With MS purchasing and offering a 10 year deal not just for COD but all AB and MS titles that gives all these companies 10 years of growth before they would loose anything vs right away
I'm not saying the CMA is making the wrong choice so don't get up in my business about foreclosing competition, but this is important point for everyone to read if you're saying 10 years is not enough. Most B2B terms are between 1 to 5 years. 7 years for compliance services. Business to Government is the only time I see contracts extending well beyond 10+ years, like up to 100 years and that's usually for land or real-estate, mining rights etc.
But when it comes to business you're thinking about some weird 4D chess. Business is about money. Let's do some trivially cheap napkin math, like a phone line. Let's say it's $1.25 per month today. You make an agreement with that company B2B for 5000 employees. That's 1.25 * 5000 * 12 * 10 = $750,000 dollars for that contract for 10 years. No one is ever going to sign a 10 year deal like that, because you know the price will drop each year eventually, so you're going to sign shorter contracts to get a better deal over time, or maybe switch providers if a better technology out in that time frame and cuts that price in half further. Only a dummy would lock themselves in for 10 years at the speed at which technology is moving at.
Let's use that example and think about what MS is offering to these cloud providers.
The cloud provider will receive
The latest COD franchise games
And the terms will be
12 months * 10 years * some rate * users. And the companies are literally fighting for this deal now that it's blocked. Think about how cheap this deal is that they would be willing to sign this now for 10 years.
Compared to the alternative of trying to get COD onto their platform for 1 year let alone 10.
You see, as a business, you don't care about COD in 10 years time as a cloud provider. You need to stay in business today. Getting the latest COD franchise on your platform streaming today, and for the next 10 years at a super cheap rate is going to help your company survive for 10 years. And if it still happens to be that COD is this critical input, perhaps your business has grown sufficiently enough to pay an increased rate for COD. But if COD is dead by then, who cares, as a cloud provider you got yours. That's a risk, almost everyone except the market leader would be willing to take.
So all this talk about 10+ or 20+ years is insanity. All of these ABK titles could very well be obsolete by then, and MS being forced to hand them out like candy on Halloween, you'd be insane not to sign. Hell I'd consider starting a cloud gaming company to get in on this deal if it's cheap enough. If there are really that many people that want to play COD and don't want to buy hardware, and I can arbitrage MS' rate right now, hell, cloud providers should be lining up to do it. That's solid income for 10 years.
like seriously, if we should form a B3D Cloud Corp today, start licensing some gaming hardware on the cloud and get in on this deal. If it's really this crazy critical input that everyone says it is, and MS is giving out this very generous 10 year rate. We should do it. For 10 years. If it's going to provide me a ROI of greater 10% and the business case is solid? Why not.
But we know it's not reality; we'd be dead after the first 6 months when no one signs up. That's Cloud gaming today.
MS is offering rates on COD today, that you'd likely not be able to get until the market was so mature and so competitive that they would be forced to this low price point. I think that's the truth of MS' offer here. Because where cloud gaming is today, the number of people signing up and the cost of a COD license on a cloud platform, not even MS could afford. Good luck.