Moh Ps3

Young showed a video of an actor playing a soldier in Medal Of Honor being motion captured with the incredibly sophisticated mocap set-up, as used in The Matrix sequels, and then showed it transposed into a Medal Of Honor PS3 game scene, where the actor's expressions and frenzied shouting looked wholly believable, with both high resolution models and realistic facial animation.

Not to discredit Gamasutra, which is an amazing site, but mo-cap has been used for centuries not only in movies but games too...

Does every thread have to degenerate into a stupid "it's realtime! NO IT'S PRERENDERED!" bitching contest?!
london-boy, I think they are referring to the fact that MOH is using UCAP, which I don't think is that common in games. In addition to capturing the actual facial movement, they also capture skin details like wrinkles, complexion, etc. I beleive there is a game head interview where this is discussed on
Rockster said:
london-boy, I think they are referring to the fact that MOH is using UCAP, which I don't think is that common in games. In addition to capturing the actual facial movement, they also capture skin details like wrinkles, complexion, etc. I beleive there is a game head interview where this is discussed on

Oh right that would make sense. Thanks!
The picture is taken from the newest OPM magazine and yes the pictures look better in the magazine thank you. There are lot better quality scans already available on the interweb but you are not allowed to publish them links here so I won't.
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isnt this like eeh very old ? i'm sure it was posted before

ed!tl f*ck it, it was bumped from the grave ..
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This is a multi platform game by EA, meaning it's gonna look the same on all platforms, Anyone remeber the Fight night demo for the PS3, strangely the Fight Night game we have right now on the 360 looks just like that PS3 demo that people were ga ga over.
swanlee said:
This is a multi platform game by EA, meaning it's gonna look the same on all platforms, Anyone remeber the Fight night demo for the PS3, strangely the Fight Night game we have right now on the 360 looks just like that PS3 demo that people were ga ga over.

I'd say the game looks similar to that demo. But it certainly doesn't look exactly the same. Certain things are different. Animation is different. Lighting is different. Even the models and textures are a bit different. A noticable difference is the quality of deformations, which are much better in the demo than it is in the current game version.
ROG27 said:
I'd say the game looks similar to that demo. But it certainly doesn't look exactly the same. Certain things are different. Animation is different. Lighting is different. Even the models and textures are a bit different. A noticable difference is the quality of deformations, which are much better in the demo than it is in the current game version.

My thoughts exactly, however we don't know yet whether the PS3-version will look the same as the demo.
Well I think the only thing that's different about the X360 Fight Night is the animation. And that's only due to the fact that the PS3 demo was a real-time VIDEO! Not gameplay.
mckmas8808 said:
Well I think the only thing that's different about the X360 Fight Night is the animation. And that's only due to the fact that the PS3 demo was a real-time VIDEO! Not gameplay.

That's your opinion and your certainly entitled to it, however I'm on the same boat with ROG27 on this one.
Dr Evil said:
That's your opinion and your certainly entitled to it, however I'm on the same boat with ROG27 on this one.

Well okay that's cool, but let me ask you one question. Is the difference in your opinion as big as the Madden 2006 difference?
swanlee said:
This is a multi platform game by EA, meaning it's gonna look the same on all platforms, Anyone remeber the Fight night demo for the PS3, strangely the Fight Night game we have right now on the 360 looks just like that PS3 demo that people were ga ga over.

That is exactly what they said in the gametrailers video interview.
mckmas8808 said:
Well okay that's cool, but let me ask you one question. Is the difference in your opinion as big as the Madden 2006 difference?

Do you mean the targer render vs the actual game? if so I don't really remember how the target video looked like, and I haven't seen much of the real Madden anyways, I have to look into it.
Don't feel like looking for the link, so believe what you will, but EA Chicago (developers of FNR3), said they toned down the ripple effects from the E3 demo somewhat to try and maintain a bit more realism. The source art including the models, textures, etc. are the same.

I really wish Sony would release the PS3 already, not knowing what it can do is driving the fans crazy. Maybe there can be peace once everyone can compare the systems apples to apples, but somehow I doubt if even that will help the situation.
ROG27 said:
I'd say the game looks similar to that demo. But it certainly doesn't look exactly the same. Certain things are different. Animation is different. Lighting is different. Even the models and textures are a bit different. A noticable difference is the quality of deformations, which are much better in the demo than it is in the current game version.

the lighting is better I would say, it changes depending on your arena, so the lighting in MSG is much less intense than the lighting in the warehouse for example, so you have to be careful when comparing. the skin tones are better,colour is much more realistic, the character models are better and the ripple effect looks every bit as good as what they showed in the demo.

anyone who thought the animation would be identical to the static trailer obviously hasn't played video games very much.
mckmas8808 said:
Well I think the only thing that's different about the X360 Fight Night is the animation. And that's only due to the fact that the PS3 demo was a real-time VIDEO! Not gameplay.


You think?
mckmas8808 said:
Yes I think. What do you think?

I think 360 version is way too static, bad motion blur, not as soft lightning, not as "color-rich" colors. Just doesn't look real. I mean sure it's got some saliva and sweat, but it doesn't help much. It's got more polygons but somehow I see less detail in faces.