We already have a national ID system in place, whether people want to believe it or not.
SS, Driver's License, Passport, Birth Certificate, Credit History, et al. It's quite easy to cull that information together and get a complete history of someone. A national ID card would basically do what we've currently got.
Any issue I'd have would have to be based on how it's used. For instance, if you needed one to move around in this nation, then I would have a big problem. You know, the whole "Your papers please" faschist nightmare scenario.
On the other hand, it could end up being a logistical nightmare. If you lose your passport, that doesn't automatically give up your SS or your Driver's License, and vice versa. If it's all combined into one card, if you lose it or its stolen, it could be a tremendous headache.
It's a good idea in theory, but in practice it probably would not be the best thing, if they combine it into one super ID.
Just as a quick aside. The only thing I don't like about the gun lobby is the fact that whenever people try to enact sensible gun control laws, they are shot down as trying to violate the constitution and take away people's guns.
I for one don't see a problem with requiring people to go through a 3 day waiting period/background check at gun shows. You are required to go through that when purchasing guns at a store, so why not at a gun show? What's so wrong with having mandatory "child proof" locks on guns? Things like that seem to be purely common sense safety additions, but they're always shot down as violations of the 2nd amendment. I think that's kind of silly.
SS, Driver's License, Passport, Birth Certificate, Credit History, et al. It's quite easy to cull that information together and get a complete history of someone. A national ID card would basically do what we've currently got.
Any issue I'd have would have to be based on how it's used. For instance, if you needed one to move around in this nation, then I would have a big problem. You know, the whole "Your papers please" faschist nightmare scenario.
On the other hand, it could end up being a logistical nightmare. If you lose your passport, that doesn't automatically give up your SS or your Driver's License, and vice versa. If it's all combined into one card, if you lose it or its stolen, it could be a tremendous headache.
It's a good idea in theory, but in practice it probably would not be the best thing, if they combine it into one super ID.
RussSchultz said:Same reason we in America tend to like the right to own guns--the government isn't always your benevolent nanny.
Just as a quick aside. The only thing I don't like about the gun lobby is the fact that whenever people try to enact sensible gun control laws, they are shot down as trying to violate the constitution and take away people's guns.
I for one don't see a problem with requiring people to go through a 3 day waiting period/background check at gun shows. You are required to go through that when purchasing guns at a store, so why not at a gun show? What's so wrong with having mandatory "child proof" locks on guns? Things like that seem to be purely common sense safety additions, but they're always shot down as violations of the 2nd amendment. I think that's kind of silly.