Multiplatform Assassin's Creed--si or no?

That's just one of half a dozen signs pointing to it being on 360. Hell, an OPM editor just stated point blank "AC will ship on both consoles at the same time"

The funny part is when this is finally confirmed as a 360 title, everyone will go: "Who ever said it wasn't coming to 360?"

So true :LOL:
Okay so do you and scooby also believe that Prey and Bioshock are coming to PS3?

Why not? Until they say it's exclusive I would give Bioshock a solid chance, and Prey, well depends how it sells really, but if there's money to be made, sure.

Though, we haven't heard one iota about these games being on the way for PS3, while AC is all but confirmed.
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You really say that comment has any credit.

I'm not saying some other comments don't (like those "no comment", and "currently no plans" and ""currently it is only announced.." comments) have credit or not, just that particular comment above... from where all this started.

I wouldn't put much weight to a magazine editor's comment either, they've known to be wrong on several occasions... for a reason or another.
Ever occured that his (hers?) editorial in the mag stating that fact... no rumour could be a result of false information that he (she?) believes to be true, as many here do too. Magazine editors aren't all knowing, never failing gods you know.

There are signs, yes, but they are mostly imaginary signs pointing to a general direction.

Personally though, I believe it'll come for xbox360 too someday, some form.

Yes totally imaginary signs, like a leaked release list stating it explicitly. Or Peter Moore stating it was coming. Or Ubisoft refusing to call it exclusive. Industry insiders everywhere (ign, gameinformer, opm etc) hinting at it, or confirming it out right. Yes, these are all in our heads...
Yes totally imaginary signs, like a leaked release list stating it explicitly. Or Peter Moore stating it was coming. Or Ubisoft refusing to call it exclusive. Industry insiders everywhere (ign, gameinformer, opm etc) hinting at it, or confirming it out right. Yes, these are all in our heads...
The leaked release said:
March 2007: Assassin (PS3, Xbox 360, Rev, PSP)
So, this explicitly also states the Assassins Creed game that's been shown will be coming to PSP too? And "Revolution".

Yes, Peter moore said at X05 that a PS3 game "Project Assassin" would also be coming to the xbox360. But it wouldn't be the first time a game annouinced at one point is dropped later, for various reasons, or materialises later in some other form or even other platform.

Ubisoft refused to call it exclusive, saying
At the moment, other formats of Assassin's Creed are unconfirmed
Of course they say so.
Assassins Creed is going to be a franchise, like Prince of Persia. There will be Assassins Creed games for even mobile phones if the franchise turns out to be successfull enough. All of them obiously won't be the same as the game currently announced "Assassins Creed" for PS3.

The industry insiders... I wouldn't exactly call writers of IGN, OPM, Gameinformer etc.. "industry insiders". They're journalists of various professionalism, their sources can ofthen be as shady as those in these forums. In fact, I think these very forums are too often the "insider source" ;)
That's an odd take rabidrabbit. Obviously the same game isn't coming to PSP because that's not comparable hardware, but XB360 is. If Ubi are creating a different game for XB360 to release in March, are't they just wasting their time? Wouldn't it be far cheaper to produce the same game they're writing for PS3, copying over all those assets, level designs, audio files, storyline etc.? Why create two different games from the same new and unproven franchise to release at a similar time on different consoles? Why would a 3rd party publisher act that way?

The suggestion it was shown running on XB360 at E3 has been debunked, but the other pointers are just as valid as they were before. Things may have changed from those release schedules (we've seen that list doesn't match 100% everything) and announced games do get dropped, and for the time being all we are certain of is AC is coming for PS3, but the reasons to think it'll see an XB360 port are as numerous, ranging from 'arbitary speculation' to 'suggestive comments and behaviour'. There's nothing confirmed to the idea that it won't ever reach the XB360 and neither side of the argument can be proven from the evidence to hand.
Well, my guess is that the game "Assassins Creed" will be PS3 only, and released sometime next spring.
The next game in the franchise "Assassins Oath" or whatever it'll be called, will be PS3 and xbox360, and released about year later... or not.
Well, my guess is that the game "Assassins Creed" will be PS3 only, and released sometime next spring.
The next game in the franchise "Assassins Oath" or whatever it'll be called, will be PS3 and xbox360, and released about year later... or not.

:LOL: okay guy. If that was the case "Assassins Creed" could be called an exclusive (which Ubisoft has refused to do so).
And you know... how? A number of sources saw AC being demoed with a 360 controller connected to a covered device. Now maybe that device was a PC and not Xbox 360, but it is hard to believe that a number of sources (one pulled--but NOT retracted) are all lying.

What sources might those be? IIRC, GameSpot had an Ubisoft rep. correct this. Went something along the lines of:

"a standard USB controller was being used to demo AC" or something like that, not an X360 controller.
What sources might those be? IIRC, GameSpot had an Ubisoft rep. correct this. Went something along the lines of:

"a standard USB controller was being used to demo AC" or something like that, not an X360 controller.

...exactly. And this was the most abused rumout of all those "AC coming to 360" rumors and the starting poiint for all the rest.

Hardknock said:
okay guy. If that was the case "Assassins Creed" could be called an exclusive (which Ubisoft has refused to do so).

..and if it wasn't they could easily say it is not exclusive which they refuse to do again and again. But we are running in circles, let's leave it at "currently this game is in development for PS3, no other platforms have been confirmed" ;)
Here's what my journalist friend has said: they've seen the game running on a PC, with a PS2 controller attached to it. They've also asked the developer and he reinforced that it was really running on a PC. I trust him 100%.

This suggests that there will be a PC version too, as it wouldn't make sense to maintain an executive on a non-supported platform when they could already be developing on PS3 devkits. And if there's a PC version, they can just as well release it on the X360 - although this is only speculation.
Here's what my journalist friend has said: they've seen the game running on a PC, with a PS2 controller attached to it. They've also asked the developer and he reinforced that it was really running on a PC. I trust him 100%.

This suggests that there will be a PC version too, as it wouldn't make sense to maintain an executive on a non-supported platform when they could already be developing on PS3 devkits. And if there's a PC version, they can just as well release it on the X360 - although this is only speculation.
I told you so!:idea:
Well, my guess is that the game "Assassins Creed" will be PS3 only, and released sometime next spring.
The next game in the franchise "Assassins Oath" or whatever it'll be called, will be PS3 and xbox360, and released about year later... or not.

To put it bluntly, you're logic is totally screwed. If Assassin's Creed was a PS3 exclusive, it would have stated as much in the Ubisoft press release. Bottom line.

Sony would have to pay them a serious amount of cash to completely ignore the 10-15million 360 userbase in Q2 2007 (ms's numbers). At best, you're looking at a timed exclusive, though I think all signs right now point to it being on the same day.
... though I think all signs right now point to it being on the same day.

Imo this is totally screwed :) I cannot think of a single game that's been released for multiple platforms without at least an announcement for the other platform before the release.

btw. might be a hint for Ubis strategy (was it also on "that list"?):

"Ubisoft today announced that Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WW II will be available on Nov. 17th for PS3 featuring improved graphics and utilizing the Tilt-Controller plus 16 players online."
Link (german)
I've avoided chiming in because I thought the topic was rather blatantly obvious...

Generally, if a multiplatform publisher won't say it's exclusive then it's not. Completely forgetting all the other hints, I'd say the fact that Ubi won't confirm it as a PS3 exclusive is the most telling sign it'll be a PS3, 360, and likely PC release on the same day. The only reason I can think of that an EA/Ubi game would be exclusive would be because of a console being unreleased at the time and even then there is a good chance a version will still come.

I wouldn't be surprised if Sony really didn't have anything to do with Ubi's handling of this title (pr wise) -- there are lots of different PR tactics to get a game in people's sites, and feigning exclusivity is one of them (exclusive titles generally garner more interest/talk than multiplatform ones from what I've seen -- would we still be talking about this game if it wasn't for this? doubtful, there hasn't been any info release in a couple months). I'd actually be more surprised if Sony did end up paying anything to Ubi to have them remove mention of any other platforms -- Sony hasn't really talked much about this title, so it seems to me like it's more Ubisoft strategically doing some PR of their own on this one (I'm sure Sony doesn't mind either). I dunno, really -- regardless, I'd be very surprised if 360 didn't get this on the same day as PS3.
Imo this is totally screwed :) I cannot think of a single game that's been released for multiple platforms without at least an announcement for the other platform before the release.

btw. might be a hint for Ubis strategy (was it also on "that list"?):

Link (german)

lol, youre proving my point. BA was on the leaked list for PS3, but not confirmed at all until just now with the link you provided. Until now, it has only been advertised for Xbox.

So there's your example of a multi platform game, with no announcement until 3 months before release.

That would give Ubisoft until January to announce a 360 version if they follow the same timeline as Blazing Angels, and yet another indication that the released list was legit.

Bobbler - you may be right, Ubisoft may have simply felt that they could gain more hype by promoting it as a PS3 exclusive, building greater anticipation around the game than if it was cross-platform. And yes, it is blatantly obvious for most people.
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To put it bluntly, you're logic is totally screwed. If Assassin's Creed was a PS3 exclusive, it would have stated as much in the Ubisoft press release. Bottom line.

Sony would have to pay them a serious amount of cash to completely ignore the 10-15million 360 userbase in Q2 2007 (ms's numbers). At best, you're looking at a timed exclusive, though I think all signs right now point to it being on the same day.
And Jesus said:
and if it wasn't they could easily say it is not exclusive which they refuse to do again and again. But we are running in circles, let's leave it at "currently this game is in development for PS3, no other platforms have been confirmed" ;)
By your logic, there wouldn't be any exclusives at all, as Sony would have to pay all of them serious amount of cash to ignore the xbox360 userbase.

Edit: There is a hint in Assassins webpage:
"This title has not yet been concept approved by Sony Computer Entertainment America"
Maybe neither party can officially announce an exclusivity in case it fails the concept approval.
Though I do wonder what is taking so long to get that approval?
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