Multiplatform Assassin's Creed--si or no?

ZiFF said:
Sony does not usually shout out loud about exclusives anyway..

And i dont believe Sony would pay Ubi if the 360-version infact comes out the same day. So, it has to be a timed exclusive because Ubi is not talking about the 360-version.
Depends on how cheap it was really, the PR from having AC be percieved as a PS3 game is undeniable. An 8 page spread in Game Informer lauding the game, many other publications with indepth previews, dozens of online articles, listing it as a PS3 only title. Obviously this is worth something, as it definately builds hype, especially with the lack of quality PS3 titles.

ALstrong - It's simply an announcement agreeement. Like when Fight Night was shown at E3, EA would not confirm there was a 360 version at all, 8 months later it came out. Obviously Sony paid EA at that point in time. What's the difference between that and this?

Shifty - Not sure what you're getting at, could you elaborate?

I wouldn't be so sure of this if there wasn't so muchevidence indicating AC is coming to 360.
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scooby_dooby said:
Shifty - Not sure what you're getting at, could you elaborate?
We have a similar situation to AC with BA:SoWWII. The game is coming for multiple platforms but only XB logos are shown on the website. (

If the theory is that exposure is kept to one platform because money changed hands, do you think MS paid for this to not be advertised for other platforms? Or do you think that Ubisoft made the decision to only add XB logos and not other logos independently, at which point that becomes a possibility for AC too?
Shifty Geezer said:
We have a similar situation to AC with BA:SoWWII. The game is coming for multiple platforms but only XB logos are shown on the website. (

IS there any confirmation that it actually comes to different platforms, or is that all based in "that list"? Because i cannot see it coming anywhere now (and i really don't think that such a low quality game needs exclusivity, it's more likely that it's been canceled...).
Ubisoft's update release info yesterday, confirmed with this interview with Ubi's NA president

IGN Wii: How will Blazing Angels be enhanced for Nintendo's new console? Laurent Detoc: For a dog fighting game like Blazing Angels, we think the best idea is for the player to separate their two hands. The left and right hands will perform separate roles with less crossover and collaborative control patterns. Players will have an easier time concentrating on one hand while using the other to facilitate simple routines.
This game is definitely coming to Wii as well as XB platforms, but only XB icons are shown on the website. It's a common myth that in such cases it's because of a payout, but I've never seen any real info that backs this up and don't know how true it is. This game seems to suggest that money doesn't need to change hands for a platform not to get listed on the website. I don't believe MS paid to have Wii's logo's knocked off the website in this instance of an unimportant game! At which point, I don't know what the basis is for the assumption that XB360 doesn't appear on Assassin Creed's website because Sony are paying for exclusivity.

Oh, hang-on, I just figured you mean is it coming to any other platforms other than Wii? Can't say for sure. Could be that it was an XB only game (contrary to that original list which is being regarded as largely reliable based on other titles listed) and now it's Wii only, but the website hasn't been updated.

Edit - yes it's all bolded, but I can't be arsed to try and clear that up. php makes a mess of quoting bolded text.
Shifty Geezer said:
We have a similar situation to AC with BA:SoWWII. The game is coming for multiple platforms but only XB logos are shown on the website. (

If the theory is that exposure is kept to one platform because money changed hands, do you think MS paid for this to not be advertised for other platforms? Or do you think that Ubisoft made the decision to only add XB logos and not other logos independently, at which point that becomes a possibility for AC too?
Blazing angels has already been confirmed by ubisoft for PS3 hasn't it? So the lack of a logo couldn't be the result of an announcement agreement. Sometimes websites are just out of date, I don't really put alot of stock in logo's on websites. If Ubisoft hasn't confirmed it, then I would say it's probably been cancelled, given the lack of any other indication it's currently in development.

I dunno, there's some big differences here. Has ubisoft been asked directly about BA, half a dozen times, and continually evaded the answer? If they are denying it's existence, that's one thing, if a logo is just missing from a website that's not really an indication of much.

Also, is there any other evidence pointing to BA being in development for PS3, or is it just that leaked list? AC has many other sources alluding to it's existence on 360, the list is probably just the most credible imo.
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Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to work out AC's state of cross-platform from BA's. I'm just trying to figure one aspect of the evidence which is absence of logo's, and trying to work out what that means, which is even a topic different from the real one here. We have people suggesting Sony paid Ubi not to show XB logos, as the only reason really presented as to why there are none seeing as AC is (likely) coming on XB360. That seemed to be the only explanation, but itdoesn't work in this case. Really, what I'm saying is where before I looked at the AC website and see no logo's and log that as one piece of evidence against it appearing on other titles, that evidence is now 'inadmisable' as it's clear logo's don't tally with intentions.
Well it wouldn't be that Sony paid them not to show logo's, but paid them to keep quit on a 360 version until a certain point in time, the logo's would just be a small part of that.

Or maybe it really is a timed exclusive, and that would explain it all, we'll see next year i guess!
this just looks like UBI is leveraging AC to Sony for a better deal on exclusives/time. and Sony isnt to sure or dosnt want to put more money into the deal, seeing as how AC is still a untested new IP with pretty graphics.
Thus far no "Assassins Creed" game has been listed anywhere for other than PS3.
An "Assassin" game of the same "brand" is likely to come on multiple platforms, even on mobile phones.
Like Prince Of Persia, Call Of Duty....

There really isn't much point in speculating until the game or further info is released by UBI.

What's funny, is that even though the "Assassins" game had previously been announced for xbox360 too (in X05?), and now it's seemingly being dropped (at least for the time being) from official UBI marketing, somehow this has been twisted by many as to be yet another negative for PS3, in form of "PS3 losing exclusive games".
And all because it used to be listed an xbox360 game.
I don't remember anyone twisting it that way, except for a one-liner in Game Informers rumours section...maybe you're imagining things?
Odd how there appears to be almost selective use of antialiasing.

Take the last shot for example, the character is well antialiased, as are parts of the environment, yet look at the top edge of the building to his right, the tree in the background, and the edge running along the wall (roughtly shoulder height) on the far wall (left). Very odd.

You can see actual square shaped areas where blurring is occuring in the image. Check out the gap between the two people at the left bottom edge of the image, there is an area between that is sharper.


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If this is legit it seems another source confirming AC for the 360. Not high up the chain, but an editor for OPM making the statement would add some weight behind it. For some reason she believes it will co-release on both platforms.
I don't get why nothing is being said about where this game is coming. It's announced for PS3, there's a Playstation 3 logo on the website, yet there's people out there who are talking about how much they're looking forward to the 360 version, even though there's been no discussion of it whatsoever (at least since it was shown back at X'04 or 05).

Seems a bit fishy to me. :???:
I don't get why nothing is being said about where this game is coming.

Read the entire thread. Besides MS announcing it at X05 (less than 12 months ago), Ubi is not calling it a PS3 exclusive (just "no other confirmed platforms"), and the game has been spotted as recently as E3 as being played on Xbox 360 controllers. And now an editor from OPM makes the comment that it is not only 360 bound, but coming out at the same time. And then there are 'slips' to the press in the past later denied/no-commented by Ubi. Etc and so forth.

Sounds like some form of timed exclusive, or marketing exclusive. We see this all the time. FNR3 was a great example. It was hyped up at E3 2005 for the PS3 with no mention of the Xbox 360. The New Year rolled around, it was quietly announced, and a couple months later it was in consumers' hands (like in March I believe). So the game went from unconfirmed to available to purchase in a matter of a couple of months.
...We see this all the time. FNR3 was a great example. It was hyped up at E3 2005 for the PS3 with no mention of the Xbox 360. The New Year rolled around, it was quietly announced, and a couple months later it was in consumers' hands (like in March I believe). So the game went from unconfirmed to available to purchase in a matter of a couple of months.

Don't know what happened with that game but obviously it didn't maken any sense to hype FNR3 as some PS3 exclusive.
Read the entire thread. Besides MS announcing it at X05 (less than 12 months ago), Ubi is not calling it a PS3 exclusive (just "no other confirmed platforms"), and the game has been spotted as recently as E3 as being played on Xbox 360 controllers. And now an editor from OPM makes the comment that it is not only 360 bound, but coming out at the same time. And then there are 'slips' to the press in the past later denied/no-commented by Ubi. Etc and so forth.

Sounds like some form of timed exclusive, or marketing exclusive. We see this all the time. FNR3 was a great example. It was hyped up at E3 2005 for the PS3 with no mention of the Xbox 360. The New Year rolled around, it was quietly announced, and a couple months later it was in consumers' hands (like in March I believe). So the game went from unconfirmed to available to purchase in a matter of a couple of months.

Haven't heard anything about that , the only thing I heard was that some MS employee was saying that AG was running on 360 instead of ps3