Motorstorm Motion Control

Do you find non-gamers take to Motorstorm's motion control?

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Ok, so yesterday again I had a complete non-gamer over come look at at the media features (as a photographer he loved the TV as much as anything else, but the slideshow options were pretty sweet anyway). Obviously he also tried a few games, and while he struggled to get to grips with the controller and gameplay of Tekken and GT: HD, like my fiancee he picked up on the sixaxis motion control for Motorstorm with no trouble whatsoever, he got it immediately.

Do I have two very non-typical non-gamers here (aged 39 and 47), or do you have similar experiences? If you haven't, see if you can get some non-gamers to try it. I'm really interested. Mind you, don't give them a motorcycle right away eh? ;)

So far, I have to say major kudos for the Motorstorm devs for getting it absolutely right ... Great job.
As a gamer, I am already set in my ways so it will take time to learn a new method of control (although anyone that's seen me playing GT4 would beg to differ, I lean round corners :LOL:)

It stands to reason that a non-gamer would pick it right up as they don't know what they are doing and tilting will seem more natural.

I remember giving my Grandad a go of GT on a PS1 and all he did was press x and tilt the controller trying to steer.
I had a non gamer try it. He thought it was really fun. But he really really sucked at it. It was painful to watch him play. I offered to switch it to the sticks but he didn't want to.

For me personally I don't think I could ever play the game "better" with motion control over the sticks, but I do think it is more fun just because it is something different.
I let my three year old play, she was better with the motion sensing. Trying to have fine control with the thumb stick takes years of practice and good hand eye coordination. Which is why I can't play FPS very well with them.
I had a non gamer try it. He thought it was really fun. But he really really sucked at it. It was painful to watch him play.
I think Motorstorm is just a really really hard game with an intimidatingly steep learning curve. I.e. everyone sucks at it initally, motion sensing controls or not.

I think I prefer playing with the sticks, but want to experiment more before making a final judgement. I think really hard turns are more intuitive with the analog sticks, and when flailing around the controller I tend to lose finer control over the thumb pressure on the throttle/brake (they are analog!), though that's not as important as steering overall; full-throttle seems to be the way to go in the majority of situations.
I found myself in a store with a playable Motorstorm yesterday, and sure enough, the Motion Control wasn't turned on. So I pointed out to the kids playing that you could in fact play it that way and I thought it was really cool, then told them how to set it.

And yep, this kid took to it immediately and said things went much better now.

I must again stress though that if you drive a motorcycle, this is harder, and more importantly, in this case you have to take into account that you also control the forward/backward leaning with motion control all the time. I found out because I was leaning backwards and kept making wheelies all the time. :D

Btw, Asher, you are a non-gamer? ;)
Most I know take to it eventually, but in the beginning there's an awful lot of confusion and oversteering and not-knowing-how-to-compensate. Most will retreat to thumbstick control to get back in the "comfort zone" and then try to slowly wean themselves on the tilting. ;)

They do a bit better with Excite Truck, but for a while--not by much.
Sooo motion controll aint a gimmicky feature anymore?

I havnt played motor storm but i have played exite truck and though you cant reallly compare the game the controlls basically are the same and I do think its more fun than just moving your thumbs. Especially trying to powerslide feels great. If motion sensing is better for race games than analoge sticks? Well, I atleast think it isnt worse.
Had some people over at my place a few days ago, and even their five year old child was totally hooked on Motorstorm with motion sensing controls, and surprised everyone with his skills at the game.
The comments from adult casual gamers was that while they'd liked driveng games before, they never really got into driving with the analog sticks, but motion sensing felt very right from the start.
They actually wanted to go and buy a PS3 just for Motorstorm from that sitting, but didn't because it's so expensive :)
I'd never seen them so impressed by a game before.
Most I know take to it eventually, but in the beginning there's an awful lot of confusion and oversteering and not-knowing-how-to-compensate. Most will retreat to thumbstick control to get back in the "comfort zone" and then try to slowly wean themselves on the tilting. ;)

They do a bit better with Excite Truck, but for a while--not by much.

Ok, I'll chalk these up on the other side though, as obviously these are thumbstick junkies rather than non-gamers. ;)
Ok, I'll chalk these up on the other side though, as obviously these are thumbstick junkies rather than non-gamers. ;)

Well, they're people in the mid-20's range, so they've really played some kind of game at SOME point. But I certainly wouldn't call them gamers... The ones I'm talking about, like, had a NES when they were kids, but nothing since.
My dad and I love the motion controls. They feel a bit awkward at first, but IMHO it does feel nicer once you're used to it--it helps that the controller is wireless too! I'm so glad this generation has taken a focus on wireless peripherals; very very convenient. As to the poll, both of us picked up the controls after a few games. Getting used to it is aided by how intuitive Motorstorm is, and its default controls are done such that motion control is comfortable (L2 as accelerate rather than one of the smaller buttons on the button pad).