Motorstorm 2

I know ! What were the motivations ?

It's not a problem anymore but I just don't get it the first time I ran into the restriction.
I know ! What were the motivations ?

It's not a problem anymore but I just don't get it the first time I ran into the restriction.

Not being able to hack them easily
Not being able to copy them to other users easily to 'cheat'
Ditto for trophies

Not saying all these reasons are currently valid (because there are other, well-functioning protections in place on the PS3), but I wrote some tools fooling around with GT3 gamesaves myself back in the day, and while mine was fairly harmless in that it just exposed cars and settings used in for instance the replay, there were also tools that managed to unlock cars that were in the game but had been locked out because they failed to obtain the proper licence agreements for the game (or even the region, like the Lamborghini Diablo race car that was only in the Japanese version but could be unlocked in the U.S. version by hacking the savegame).
Hacking can be prevented by other means than locking it to a PS3. As for copying them to other users, I get that, but don't really see a valid reason for that. On the PS2 if I wanted to continue playing a game at a friends place, I just took my memorycard with me. On PS3, I copy it onto a memorystick and take that to my friends place. Obviously, this won't work with games that lock games-saves to the PS3 id. I would have to take my PS3 as well (which isn't always a possibility).

Sony should enforce clear rules as to the saving of the games. Either all of them are locked to the PS3 id or they are not. I'll think twice next time before taking my game-saves to a friends place...
Finally started hitting level 6 races. WHAT THE HECK. This game is getting REALLY hard. Kind of frustrating, lol, but still fun.
I have started level 6 too, and I already find it incredibly difficult on some tracks...
I think that to finish all the levels I will need psychiatric assistance. I would really like to unlock ALL the vehicles without the need to end the festival, just to use them online (the real fun).
Aside that, I can only praise the work done by the developers, resulted, IMHO, in the best arcade racer of the gen. There are some lacks, such as the horrible ground textures (without any effect on them), but there are also so many aspects that make this game so awesome: the lighting is one of the best I have ever seen in a racer, realistic and warm, with great use of shadows; the particle sistem is great and varied; the motion blur is, again, the most precise I ever seen in any racer, creating an incredibly realistic (or I should say "cinematic") and dynamic movement effect (just try to race on first person view with a buggy in the forest of Colossus Canyon, or on the mud of The Rift among the challengers, to enjoy the maximum spectacle); the amount of structures, being them of the tracks or the vehicles, is really great, and so the interaction; the deformation routines are really complex, I'm quite surprised that they didn't catch much attention; the sound is diffused in 5.1 with great precision, resulting in an even more involving experience; the track design rocks, the variety (of both the tracks and the vehicles) also; the online part is quick to use and, apparently, lag free. And, last but not least, the game has a very important quality: it's fun from the start to finish, the victory is not the only satisfaction goal and become a secondary thing!

It's really a shame that this game went out alongside so many great (and more famous) others. I hope that in the future it will not get lost on shelves...

I also noticed that the lighting greatly counts for the overall beauty of the game: the same track set at different daytimes can give a completely different feeling. Here are some good looking (IMHO) sets for some tracks:

Kanaloa Bay - evening\12:00
Sugar Rush - Idem
Mudslide - morning\ evening
Beach Comber - afternoon
Caldera Ridge - morning\evening
The Edge - evening
Paradise Beach - evening
The Rift - 12:00
Riptide - 12:00
I also noticed that the lighting greatly counts for the overall beauty of the game: the same track set at different daytimes can give a completely different feeling. Here are some good looking (IMHO) sets for some tracks:

Kanaloa Bay - evening\12:00
Sugar Rush - Idem
Mudslide - morning\ evening
Beach Comber - afternoon
Caldera Ridge - morning\evening
The Edge - evening
Paradise Beach - evening
The Rift - 12:00
Riptide - 12:00

Yes, this game has some of the best lighting I've ever seen in a game.

Some pics:
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I also find this game AWSOME and I think it's one of the most under rated games on the PS3. IMHO this is a top game on the PS3 game library.
How is it possible that the OPM US gave a 6/10 to this game? Ridiculous...

I' ve already made enough points to beat the game. But I wanna make gold on all tracks. 11 to go.

There are some tracks that are quite hard and frustating to win at. I've already went thru this experience with Wipeout, so I will beat this game too.

Man Agaisnt the Machine all over again...
Yes, I think the graphics and gameplay are amazing. I have already given up on winning :no: but my friends and I love to race in this game regardless.
Just finished the main mode (Festival) of this game. I only played and finished the first Motorstorm half a year ago and enjoyed that a lot.

Overall, I'd rate Motorstorm 2 higher than 1, with varied environments, better graphics, split-screen mode, more tracks and vehicles etc. However, I do have a few complaints.

-This game is too difficult for me. Although I got all gold for the main mode, too many of the events took me hours to win. Repeating an event for hours to win is frustrating but I'm too stubborn to give up. :mad: The original Motorstorm also had 1 or 2 races that took me hours to win, but this probably has 5-10 events like that. Ok, I find reading what others on the web say about the difficult events (when I tried to search for tips) amusing and therapeutic. Still, my opinion remains that games shouldn't require hours of failure to get a moment of success, as sweet as that final moment may be.

-I miss the explosions and exaggerated slow motion deaths. In this game, only over-boost seem to produce explosions. I'd like it more if every crash comes with a somewhat exaggerated explosions and I have the option to see it in slow motion.

-I really don't like the checkpoint chasing Speed events in Festival. One of the reason Motorstorm 1 & 2 appeal to me is that the gameplay does not demand making the perfect turns, and not make any mistakes throughout a race to win. Even in a rank 8 Motorstorm 2 race, I can crash a few times and still end up winning. Getting gold in the more difficult Speed events is exactly the kind of error avoidance gameplay that make it less like the Motorstorm I love.

-I often download "ghost" of good racers to learn what routes to take on different tracks in Time Attack mode. The bad thing is they are so fast I usually lose sight of them beyond 1/2 to 3/4 of the tracks. Racing them isn't the best way to learn their routes. I want a way to just watch what they do.

Overall, it's still my favourite racing game though. :D
Third major fix available yesterday:

> Microbadges – Secret Microbadges unlocked.
The hidden Microbadges are no longer a mystery: check them out from the Microbadges screen in your Garage.

> Audio Settings – Preference order is now DTS followed by AC3.
DTS audio settings are automatically configured if available.

> Audio Settings – Vehicle horn volume control added.
Volume of vehicle horns can now be adjusted using a dedicated sliding scale.

> Garage – Competition Winners Gallery added.
A Gallery for photo competition winners can be viewed from your Garage.

> Speed Events – Gate visibility improved.
Not only are the next two gates now visible (instead of only the next one), the colour of the flares at each gate have changed to make the Speed Events a little easier: orange smoke on the left and yellow smoke on the right.

> Speed Events – Gate ‘passed’ issue fixed.
When playing in standard definition, the issue with some gates not registering as ‘passed’ has been fixed.

> Split-screen – 4-player Split-screen lock-up fixed.
A potential lock-up situation, occasionally caused by leaving a 4-player split-screen race, has been fixed.

> Online Racing – “Never-ending (zero lap) races” fixed.
Races will no longer begin with (and remain infinitely at) zero laps; a problem which affected various online races since Update 1.02.

> Online Racing – All 12 positions displayed in race results.
Since Update 1.02, only the top 8 positions were displayed at the end of a race. This is fixed and all 12 results are displayed at the end of the race.

> Online Rankings – Rank cap increased.
In order to alleviate the congestion at the top of the Leaderboard the rank cap has been increased.

> Online Leaderboards – Player’s stats added.
You can now view any player’s stats from any of the Leaderboards in the game, and compare them with your own.

> Online Matchmaking – “Searching for Matchmaking” screen fixed.
The “Searching for Matchmaking” message no longer overlaps, as it did in certain languages.

> Soundtrack – Track previews added.
Highlighting a track on the playlist (from the Soundtrack screen in the Options menu) will play the track.

> Soundtrack – Track details added to Pause Screen.
The artist and song title of the track being played are displayed on the Pause Screen.

There's supposed to be a third expansion soon.
The update is a whopping 608MB ... just finished mine.
You definitely should! The game is amazing. I don't say this soon or gladly, but I realised yesterday racing through the jungle with leaves and trees smashing into my face and bending out of the way that I think the game most of the time looks better (and a fair bit too) than GT5 Prologue.

I've played online for an hour yesterday and that just works great. It's a shame though that I suck so much / that there aren't enough lesser players to play with at the moment. It supports parties so hopefully maybe we can get a small B3D crew together so that we can mess about among ourselves a bit. ;)
GT5 (as well as the other sim racers) is a bit sterile, I agree - and that's where I think Motorstorm makes a lot of points. It's just a really fun game, one you can always get back to for quick games.

This may not be entirely on topic, but I really miss the Test-Drive and Need for Speed games in their older forms. It's just so much more fun, driving on alpine passes, through cities with the occasional traffic etc. I'm not even into the whole police chasing stuff that came in the later games, but just the landscapes and amazing roads are missing. I guess Burnout has that market, but there, it's more about crashing, boosting and the arcady gameplay on top of it...
> Online Racing – “Never-ending (zero lap) races” fixed.
Races will no longer begin with (and remain infinitely at) zero laps; a problem which affected various online races since Update 1.02.

My first race online was one of these. I didn't know what was going on and kept driving for 10-20 minute before quitting.:p Players online are really competitive and I have yet to win a single race.
According to this site:

There are more changes in v1.03 than previously reported.

*Microbadges – Secret Microbadges unlocked.
The hidden Microbadges are no longer a mystery: check them out from the Microbadges screen in your Garage.
*PlayStation Home – ‘Game Launching’ now available.
Online races can be launched from PlayStation Home.

*Audio Settings – Preference order is now DTS followed by AC3.
DTS audio settings are automatically configured if available.
*Audio Settings – Vehicle horn volume control added.
Volume of vehicle horns can now*be adjusted using a dedicated*sliding scale.
*Garage – Competition Winners Gallery added.
A Gallery for photo competition winners can be viewed from your Garage.
*Speed Events – Gate visibility improved.
Not only are the next two gates now visible (instead of only the next one), the colour of the flares at each gate have changed to make the Speed Events a little easier: orange smoke on the left and yellow smoke on the right.
*Speed Events – Gate ‘passed’ issue fixed.
When playing in standard definition, the issue with some gates not registering as ‘passed’ has been fixed.
*Split-screen – 4-player Split-screen lock-up fixed.
A potential lock-up situation, occasionally caused by leaving a 4-player split-screen race, has been fixed.
*Online Racing – “Never-ending (zero lap) races” fixed.
Races will no longer begin with (and remain infinitely at) zero laps; a problem which affected various online races since Update 1.02.
*Online Racing – All 12 positions displayed in race results.
Since Update 1.02, only the top 8 positions were displayed at the end of a race. This is fixed and all 12 results are displayed at the end of the race.
*Online Rankings – Rank cap increased.
In order to alleviate the congestion at the top of the Leaderboard the rank cap has been increased.
*Online Leaderboards – Player’s stats added.
You can now view any player’s stats from any of the Leaderboards in the game, and compare them with your own.
*Online Matchmaking – “Searching for Matchmaking” screen fixed.
The “Searching for Matchmaking” message no longer overlaps, as it did in certain languages.
*Soundtrack – Track previews added.
Highlighting a track on the playlist (from the Soundtrack screen in the Options menu) will play the track.
*Soundtrack – Track details*added to Pause Screen.
The artist and song title of the track being played are displayed on the Pause Screen.

The more game launching options are available, and the faster Home loads, usage will go up.

Right now, I think they have special weekend gaming events in Home to promote game launching.