Microsoft licensed microchip technology from IBM


Oh C'mon, I'm a diehard Mac fan and I don't even read that tin-foil hat site...

nondescript said:
Software designed for Power4 is compatable with Power5, so its might be possible for developers to get out polished games in time for a early launch.

Software designed for a 750 is also compatible... :p Doesn't mean much...
I think MS will launch Xbox 2 on November 15th 2005 in the US, or earlier if Sony goes earlier. Probably with Project Gotham 3, Perfect Dark Zero, and Banjo Kazooie game. Halo 3 will be a 2006 title.
Yeah, I figured it screwed him up. But that's what I got from a few translation services for "Quick, get him!" Hehe...
Johnny Awesome said:
I think MS will launch Xbox 2 on November 15th 2005 in the US, or earlier if Sony goes earlier. Probably with Project Gotham 3, Perfect Dark Zero, and Banjo Kazooie game. Halo 3 will be a 2006 title.

Don't forget new EA sequels... :rolleyes:
I am getting quite bored about their 'games'...
Evil_Cloud said:
Johnny Awesome said:
I think MS will launch Xbox 2 on November 15th 2005 in the US, or earlier if Sony goes earlier. Probably with Project Gotham 3, Perfect Dark Zero, and Banjo Kazooie game. Halo 3 will be a 2006 title.

Don't forget new EA sequels... :rolleyes:
I am getting quite bored about their 'games'...

whats wrong with them?
i mean, yeah they're all slightly standardized, but they do make some pretty good games...
and they generally improve with every sequel, which is kinda rare...
SSX, LOTR, all the sport games which i really don't care about but are still the best in the genre (apart from FIFA, which by the way is getting back in shape from what i've heard, keeps getting better and better, just not as good as PES)
and i must say that they're probably th eonly ones that can make a licence-based game pretty good (or MUCH better than other crappy licenced games). mainly, it's fair to say, due to the fact that their budgets are much higher than most....
I really doubt Microsoft will launch in late 2004 and try to get a headstart on the PS3. I'm sure they remember what happened to the Dreamcast. Sony is in control as far a kicking off the next generation. When Sony goes so will Microsoft.
Brimstone said:
I really doubt Microsoft will launch in late 2004 and try to get a headstart on the PS3. I'm sure they remember what happened to the Dreamcast. Sony is in control as far a kicking off the next generation. When Sony goes so will Microsoft.

well, when u think about it, time of launch doesn't really matter that much...

i mean look what happened with PS2...

anyone could have said "oh well everyone will wait for the more powerful Xbox and GC and no one will buy PS2"...

PS2 could have "done a DC" and lost this generation if it were for release dates....

so i guess in the end, marketing, software lineup, name recognition, features (like DVD/BR, networking, and all those things, not talking about Tflops which 99% of the population don't know anything about) will be the deciding factor...

Sony is pretty strong in most of those aspects, they can afford to "do less than MS and N" because they're already "up there"... so i guess that if they seriously f**k something up and end up losing the N.1 spot, they will be N.2, certainly they will not go out of the market...

Nint and MS will have to prove themselves just to keep their share of the market...
london-boy said:
well, when u think about it, time of launch doesn't really matter that much...

Yes it does - and it's all the more relevant to Microsoft and Nintendo.

london-boy said:
i mean look what happened with PS2...

anyone could have said "oh well everyone will wait for the more powerful Xbox and GC and no one will buy PS2"...

It doesnt' quite work like that as you correctly put it further down in your post. Sony has the mindshare, so it is very trival when Microsoft launches their console. I believe marketing will be a very important factor, more so than actual hardware. I still can't decide if a 2004 launch (earler than PS3) would be better for Microsoft than later on (same time in 2005/2006). On one hand, a 2004 launch would do wonders if they get a lot of hype starting, very good software support and manage to get a few of the Sony exclusives rapped up to launch near launch time. This would only work *if* the hardware is more or less capable (what I mean with that is basically comparable to the differences found in this generation, including Dreamcast). If they launch within the same time frame with Sony, I fear that they will loose lots of ground seeing that consumer know PS2 and are more likely to go with the next thing which would undoubtedly be PS3. With all the Sony exclusives and 1st/2nd party dev efforts, I think Microsoft would have quite a bit of problem compeeting. The relevant question though is, which is better? Considering the above, I think launching earlier might be better for sure (or slightly later), but going on head to head will be a mistake IMO.
Considering the difference of userbase between the different competitors, 60M/10M/10M; Sony would need more than one gen of mistakes to lose their leadership. I think MS in in the worst situation of the 3. They have no loyal userbase (like Nintendo) or great casual mindshare like Sony. They build their 10M userbase around their technical superiority (due to one year and half delay and billions of dollars lost). If they lose that kind of superiority, I do not see their userbase to stay loyal.
They have no loyal userbase (like Nintendo) or great casual mindshare like Sony. They build their 10M userbase around their technical superiority (due to one year and half delay and billions of dollars lost). If they lose that kind of superiority, I do not see their userbase to stay loyal.

I disagree, Ms has built a user base this generation, but it wasn't built on technical superiority, it wa sbuilt on giving the target age group the types of games they wanted to play. Nintnendo's loyal user base won't do them much good in the future if it keep getting smaller with each generation
A late 2004 launch is almost impossible. nearly out of the realm of possibility.

about as likely as Nintendo launching Ultra64 in 1995 or Dolphin in 2000.

late 2005 is the soonest, for any new console
Well they COULD launch in 2004... It's just no one would want it, and would get them laughed right out of that market. :p ;)
Qroach said:
Nintnendo's loyal user base won't do them much good in the future if it keep getting smaller with each generation.

I agree that Nintendo is selling less and less consoles, but it is not their "loyal" userbase which is shrinking, that is all the other gamers buying a console for other reasons than Nintendo own games, which are less and less.

My point was that, at least for nintendo, they have a core group of customers, which will always buy their console for its uniqueness. That is not the case for MS. Xbox games could be on playstation. They are just more brillant. Both catalog "feel" the same (apart the obvious Xbox technicals merits). As soon as xbox2 and ps3 will be on the same level (not even buying into ps3 hype), MS will lose their advantage and I think their customers will move away just because of Sony image and marketing.
london-boy said:
Brimstone said:
I really doubt Microsoft will launch in late 2004 and try to get a headstart on the PS3. I'm sure they remember what happened to the Dreamcast. Sony is in control as far a kicking off the next generation. When Sony goes so will Microsoft.

well, when u think about it, time of launch doesn't really matter that much...

i mean look what happened with PS2...

anyone could have said "oh well everyone will wait for the more powerful Xbox and GC and no one will buy PS2"...

PS2 could have "done a DC" and lost this generation if it were for release dates....

so i guess in the end, marketing, software lineup, name recognition, features (like DVD/BR, networking, and all those things, not talking about Tflops which 99% of the population don't know anything about) will be the deciding factor...

Sony is pretty strong in most of those aspects, they can afford to "do less than MS and N" because they're already "up there"... so i guess that if they seriously f**k something up and end up losing the N.1 spot, they will be N.2, certainly they will not go out of the market...

Nint and MS will have to prove themselves just to keep their share of the market...

History has shown you can't launch after Sony because of their strong name brand recognition. The Playstation 2 launch juxtaposed to the Dreamcast is a terrifying example of Sonys dominance IMHO. Sony tore up SEGA like a wet paper bag. To be fair Microsoft is far more powerful than SEGA.

Sony isn't bulletproof. No company is. Look at the past history of the video game market. Atari was once the dominant force and their empire crumbled. Nintendo was also once top dog, and look how well Sony has done against them.
Qroach said:
I disagree, Ms has built a user base this generation, but it wasn't built on technical superiority, it wa sbuilt on giving the target age group the types of games they wanted to play.

I think your spot-on concerning Nintendo, but I disagree wrt Microsoft. Looking at the XBox, I question what is has that it's most direct competitor (obviously PlayStation) doesn't: What's it's draw. What's it's soul/core.

And, frankly, Microsoft's line-up has drawn heavily from former PC developers and the comparable architecture between the PC and 'box - which was very clever on their part as it created a DX8-centric base that developers would feel comfortable developing to and then pitch a PC game and get XBox basically for free (or viceversa). PS2's draw is it's popularity and the inevitable sales, which it all comes down to in the end. But the question remains, if PS2 is where the sales are at - why even bother with the XBox?

I question what will happen when you see a PlayStation platform of comparable or greater "power" than an XBox platform - one which *appears* to be diverging from a core perk. Now, this is obviously just talk and can change in either direction at the drop of a hat. Yet, I wonder, Will it even be worth the port then? And this is even before factoring in what *could* happen with the digital livingroom and that aspect.

And I think we both agree that easy of developing (regardless of what DMGA says) is a bullshit metric for success in the real world of buisness where the profits are what matter. I also think we can agree that based on history, it would seem that the market will *pick* a console and run with it... selection between these two entities targeting the same demographic would appear to be inevitable.
Brimstone said:
Sony isn't bulletproof. No company is. Look at the past history of the video game market. Atari was once the dominant force and their empire crumbled. Nintendo was also once top dog, and look how well Sony has done against them.

I think that next year rerelease of the PSTWO and the launch of the PSP will be crucial for Sony. If they are both successfull, they will open the road for a big PS3 hype among the massmarket. Considering that PSTWO success is almost a given, PSP launch will be big not only to conquer the handheld market. A disastrous PSP launch could on the other hand give more room to MS.
A disastrous PSP launch will not affect PS3 or MS as muc as it will affect and benefit Nintendo and the GBA.

If MS launch in 2004 it will be a huge mistake IMHO, as I think it will alienate a few current XBOX owners and to top it off it almost impossible to make good games in less than 12months especially when it is only now that developers are meant to be getting emulation units from MS (source THQ).

A 2004 launch for MS and Nintendo is nigh on impossible unless they feel like landing with plenty of egg on their faces, whereas Sony could get away with it but again I believe it is only now that Sony has begun shipping emulation hardware to developers (but I could be wrong here).