gokickrocks said:
i dont know about you, but when i play snookers, sometimes there's an obstacle that is in front of the ball i want to hit so i dont always directly point the stick in the same direction as the ball
You can't hit the ball if you aren't pointing your stick at it, unless you are using some golf swing technique.
if someone speaks, why does it require you to turn your head?
Because it's instinctive. Virtually everyone in the world does it. Only the most anti-social of people don't respond when their name is called by turning to see who wants them.
if you are the kind of person that does that then wouldnt it have the same effect if you were using a regular controller?
Sure it does, but a normal gamepad doesn't give you game input just because you turned to look at something, does it? The Revolution controller does.
you would lose focus of the game with either controller...same point for the cough and sneeze, but with the revolution controller, you can cover your mouth with your free hand
Sure you lose your focus, but with the Revolution controller, moving the controller itself is a movement input to the game. I may sneeze so hard that I tosss the gamepad up in the air, but as long as I'm not pressing a stick or button, nothing happens in the game.
If you get an itch in your crotch and try to scratch it while holding the Revolution controller, every little wiggle of your hand is intepreted as a controller input in the game, causing you to walk, jump, look around, swing, etc... all unintentionally.
grabbing a drink while playing is worse off on the regular controller as it requires 2 hands, whereas the revolution's controller requires 1...or you can just PAUSE the damn game
I frequetly stop after a big battle, hold the controller with one hand, and take a quick sip off a Coke with the other. But that's not a problem since in the game, I'm just sitting there.
With the Revolution controller, you'll have to pause, unless you want to go walking off the edge of a cliff, or jump out from behind your cover on accident because you leaned over which made the controller move to the side which the game thinks is an intentional movement
now for the last point...the body has plenty of joints which will compensate...take a normal computer keyboard for example, your wrist compensates for the alignment of your arms
Which is what causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and why "Natural" keyboards are bent so that your wrists remain straight while typing, right?