I know they're approximates, but if they're working by weeks, why not separate them into weeks? There's usually a good 4-5 days that are bundled into the wrong months in that case. Or, hell, depending how they divide them up, some could have damn near a dozen. And there certainly WILL be popular game launches caught in them. Why stack arbitrary date borders?
You just don't wanna thank me for a fabulous thread! FINE BE LIKE THAT!
They *probably* (i just don't know, i'm making assumptions) just add up the weekly figures, starting from the same day (probably Monday but could be different).
So for October they take the week from 2nd to 8th, all weeks in between and the last will be the one ending on the 29th (last sunday of October). It's not *accurate* but in the end it doesn't matter much cause their weekly reports are fine (they work by week number, say from monday to sunday)