My R9700 experince and Aniso still "flawd"?



order one from ENPC for $338.00 US on Monday. It came in yesterday and I ran it though some of its paces. My system:

Abit NV133 (nforce mobo)
Sparkle 350 Watt PS
1 Gb of 266 CAS2 DDR
Amd 2100+ XP
Matrox ATA133 40 gb HDD
R9700 (driver rev: OEM but Built for ATI
Win2k w/SP3

Using stock speeds and latest public drivers that I can find for everything. The System had a GF4 in it before. So reformatted/reinstalled every thing fresh. At no time did I have any issues.

First up was 3dmarks only because I wanted to see where the default of my system is at and not to really compare scores:

3DMark Score 11080 3D marks
Game 1 Car Chase - Low Detail 143.4 FPS
Game 1 Car Chase - High Detail 45.7 FPS
Game 2 Dragothic - Low Detail 225.7 FPS
Game 2 Dragothic - High Detail 116.8 FPS
Game 3 Lobby - Low Detail 117.4 FPS
Game 3 Lobby - High Detail 50.7 FPS
Game 4 Nature 97.5 FPS F
ill Rate (Single-Texturing) 1766.6 MTexels/s
Fill Rate (Multi-Texturing) 2531.7 MTexels/s
High Polygon Count (1 light) 56.1 MTriangels/s
High Polygon Count (8 lights) 14.8 MTriangels/s
Environment Bump Mapping 189.8 FPS
DOT3 Bump Mapping 192.2 FPS
Vertex Shader 159.1 FPS
Pixel Shader 186.9 FPS
Advanced Pixel Shader 189.2 FPS
Point Sprite 37.0 MSprites/s

Comparing these to other scores in the MO database puts me about the middle. I notice that my scored for Game1/3 in the high detail test were lower than some other people. Not sure if thats a system setting but a couple other people were about 10 fps faster (they also had a faster FSB so that may be the reason). The rest of the test were spot on with others so I am happy that my card is "ok". I ran it a few times and the scores did not change much. No artifacts :)

Then I tried Q3, RtCW, JK2 and SOF2 (yea I know all q3 based games). Each one I ran at 1600x1200x32 with every slider maxed. FPS in the demo was 150ish. RtCW framrate counter hovered around 90. Same with SOF2. I could not get the console in JK2 so I have no idea what my FPS were but I would guess 80-90s was about right. No artifacts. When back and tried x16 AF Quality and lost a few FPS in Q3 but the other counters stayed the same. Did not have a change to really try AA :( Ran it on Q3 x4 at same settings. FPS in time demo was 103. Had an issue with a SS (see below). RtCW fps counter dropped but it did not look like AA was being applied. Again see below.

Tried SS:SE. 1600x1200x32 and used the default settings of quality. Ran the Citadel demo 79 FPS. Then installed AVP2. Ran it at 16x12 all sliders maxed. Ran sweet. No issues expect it does not make me run away faster from those aliens :) I then had mixed success with UT. I had to run it in D3D (see below) but 16x12x32 all sliders max w/ x16AF and x4 FSAA FPS stayed around the 120 mark with a few dips in the high 80s (lots of gibs).

However it does take a long time to install these games, install the patches and configure the settings. I ran out of time. I did not have a chance to try: HL/CS, Red Faction, Command and Conquer: Renegade, MOHAA, Max Payne, UT2k3 or America's Army.

Running each of my games at max settings and have playable frame rates is something I have never experienced. Wow. I did not have a chance to hook it up to my nice 21" ViewSonic but its 2d was very nice on my older 19" model.

Now onto the issues:

1) High Res Textures did not work in OpenGL in UT (I did not try them in D3D). FPS was in the 10s. I tried to use several tricks that we have heard about on Rage3d that got it to work for the 8500. None worked :(

2) In Q3 only with x4 FSAA, x16 AF, 16x12x32 sceen shots are corrupted when x4 FSAA is turned on:

x4 FSAA:

3) For my RtCW x4 FSAA shot did not look like it was enabled. I have to double check.
x4 FSAA on?
(yes I know they are not in the same position I will correct that. It was late)

4) AF is still flawed on my system I think. All of these were done with the D3D and OpenGL set to x16 quality in drivers. Again please don't go and use this in fan boy type post unit we know for sure. I asked several people to do this prior to me getting an R9700. No on did or I missed them saying they did in which my fault. But I still see the same issue when objects are rotated on axis. Again maybe in my work I screwed up a setting or config file. But here are the screen shots:

no rotation:

I think the aniso was set to x4 or x8. You can see the similar blurring that was on the 8500.

Same thing in D3D:

You can see the blurring at the end of the road. Here I now I selected x16.

Now I know I have read that sometimes you need to reboot in order for the driver control panel setting to take. I thought I did but can not be for sure. Also can someone else please look at the SS:SE with their 9700? I very well could have made a mistake although I did try it this morning and saw the same thing. SS:SE has got a bunch of setup options and I could have botched one. I have seen it said that this issue was fixed so at this point could it be my settings?

I did not mean to brag or bost. Just thought it was currios why I am seeing the old AF issue.
Whoops for got to say so far I am very impressed with this card. The issuse I have are very minor and one of them could be my fault.
I would also like more investigation into the 9700 "rotated aniso" thing. Like you, I am surprised no one has really looked into it, considering this was the "#1 flaw" of the Radeon 8500 aniso. You would think people (oncluding B3d staff) would really look into it in depth. (I think there was one review that did a rotation, and that's it.)

Based on your screens, (and assuming they are correct), I'd say the 9700 aniso is definitely improved over the 8500, but the artifact is not completely elimintated. (The blurring is much more pronounced in the 8500's rotaion.)
Alot of those issues are being worked by the ATI guys on Rage3D JB...the screen shot issue seems to be occuring on all modern cards in Q3...for FSAA issues it looks like a mode change will fix switching the desktop resolution or bit depth after selecting your FSAA mode.
ATI guys said next driver will fix that, I would post your other issues here.
As for Anisotropic that contradicts what all the reviews have reported, thats a strange one.
Why wouldn't this same issue be seen on the skewed walls on the non-rotated shot?

Aren't those triangles at an odd angle, or is there something I'm missing?

yes I was gonna to head over there next. I post the oringal ansio thing here on the 8500 so I thought I sould do it here with the 9700 just to see if I can get someone else to carify it. I did not mean to turn this into a driver bug posting thing. I will do that. Again all minor issue IMHO.
jb said:
Well I did send my save game file to dave so he could tried. I did not want to bug him about it. He is a busy guy.

Just for reference here is the 8500 shot again:

Again not a biggie.

IS there a performance mode and quality ansiotropic mode JB by you ?? If there is which one is being used here ? Is Trilinear enabled ??

Quality Mode


Performance Mode


yes qaulity was checked on the driver tabs for both D3D and OpenGL. And for SS:SE did turn triliner on.
We'll just have to wait and see what Wavy Dave has in his follow up review...maybe one of the ATI guys can comment.

Edit: Did you try doing a mode change before running the test again JB, change your desktop bit depth or resolution ?? Posibly the settings are not being picked up by the Serious Sam.
I also know the Serious Sam has various in game settings for anisotropic in the advanced panel,possibly try playing with that.

good things to try and I will when I get home. I did play a bunch in the advanced render options to see if I could fix it or make it worse. Nothing really worked. I am thinking of bashing those SS:SE config files and starting over. Still that D3D program showed almost the same thing which is a puzzle...
Doomtrooper, your images aren't loading. I think they are the same ones I posted before.

jb, this is taken from a review I read a while ago.

I thought the issue had been "fixed". I am hoping its an error on your machine, not a fault with the 9700 in general.

Dave, did you have this problem also?
hmm for some reason the web page wont load for me at work, but I thought the digit-life review looked into this and showed it was fixed in quality mode, using that funkey number tunnel (is it part of 3markPro?)
jb said:
1) High Res Textures did not work in OpenGL in UT (I did not try them in D3D). FPS was in the 10s. I tried to use several tricks that we have heard about on Rage3d that got it to work for the 8500. None worked :(

It struck me that I haven't played UT seriously since that problem started to occure for people, so I haven't looked into it before now. Somehow now that you mentioned it I got a feeling that it must be something with the renderer. After doing some investigations it turns out from looking at the UnrealTournament.log file that the GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc isn't recogniced for whatever reason, even though it clearly shows up in the extension string. As I had an old copy of the OpenGL renderer source code laying around I picked it up and played around with it. The code style used isn't really my kind of style, so I didn't bother trying to find the actual cause of the problem for longer than 5min ... instead I took the simple path of simply explicitely insert a row SupportTC = 1; after the test ... and now it works :) Will probably crash on systems that doesn't support TC though, but who cares ...
As my server is currently down due to some hardware rearrangements I've put up the fix on my old website ... over here

Edit: Fixed URL
Fuz, I think jb is talking about bilin + aniso "flaw" - I don't think that progiie reveals any such "flaw".

It is surprising though that Wavey didn't investigate this a little bit more than he did in his 9700 review... perhaps there is a reason (no time, not a priority to him, forgot (!), etc. etc. )
jb said:
Well I did send my save game file to dave so he could tried. I did not want to bug him about it. He is a busy guy.

Sorry, jb, I've not looked at this as yet. I do plan to, but I had to go back to the Radeon 9000 PRO review that I started work on prior to the 9700 and I've also got a Gainward review to do. If nothing else crops up after that I'll seriously start looking at R9700 again.
Reverend said:
Fuz, I think jb is talking about bilin + aniso "flaw" - I don't think that progiie reveals any such "flaw".

He's talking about the issue where the filtering doesn't work correctly when the poly is rotated around the Z axis, which is what that image is showing. Look at the surface which reaches to the bottom right hand corner - on the 8500 shot you can clearly see that filltering gets much blurrier early, however it does not on 9700.
DaveBaumann said:
Reverend said:
Fuz, I think jb is talking about bilin + aniso "flaw" - I don't think that progiie reveals any such "flaw".

He's talking about the issue where the filtering doesn't work correctly when the poly is rotated around the Z axis, which is what that image is showing. Look at the surface which reaches to the bottom right hand corner - on the 8500 shot you can clearly see that filltering gets much blurrier early, however it does not on 9700.
Yup. Basically, bilin + aniso while Z-rotated, I think.

thanks for your input. Hope you you get it to work ok.


ty will try it as soon as I can.