scooby said:
So now the realism of a driving game is based on the PERIPHERALS that come with that game?
Of course not, I just found it very amusing that you would rate a game that doesn't go through all the length of aiming for a realistic experience over one that quite obviously does. In fact, I actually find it amusing to even rate a game as realistic based on how it played with a controller when there are so many examples in which games have actively supported the use of wheels to improve the experience and bring it to new levels. That you haven't been confronted with these yet actually show that you are rather one sided in your entire argument and opinion.
scooby said:
If you want to talk driving mechanics, Forza actually gives you the feel that all 4 tires are touching the road, GT4 has a pivot system where your car feels like it's balanced in the center of the vehicle. In addition, the cars in GT has completely unrealistic amount of understeer, and they simple sustitute difficulty for REALISM.
Before you go out and claim things, I really suggest you play the game with a wheel to get the full experience.
Not sure where you've digged out that claim about unrealistic understeer either.... maybe because you tried out most of the front-wheel drives? I'm looking back to weeks of playing and I can't say it makes the impression cars to understeer - in fact, the cars that I drive in real-life and have compared in GT4 seem to get the distinct characeristics pretty head on - and that includes under- / oversteer characteristics as well as weight-shift in cornering as well as engine characteristics. Then again, I have been playing the game with the wheel - and it could be that the understeer is quite apparent with the controller.
scooby said:
I pointed to reviews to show that I'm not the minority who thinks FOrza is better (more realistic, better gfx, better AI etc etc) YOU are the minority who cling to a 8 year old driving engine, with no damage models, and AI that drives on a freakin reail...oh right..but it was a steering wheel so therefore that makes the game itself more realistic.....riiiiight
Must be your memory, because you haven't pointed to any reviews. Not as if I'm interested in seeing them again though, I actually argued this point when they appeared already and know what's in them - a few actually compare it with GT4 and most of them simply give it a high rating because it's a great game on Xbox and rightfully for the AI and the damage system (which btw wasn't incorporated that well if you're that much of a realism nut as I am).
As I also said, GT4 received poor reviews for the most part because of AI issues and the missing Online mode. Apart from that, it's definately the much better game than GT3 ever was, yet it still had worse reviews. Doesn't mean however that it's as simple as comparing Forza review score X with GT4 review score Y.
As I said, Forza has some big flaws that go hand in hand with a game aiming to give the player a realistic experience. If you haven't played GT4 with a wheel, you really can't judge it's realism aspect because the game was aimed for that purpose.
But hey, if you want to go through it again, we can compare the simulation aspects again for you as a reminder. Maybe you can then stick that somewhere as a reminder before you go out pointing out imaginable things like "Forza dethroned GT4 etc".