"Chief Executive Steve Ballmer is planning to cut costs by $1 billion annually since the company's expenses have grown faster than its revenues for three years running, The Wall Street Journal reported in its online edition on Tuesday."
Not any surprise to those who have been following the financial press. But it does give a pretty good indication that MS is not going to be in any sort of mindset to subsidize another brute force approach like the first xbox or willing to artificially keep a future console alive over an entire console cycle again.
MS's core monopoly revenue streams that have subsidized the first xbox are going to be under ever growing pressure from the mass migrations to Linux and are going to have an ever lessening ability to support expensive hardware components.
This financial pressure is most likely why the dramatic change from MS attempts to market the first xbox as having the most powerful hardware to their current attempts to brand/publicize their software development tools under the title XNA.
Not any surprise to those who have been following the financial press. But it does give a pretty good indication that MS is not going to be in any sort of mindset to subsidize another brute force approach like the first xbox or willing to artificially keep a future console alive over an entire console cycle again.
MS's core monopoly revenue streams that have subsidized the first xbox are going to be under ever growing pressure from the mass migrations to Linux and are going to have an ever lessening ability to support expensive hardware components.
This financial pressure is most likely why the dramatic change from MS attempts to market the first xbox as having the most powerful hardware to their current attempts to brand/publicize their software development tools under the title XNA.