Moh Ps3

Shifty Geezer said:
But in this case who's to say PS3 isn't doing more on the CPU by way of prodecural generation to relieve RAM demands, hence not needing as much memory?

who's to say it's not doing less?

I don't see how that argument works, it basically assumes the CELL will either match or exceed Xenon, but it's just as plausible that developers are getting more power out of Xenon's 3 PPE cores. We have no idea which system has more useable CPU power at this point in time.
scooby_dooby said:
who's to say it's not doing less?
the argument was 'with less available RAM, PS3 couldn't look as good'. If the CPU could be used to do some graphics work relieving the RAM requirements, that theory doesn't stand. That's all I was talking about. You can't look at RAM to determine relative graphical performance.
Shifty Geezer said:
the argument was 'with less available RAM, PS3 couldn't look as good'. If the CPU could be used to do some graphics work relieving the RAM requirements, that theory doesn't stand. That's all I was talking about. You can't look at RAM to determine relative graphical performance.

Not if the 360 CPU is doing the same level of work. I mean, at this point i think it's premature to assume either CPU will be more powerful in practice, so we really have to just call that a wash right now.

If PS3 has less ram, it has less ram (i'm not saying it does), any example of CPU relieving RAM requirements applies equally to both consoles, so I don't see how it's relevant to the straight RAM comparison.
scooby_dooby said:
who's to say it's not doing less?

I don't see how that argument works, it basically assumes the CELL will either match or exceed Xenon, but it's just as plausible that developers are getting more power out of Xenon's 3 PPE cores. We have no idea which system has more useable CPU power at this point in time.

IMO I think the key to what your saying should be

"We have no idea which system has more useable CPU power useful for gaming performance at this point in time."

I't spretty safe to assume even if Cell never catches on in the mainstream server world it'll still have more non video game market penatration for non gaming purposes.
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Qroach said:
I can't believe people are still arguing about this!!
I can't believe you can't believe people are still arguing about this! Give it another 5yrs and someone, somewhere on the internet will still be arguing about this!