New Lair pics

Mmm... That first screen doesn't fit with the rest of the screens ever released for next gen consoles since last year.

I know some of you are having a party now, but seriously, that screen doesn't look right at all. There is no per-pixel lighting, there is no HDR and none of those effects that made Lair look awesome.

I don't see why Factor 5 would all of a sudden take off normal mapping and speculars for no reason, it's not like they have a performance hit on current hardware.

There must be an explanation to that screen. Personally i wanna see the real thing, or real videos, cause that looks like PS2 material. Hell, even some Xbox games look better than that!
Mmm... That first screen doesn't fit with the rest of the screens ever released for next gen consoles since last year.

I know some of you are having a party now, but seriously, that screen doesn't look right at all. There is no per-pixel lighting, there is no HDR and none of those effects that made Lair look awesome.

I don't see why Factor 5 would all of a sudden take off normal mapping and speculars for no reason, it's not like they have a performance hit on current hardware.

There must be an explanation to that screen. Personally i'm only taking this as a very stupid attempt to make PS3 look bad, until i see the real thing, or until i see real videos.

It's an officially released screenshot. The rest of the screens on the site look similar.
The rest of the screens on the site look similar.

The rest look perfectly in line with the GDC shot, in terms of the dragon modelling. I would say the first shot is a little out of synch with the others too, but it may just be an unflattering shot.
Looks like the first screen looks worse because the dragons are at a lower LOD level and in an unflattering position ;)
Leave me alone!! I'm tired i only slept 5 hours last night! :LOL:

Anyway, if Factor 5 released this shot, there is either something SERIOUSLY wrong with them and the game, or their marketing team needs to be replaced pronto.

Really, anyone expecting a game running on G7x hardware to look like that is either ignorant or just a fangirl.

Really, you can say anything about Sony, PS3 and everything else, but any Nvidia GPU has been outputting graphics that are 10 times better than that for years. If the game really looks like that, then Factor 5 are to be laughed at.

That shot has PS2 written all over it.
After looking at the Lair site I think the original picture in this thread was blown up and makes it look worse than it really is. If you look at the same picture on the site it doesn't look as bad and is in-line with the other 3 pictures they have with it.
After looking at the Lair site I think the original picture in this thread was blown up and makes it look worse than it really is. If you look at the same picture on the site it doesn't look as bad and is in-line with the other 3 pictures they have with it.

Hmm nah I think the 2 shots on the left are of a lower (almost past-gen) quality than the 2 on the right.

Somethings fishy for sure..we'll see at TGS.
I can't belive this is from a current just can't. They have been showing us awesome screenshots, and then out of nowhere these? Someone in marketing must have messed up and released a screen without any of the eye candies enabled...I think we should wait to see a playable demo before passing judgement.
I have big difficulties believing that the game will be looking like this, some screw up must have happened, although some of them are not too bad...
The brightness on that shot, in particular, was very messed up for me, so maybe it's hard for others to see the detail too. But correcting the brightness, it's clearly much better than the other one - the model detail is right in line with the GDC shot:


(Shamelessly stolen from gaf)

Now the fire could be better for sure, but that's something I'll wait to see in motion.

edit - here's a slightly better, corrected version of one of the other shots also:

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Its always the same with still pictures, they never really represent what you see on screen and as always we are all probably gulity of reading to much into them. Saying that this constant comparrison to what were obviously CG trailers and the resulting dissapointment many gamers have expressed is the publishers/developers own making.
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