Tuttle said:http://www.wired.com/news/games/0,2101,61065,00.html
I'm not sure why the speculation is still going on. It is clear that it is going to be some form of stripped down Power4/970(ish) chip.
I've read estimates that Apple pays 200-300 per 970. I don't think anyone knows the exact figure outside of Apple and IBM.
People have been waiting for multi-core chips as the next big thing for the PPC line, but I can't imagine something like that would be affordable to put in a console.
I can't imagine how it can possibly compete with the PS3 Cell performance, but they had to do something. Another XBox with just a faster Celeron and GPU would be DOA.
The speculation goes on because neither IBM or MS have publicly stated what processor/architecture will be used. What about using a stripped down PPC in a cell architecture? I might be completly off, but could it be done?