My Online Dating Match... The HORROR!

So I've been trying this OKCupid site, just for kicks. Then I notice it has a quickmatch thing, something like the "I'm feeling lucky" on Google. So I try it, and I'm not quite sure what happened next...

Maybe it was my soul's death screams, my eyes bursting into flame, or the worms erupting from my flesh, but all I seem to remember is reading "Me working my charm" and then this eye... this very evil eye.

Now, I'm not sure which demon of hell this is that raped my mind so thoroughly. I speculate that it's the twisted offspring of an incubus and Atropos. I think it may have been depicted in one of Goya's black paintings as well. The only real clue I have is the username, "EvilJew". A reincarnation of Judas perhaps? I hope never to find out.

PS: I pity the poor girl. More importantly, what does this say about me? :oops: I like to think I just hang around too many hot girls.
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I dont know, I think she might be a fun date. She might not be attractive, but she seems to have personality up the wazzooo. :) I say give it a try.
Well, not only is the distance a problem, but as I'm sure you can tell, I'm far too superficial. My face deserves better. :LOL:
Well, not only is the distance a problem, but as I'm sure you can tell, I'm far too superficial. My face deserves better. :LOL:
Ahh, well if distance is a problem..... Not much you can do.

As for being superficial, I think most of us have been there. :p
