New Killzone screen grabs






The video these were capped from should be ready to download, around 30 minutes from now. ;)
I am not really exited about Kill Zone... Really don't know why that game would deserve all the hype. It does have potential though, but there's still a long way to go from alpha to gold.
10.000, huh? Hmm. Okay, well they better not be lying about it or there'll be hell to pay on the internet! :)

The video is very dark, the contrast is bad, it's blurry and blocky and it just doesn't look very good. Also, the guy playing the game is a moron. Hint: try killing the guy you're shooting at before moving on to the next target - you'll live longer that way... ;)
wow - *very impressed* :oops:

What impresses me more so than anything else in what we've seen so far of the game is most definately the movement and the attention to detail. The smoke effects are stunning, as is the animation of reloading or the part in which he shoots a grenade up to the second floor and you see the glass breaking very realistically as it explodes. The draw distance is superb outside with smoke and fire every where in the distance. Detail seems to be suprisingly high too (the green plants). The only thing I'm not too sure about is the framerate. If this they can get it running at constant 60 fps (as smooth as TimeSplitters2), I'll be very impressed. It's very hard to judge from the video, but I suspect it to be running at 30 fps, though it's really hard to tell if it's because of the capture. A video filmed of a tv running the game would be more indicative.
The lighting doesn't seem to be too great, nothing seems to cast a shadow, and the effect used in this screen looks horrible.


In the interview on the dvd, Guerrilla say the guns alone are made up of 10,000 polygons each

You'd think with 10,000 polygons they could have made the scope round.
Phil said:
wow - *very impressed* :oops:

What impresses me more so than anything else in what we've seen so far of the game is most definately the movement and the attention to detail. The smoke effects are stunning, as is the animation of reloading or the part in which he shoots a grenade up to the second floor and you see the glass breaking very realistically as it explodes. The draw distance is superb outside with smoke and fire every where in the distance. Detail seems to be suprisingly high too (the green plants). The only thing I'm not too sure about is the framerate. If this they can get it running at constant 60 fps (as smooth as TimeSplitters2), I'll be very impressed. It's very hard to judge from the video, but I suspect it to be running at 30 fps, though it's really hard to tell if it's because of the capture. A video filmed of a tv running the game would be more indicative.

There's some of the game film on a big screen tv in this video interview with Guerrilla, it looks smoother IMO, 60fps?
Did porkchops get banned, if not what happened to him. I suspect he and whippersnapper are the same people.
whipper snapper said:
In the interview on the dvd, Guerrilla say the guns alone are made up of 10,000 polygons each 8)

I think I heard "10 hundreds polygons" which sum up to 1.000 not 10.000.

Edit: Oops, my bad. He says "10 thousand". :p
And the big stationary guns use 15,000 and the hands are made up of thousands of polygons to. 8) I would like to know how many the game is pushing as a whole, 13 million, 15 million??? I've heard the later levels are spectacular, because has you progress through the game, the environments get more complicated and lavish in there design. Because you’re going after the big fishes, you start off fighting the cannon fodder who are at the bottom of the Helghast rank, and who sleep in those red containers you see in the slum level. :p In the rundown areas of the planet, right the way up to the top of the Helghast fighting machine where you'll fight the special forces, who have bags of fire power in graphically spectacular urban environments. 8)
whipper snapper:
I would like to know how many the game is pushing as a whole, 13 million, 15 million???
PS2 hasn't realistically sustained that much. A geometrically strong game might sustain 7+ million, though.

The reason you'll see such disproportionately high numbers for the guns and hands in a first-person shooter is obviously because those are details that always occupy the screen (and get seen from upclose), so the overall impression of the game's graphics will benefit a lot from making them complex.
Before this thread derails to the usual PS2 & polygons bickering, the developer stated that the guns are made up of about 3500 polygons - he goes on to explain in the interview that because of the multi-layering they're using (up to 3), it hads up to about 10'000.

Anyway, the guns could have half the amount of polygons for all I care and it wouldn't be one bit less impressive. Thanks a lot for the second clip, the framerate seems to be very smooth and from the look of things seems to be 60 fps (during the interview, the developer has the joypad in his hands and you can see the screen in the background and how smooth everything runs).
Sampling of the full PS2 library without bias to scene selection in a game - therefore a measurement of the performance typical to PS2 - puts the highest performers near 7.5M and most titles in the range of 2-5M polygons/sec. Naturally, a title can peak higher at times under certain game conditions as is evident from the developer claims.
Lazy8s said:
Sampling of the full PS2 library without bias to scene selection in a game - therefore a measure of typical performance - puts the highest performers near 7.5M and most titles in the range of 2-5M polygons/sec. Naturally, a title can peak higher at times under certain game conditions as is evident from the developer claims.

Can we "sample" the PC market with the same BS mechanic and come to the realization that we can run all our games with a Pentium2 and TNT? "Naturally", of course, "a title can peak higher at times under certain game conditions" but there are enough solitaires and non DX9 (or even DX8) games out there today to fix that.
From what I recall, Guerilla has stated that Killzone is "stable 30fps"--or at least that's what's being aimed at.
Guerrilla haven't talked about the framerate. And OPM have reached an agreement with Sony for an exclusive demo for their August or September issue. :D The European incarnation. :p