xbdestroya said:Wow dude you're an angry guy! Chillax.
Anyway I expect a turnaround in Sony's electronics business in the next couple of years; I have faith with their recent LCD TV penetration in both the US and Japan and in Stringer's comments in his recent interview.
If not, whatever - just live and enjoy life!
Digitimes US LCD Penetration
It's not about retail space xbd. Sony has to buy their LCD panels from Samsung and other manufacturers and has not been able to turn a profit on their HDTVs like the other big players. They've made very bad business decisions in the past and are paying for them now. They focused more on Plasma over LCDs(which is costing them a lot), they fucked around and let iPod dominate the digital music player scene. And their movie division has released bomb after bomb, losing money hand over fist. Hopefully Sony can turn it around(and I believe they can), but Sony will never be as they once were IMO. They have too many competiters that have equal or better products at lower prices.