Microsoft spending $1 Billion Dollars to stop PS3 Developers!!

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fyi this is why vysez is what we call a "six am superstar"

in all honesty hes kind of like a big puppy with a french accent who makes weird jokes at you
The best bit of this thread is it's 4pm local time, work is coming to a halt, and normally B3D has tumbleweeds floating about at this time. Now I'm having a great chuckle.

The worst thing is Tim can get away with this stuff, but I'm too afraid of Shifty's banhammer to completely dive in. Shifty's the worst I tells ya, he has eyes like a hawk.
im going to go out on a limb and declare this thread a BAN-FREE ZONE.

except futurecto/whatever. i am not declaring that.

i dont know if i can do that except i'm pretty sure i can pester vysez into putting that into effect

so maybe we should start flaming people :D
The "train wreck" is that this rumor just about blew my stack.
What happened with Dual Shock upset the hell out of me.
One of the number one things people knock the PS3 over is not having rumble.

Why a separate thread?
First, didn't see it. Sorry.
Second, That one passively saw the news rumor.
And didn't bother to seek what motivation or timing would cause this.

This thread is not one story.
It is angst over Microsoft.

This other controller lawsuit against Wii and PS3, but not Microsoft has had me a little bend out of shape. I skipped on PS3's launch because it lacked dual shock. I was considering getting a Wii in the mean time. Now I have no idea what is going to happen with that consoles controllers.
I think the correct internet meme that can be used to sum-up this whole thread is facepalm.

Somebody start a new thread about the Epic buy-out rumour please. With a less sensationalistic title, please.
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