Microsoft acquired Activision Blizzard King for $69 Billion on 2023-10-13

MSs current position in the market which is self inflicted doesn't have anything to do with the validity of this deal and what the enormity or precedent of eating entire publishers entails at large, especially for the amount of money we are talking about. Like I said I expect the deal to go through, but with hopefully some real rules from the bigger commisions on what MS is allowed to do with them.

If not, I expect a very absurd publisher buying war on the horizon that isn't really any benefit to anyone besides the companies in question, although that's already the case here for the most part

This is what i used to think, but if the regulators body function is to make sure that fair competition is preserved then it dosent really matter how they get there. What matter is how this deal will affect market, and if msft can prove that this deal will only strengthen the competition between all participants this will be enough.


new info

Microsoft Plans to Build OpenAI Capabilities Into All Products - WSJ

“Being a No. 4 player trying to add some content and create more opportunity for more publishers, more gamers to be able to enjoy—I mean if you believe in competition, you should believe in this deal,” Mr. Nadella said. “I hope the competition authorities get focused more on competition and that would be a good day.”
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MSs current position in the market which is self inflicted doesn't have anything to do with the validity of this deal and what the enormity or precedent of eating entire publishers entails at large, especially for the amount of money we are talking about. Like I said I expect the deal to go through, but with hopefully some real rules from the bigger commisions on what MS is allowed to do with them.

If not, I expect a very absurd publisher buying war on the horizon that isn't really any benefit to anyone besides the companies in question, although that's already the case here for the most part
Microsoft's position in this doesn't matter that it's self-inflicted. No regulator is going to look at Microsoft's past failings and go, look at Scalebound or Project Ego and go tsk, tsk, tsk with a finger in Microsoft's face. They don't care. At the time of acquisition announcement and subsequent time afterwards, they are looking at current market share and overall prevalent themes of the industry at the time.

Will the acquisition of Activision in 2023 by Microsoft create a monopoly for Microsoft? That is the only question that matters. There isn't any metric that can use that can get you to an answer of yes and still have that answer be logical. That's why they are 4 out of 4 currently with approvals.
Microsoft's position in this doesn't matter that it's self-inflicted. No regulator is going to look at Microsoft's past failings and go, look at Scalebound or Project Ego and go tsk, tsk, tsk with a finger in Microsoft's face. They don't care. At the time of acquisition announcement and subsequent time afterwards, they are looking at current market share and overall prevalent themes of the industry at the time.

Will the acquisition of Activision in 2023 by Microsoft create a monopoly for Microsoft? That is the only question that matters. There isn't any metric that can use that can get you to an answer of yes and still have that answer be logical. That's why they are 4 out of 4 currently with approvals.

yeah..... "Well you had your chance and you blew it!!!!! Go home!"

European Games Developer Federation

Big endorsement. Damn

What is the EGDF?​

The European Games Developer Federation e.f. (EGDF) unites 22 national trade associations representing game developer studios based in 21 European countries: Austria (PGDA), Belgium (FLEGA), Croatia (CGDA), Czechia (GDACZ), Denmark (Producentforeningen), Finland (Suomen pelinkehittäjät), France (SNJV), Germany (GAME), Italy (IIDEA), Netherlands (DGA), Norway (Produsentforeningen), Poland (PGA), Portugal (APVP), Romania (RGDA), Serbia (SGA), Spain (DEV), Sweden (Spelplan-ASGD), Slovakia (SGDA), Switzerland (SGDA), Turkey (TOGED) and the United Kingdom (TIGA). Through its members, EGDF represents more than 2,500 game developer studios, most of them SMEs, employing more than 40,000 people.
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I like how this "developer federation" doesnt see a problem with a monopolist buying one of the biggest third party publisher. Guess they dont like linux...
I like how this "developer federation" doesnt see a problem with a monopolist buying one of the biggest third party publisher. Guess they dont like linux...
they see

"EGDF supports Microsoft's ActivisionBlizzard acquisition, as its potential positive impacts on the competition in game markets, in general, outweigh the limited console and subscription market-specific competition concerns. "
I like how this "developer federation" doesnt see a problem with a monopolist buying one of the biggest third party publisher. Guess they dont like linux...

Because linux is a fart in the wind and now proton lets the majority of the games run on the platform anyway.
MS is going to lay off as much as 5% of staff.

Yet they can pay Activision almost $70 billion? Is it a cash acquisition or using MSFT stock, which is down 20% in the past year but was high as $315+ (it's around 240.35 now)?

If they do close the deal, they may have to lay off some Activision employees as well.
MS is going to lay off as much as 5% of staff.

Rumored to be 5%.

I blame Wallstreet and their insistent need to chase short-term numbers at the expense of long-term stability. Many companies staffed up during the pandemic to meet demand and then need to scale back after demand has lessened. I really wish they would have the gumption to straight up buck the trend and say they have an eye on the long-term.
MS is going to lay off as much as 5% of staff.

Yet they can pay Activision almost $70 billion? Is it a cash acquisition or using MSFT stock, which is down 20% in the past year but was high as $315+ (it's around 240.35 now)?

If they do close the deal, they may have to lay off some Activision employees as well.
I read stuff like this and on the surface it almost makes sense, but if you are wealthy but overstaffed it doesn't make sense to continue to be overstaffed or soon you won't be wealthy.
Rumored to be 5%.

I blame Wallstreet and their insistent need to chase short-term numbers at the expense of long-term stability. Many companies staffed up during the pandemic to meet demand and then need to scale back after demand has lessened. I really wish they would have the gumption to straight up buck the trend and say they have an eye on the long-term.
They still have a lot of employees left over from their stores. Those employees were moved into direct sales and support and weren't doing well (obviously there are some exceptions) They have also bought a few companies in the last couple of years that are now more intergrated and likely don't need redundant roles like HR or marketing
Nilay Patel made an interesting point about this deal on CNBC this morning.

One of the reasons MS is willing to pay this much is that their longer strategy is cloud gaming, stream it to every device, don't have to worry about consoles, don't to worry about making games for Playstation as part of this deal.

However, there's no guarantee that their cloud gaming service will be available on all platforms. In particular, MS cloud gaming may never be on iOS in the way they want, without having to pay Apple 30%, for instance.

They may or may not be able to make a deal with Apple. Ironically for them, they may need the federal government to force Apple to allow something like a cloud gaming service on iOS on terms more favorable to MS.

So they may not want to burn all bridges with the Biden Administration, whose FTC and DOJ would have to approve this acquisition. It just happens that the head of the DOJ antitrust division is Jonathan Kantner, who has previously represented Microsoft in litigation against Google.

Or maybe they just have to donate to Republicans and hope to get an administration more friendly to this deal in office.
Nilay Patel made an interesting point about this deal on CNBC this morning.

One of the reasons MS is willing to pay this much is that their longer strategy is cloud gaming, stream it to every device, don't have to worry about consoles, don't to worry about making games for Playstation as part of this deal.

However, there's no guarantee that their cloud gaming service will be available on all platforms. In particular, MS cloud gaming may never be on iOS in the way they want, without having to pay Apple 30%, for instance.

They may or may not be able to make a deal with Apple. Ironically for them, they may need the federal government to force Apple to allow something like a cloud gaming service on iOS on terms more favorable to MS.

So they may not want to burn all bridges with the Biden Administration, whose FTC and DOJ would have to approve this acquisition. It just happens that the head of the DOJ antitrust division is Jonathan Kantner, who has previously represented Microsoft in litigation against Google.

Or maybe they just have to donate to Republicans and hope to get an administration more friendly to this deal in office.

You don't think the current FTC under Biden isn't chomping at the bit for a chance to go after apple ?

Aside from that MS is fine continuing to make consoles. They still make a lot on the ecoosystem
Oh they definitely want to go after Apple.

The DOJ as well.

And also Google.

Would be one thing if they force Apple to give a small company or a startup better terms but to do it on behalf of MS?

That would be picking winners out of two comparably powerful companies.
Nilay Patel made an interesting point about this deal on CNBC this morning.

One of the reasons MS is willing to pay this much is that their longer strategy is cloud gaming, stream it to every device, don't have to worry about consoles, don't to worry about making games for Playstation as part of this deal.

However, there's no guarantee that their cloud gaming service will be available on all platforms. In particular, MS cloud gaming may never be on iOS in the way they want, without having to pay Apple 30%, for instance.

They may or may not be able to make a deal with Apple. Ironically for them, they may need the federal government to force Apple to allow something like a cloud gaming service on iOS on terms more favorable to MS.

So they may not want to burn all bridges with the Biden Administration, whose FTC and DOJ would have to approve this acquisition. It just happens that the head of the DOJ antitrust division is Jonathan Kantner, who has previously represented Microsoft in litigation against Google.

Or maybe they just have to donate to Republicans and hope to get an administration more friendly to this deal in office.
this acquisition is more about that, yeah, having a chance against Apple, and Google, which are the two true giants -Microsoft strengths aren't what they used to be-, not Playstation. I hope this go through, it's likely.

If not, there's Ubi.... We already know who Microsoft will go after if the purchase of Activision is not completed XD
Oh they definitely want to go after Apple.

The DOJ as well.

And also Google.

Would be one thing if they force Apple to give a small company or a startup better terms but to do it on behalf of MS?

That would be picking winners out of two comparably powerful companies.

I would imagine if apple is forced to open up IOS to other store fronts then MS using King + gamepass + cod and maybe even wow could create a compelling store front for people to want to put on ios and android.

I mean just think about it , Xbox for ios , get access to all your great xbox games on the go and popular mobile games on the go. Oh and sign up for game pass and pick up a console so you can play the best versions of the game at home !
I would imagine if apple is forced to open up IOS to other store fronts then MS using King + gamepass + cod and maybe even wow could create a compelling store front for people to want to put on ios and android.

I mean just think about it , Xbox for ios , get access to all your great xbox games on the go and popular mobile games on the go. Oh and sign up for game pass and pick up a console so you can play the best versions of the game at home !
Some parts of the world already force Apple to open up in the future. Starting in 2024 in the EU for example: