could be a Wii title.
Factor 5 has failed us. :(

what happened to those initial screens and videos??? The detail was almost popping off the screen!

Found the gifs of what it looked like before:



I have a feeling these are old shots. I remember seeing a scan with that exact scene with the tail bent like that on the first image. This was a while ago.
My point is the time that these shots were taken has no relevance on how much this game has been downgraded from the initial supposed real-time screens.
Alright, all bets are off on Lair. The game has been through 3 different looks. And with that first shot above, you can add a fourth.

A fourth called HORSESHIT!!!!
My point is the time that these shots were taken has no relevance on how much this game has been downgraded from the initial supposed real-time screens.
eh? does that make any sense?
the time has plenty relevance. the GDC shot looks improved over the orginal 'real time' trailer imo I'd say. Looks much more realistic than just say shiny dragons. Lets just wait till TGS shall we?
eh? does that make any sense?
the time has plenty relevance. the GDC shot looks improved over the orginal 'real time' trailer imo I'd say. Looks much more realistic than just say shiny dragons. Lets just wait till TGS shall we?

These are the most recent screens we've seen, your 'feeling' is the only thing suggesting they are old.

Why would anyone wait until TGS to comment on these specific screens?
eh? does that make any sense?
the time has plenty relevance. the GDC shot looks improved over the orginal 'real time' trailer imo I'd say. Looks much more realistic than just say shiny dragons. Lets just wait till TGS shall we?

Is this really that hard to grasp? The intial real-time screens have been downgraded. Regardless of when these were taken (which was only a few months ago actually ;) ) they were still taken after the intial screens. The game has been majorly downgraded and most everyone can see it.
Is this really that hard to grasp? The intial real-time screens have been downgraded. Regardless of when these were taken (which was only a few months ago actually ;) ) they were still taken after the intial screens. The game has been majorly downgraded and most everyone can see it.

Yeap, the game must suck now.
These are the most recent screens we've seen, your 'feeling' is the only thing suggesting they are old.
The screens were in EGM a while back.

Why would anyone wait until TGS to comment on these specific screens?
maybe because the game will be playable there? a not just views of old screens that appeared in EGM months ago?

Is this really that hard to grasp? The intial real-time screens have been downgraded. Regardless of when these were taken (which was only a few months ago actually ;) ) they were still taken after the intial screens. The game has been majorly downgraded and most everyone can see it.
Is it so hard to grasp that people prefer the GDC screen to this stuff (maybe you dont, but thats fine, thats your opinion), which is more current than the real time demo?

I'll say it one last time.
if the game looks like ass then, then I have no problem with you guys getting on my case. But its honestly hopeless ATM to judge the game by these shots.
give it a rest, nobody said anything remotely close to that.

Well you guys were remotely implying it, so why don't we wait til TGS and give our impressions after it? Somehow I don't believe these are showing us what the game looks like at the moment because that looks like something PS2 could do, maybe not PS2 but atleast xbox.
Well you guys were remotely implying it, so why don't we wait til TGS and give our impressions after it? Somehow I don't believe these are showing us what the game looks like at the moment because that looks like something PS2 could do, maybe not PS2 but atleast xbox.

Show me one sentance that implies it. You're imagination seems to be getting carried away. The graphics are poor, especially compared to the previous shots, that's all anyone has said.