Microsoft acquired Activision Blizzard King for $69 Billion on 2023-10-13

And that's on Square. If I offer somebody money to screw over somebody else in some way, they don't have to accept.

Say no. The value is IP is relative to those who are a) interested in it, and b) can access it. Removing your IP from a segment of any market by restricting platform support will mean a segment of the market will turn away from that IP and it will be relevant and less valuable overall. If you later change tact, some people may just not be interested - they may have found others things.
Considering that the FF series has been more asscosciated with PS since FF7, its install base and how much better it sells on that platform, I would say that the partial absence on XBOX isnt as severely felt. It would be significantly more severely felt if it left the Playstation.
Considering that the FF series has been more asscosciated with PS since FF7, its install base and how much better it sells on that platform, I would say that the partial absence on XBOX isnt as severely felt. It would be significantly more severely felt if it left the Playstation.
Short term profits in exchange for potential large long term gains.

If SE didnt engage in exclusivity deals they could have built their presence on Xbox. You only need 1 or 2 killer releases to get everyone coming (see FromSoftware / Elden Ring). Then, once you got that killer app out, people will be interested in the next one.

But they’ve more or less killed the franchise on Xbox. No one is expecting it to arrive anymore with any real consistency. Keep burning the bridges and the profits won’t come. FF7R was a good chance to turn things around.

SFV burned themselves as well, pretty much killed off the FGC scene on Xbox, not sure how well SF6 on Xbox will do as a result.
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Short term profits in exchange for potential large long term gains.

If SE didnt engage in exclusivity deals they could have built their presence on Xbox. You only need 1 or 2 killer releases to get everyone coming (see FromSoftware / Elden Ring). Then, once you got that killer app out, people will be interested in the next one.

But they’ve more or less killed the franchise on Xbox. No one is expecting it to arrive anymore with any real consistency. Keep burning the bridges and the profits won’t come. FF7R was a good chance to turn things around.

SFV burned themselves as well, pretty much killed off the FGC scene on Xbox, not sure how well SF6 will do as a result.
You dont have any information other than assumptions.
Previous games since 13, (along with remasters of previous games) and FF15 was released along with all expansions. FF7R was the only one that didnt come on XBOX.
They are still trying to bring FF14 on XBOX but due to regulations from MS they can't.
Assuming that they "killed it off on XBOX" simply by one Remake being exclusive on PS is a huge stretch.
And that's on Square. If I offer somebody money to screw over somebody else in some way, they don't have to accept.

They could choose to not accept an exclusivity deal and instead potentially go out of business. Just like some developers/publishers could choose not to be acquired by another company and instead potentially go out of business.

Just like they could have chosen not to make Tomb Raider exclusive (timed, unlike Sony demanding permanent exclusivity with some titles) to Xbox and instead not finished it and not released it. Of course then the resulting internet outrage basically made it so Square-Enix could no longer afford to make anything exclusive to Xbox which basically gives Sony massively greater negotiating powers to ensure they get the best deal possible (for example, permanent exclusivity if they desire on previously multiplatform IPs).

People (vocal people on the internet) have basically said that in their minds Square-Enix already belongs to Sony by saying any Square-Enix exclusivity deal with Microsoft is bad but any exclusivity deal with Sony is good. Which itself boggles my mind as that means that those people don't give 2 shits about the health of Square-Enix as a company or their ability to negotiate the best deals for them and thus their ability to make better games (via better deals leading to more money).

We already know that when allowed (or not prohibited) by Sony, Square-Enix enjoys striking deals with MS (GamePass, for example). However, they likely feel that they cannot strike any exclusivity deals with MS after Tomb Raider for fear of players boycotting any games that are exclusive to Xbox.

It's not really a choice if choosing not to do something results in the death of an IP or the company itself.

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They could choose to not accept an exclusivity deal and instead potentially go out of business. Just like some developers/publishers could choose not to be acquired by another company and instead potentially go out of business.

I am not sure I follow the argument the if Square chose to release Final Fantasy on more platforms that equates to going out of business.

Except for revisiting re-releases, Square seemed happy release Final Fantasy on limited platforms and for a long time those were Nintendo platforms. That changed with FF VII which released on PlayStation and Square folks have spoken at length on this and this was entirely about the technical differences, with what they wanted to do with the game and it being impossible on Nintendo's cartridge-based system.

Instead, Square took a huge risk on developing that game for the PlayStation which had zero market when the began that project.
I am not sure I follow the argument the if Square chose to release Final Fantasy on more platforms that equates to going out of business.

They could choose to not accept the exclusivity deal and potentially go out of business. They are accepting them from potentially the only publisher that vocal gamers on the internet believe Square-Enix should be giving exclusivity to in order to try to stay in business.

AAA development costs versus risk (potential ROI shortfall) means that many developers and publishers have to either accept any exclusivity deal offered to them or seek out a buyer. It's not really much of a choice for many developers and publishers anymore.

So, depending on the financial condition of a company they may view the potential ROI shortfall risk of a title or IP is high and thus they accept an exclusivity deal as insurance. Their potential revenue (including the money from the deal) is significantly lower in this case but the potential loss is also significantly reduced.

As AAA development gets increasingly more expensive, developers and publishers become less able to weather the inevitable boom or bust that is associated with AAA development that requires large booms of isolated titles to insure against the inevitable bust of isolated titles. That means either getting out of the business (selling to another company) or insuring a title against a potential bust (giving control of isolated titles to another company by selling exclusivity to said titles).

So, to answer that question, yes, being on multiple platforms can potentially result in a company going out of business if they don't see a large enough ROI on said title. Of course, at the same time, being on multiple platforms also means they have a significantly higher potential for a large ROI ... as long as they are able and willing to accept the risk of a potentially insufficient ROI.

In some cases, some developers/publishers may not even feel they have a choice in regards to who they can accept an exclusivity deal from which then gives incredible power to the console holder offering the exclusivity deal. Basically, it's like they defacto have partial ownership of the company without actually owning the company.

You dont have any information other than assumptions.
Previous games since 13, (along with remasters of previous games) and FF15 was released along with all expansions. FF7R was the only one that didnt come on XBOX.
They are still trying to bring FF14 on XBOX but due to regulations from MS they can't.
Assuming that they "killed it off on XBOX" simply by one Remake being exclusive on PS is a huge stretch.
FF7R, FF7R part 2, and now FF16 back to back is a significant drought of FF titles on Xbox for a long period of time. You are looking at titles, but that’s not how marketing works. You should be looking at time since last release.

That’s not Sonys fault. I’m not blaming Sony here, but SE will feel this one. SF series is dramatically crushed on Xbox. You can look at small sample surveys for SF6 intended platform purchase, it’s only PS and PC now. Xbox will make 10% or less of sales. SF has not been on Xbox in 10 years now. They only missed 1 title.
FF7R, FF7R part 2, and now FF16 back to back is a significant drought of FF titles on Xbox for a long period of time. You are looking at titles, but that’s not how marketing works. You should be looking at time since last release.

That’s not Sonys fault. I’m not blaming Sony here, but SE will feel this one. SF series is dramatically crushed on Xbox. You can look at small sample surveys for SF6 intended platform purchase, it’s only PS and PC now. Xbox will make 10% or less of sales. SF has not been on Xbox in 10 years now. They only missed 1 title.
Apparently Microsoft is inhibiting FF14's release, and besides FF7R which is not a main sequel, no other game was released, besides FF7 Crisis Core which found it's way.
So you still have zero data regarding FF7R "killing off the franchise on XBOX" or data on unreleased games.
As for SF, actual sales will tell more than surveys. FF was never on another potform during PS1 and PS2 before it hit the 360. By your logic, its sales has stayed insignificant on XBOX, therefore not much of a loss either.
Apparently Microsoft is inhibiting FF14's release, and besides FF7R which is not a main sequel, no other game was released, besides FF7 Crisis Core which found it's way.
So you still have zero data regarding FF7R "killing off the franchise on XBOX" or data on unreleased games.
As for SF, actual sales will tell more than surveys. FF was never on another potform during PS1 and PS2 before it hit the 360. By your logic, its sales has stayed insignificant on XBOX, therefore not much of a loss either.
SF sold really well on 360 I’m not sure what you mean by that.
FF15 had a 80/20 split on PS4 and XBO. Then they went exclusive for the next 3 releases, you’re telling me FF16 is going to kill it on Xbox if it even arrives this generation ? There may not be another FF release this Gen after part 2 and FF15.

I can’t possibly see sales improving on Xbox if it ever returns.
SF sold really well on 360 I’m not sure what you mean by that.
FF15 had a 80/20 split on PS4 and XBO. Then they went exclusive for the next 3 releases, you’re telling me FF16 is going to kill it on Xbox if it even arrives this generation ? There may not be another FF release this Gen after part 2 and FF15.

I can’t possibly see sales improving on Xbox if it ever returns.
Then it was never much of loss on XBOX to begin with since it never picked up 🤷‍♂️
Wasn't the problem that Xbox didn't sell well enough in Japan? MS signed exclusivity deals with some other Japanese developers for their own RPG games but presumably they didn't sell that well or well enough to continue?

How have the XSX sold in Japan?
Considering that the PS4 outsold the XB1 by a lot I'd say that an 80/20 sales split, for a title that's associated with PS for years, isn't that bad.
Considering that the PS4 outsold the XB1 by a lot I'd say that an 80/20 sales split, for a title that's associated with PS for years, isn't that bad.
And if thats the case then, a temporary exclusivity wont hurt future sales much either 🤷‍♂️
Then it was never much of loss on XBOX to begin with since it never picked up 🤷‍♂️
As I said. Short term profits in sacrifice for long term gains.
If all you want is SF or FF. Waiting 10 years for the next time to play is unacceptable. They move to the platform in this case PS. But they don’t actually gain new users. That’s the problem.
This short term gains in exchange for potential long term profits.
If FROM thought as SE did, Elden Ring would never have sold as well as it did. ER sold incredibly well across all platforms and that just comes from supporting all 3 platforms through good and bad.
All the chatter I see around FF Crisis Core is its lesser title, nearly a reject title, that no one asked for and no one on Xbox will buy because they can't play FF7R.

The chatter around SquareEnix is two sides. One side says MS should acquire them or pay a mft to get all the ports. The other said MS should let the fade away into nothingness or let them be acquired by Sony. So it's Buy Them / Fuck Them. Very polarized views from the Xbox gamers now that SE has abused them for so long.

The one thing both sides seem to agree on is Embracer already got the best of SquareEnix.
As I said. Short term profits in sacrifice for long term gains.
If all you want is SF or FF. Waiting 10 years for the next time to play is unacceptable. They move to the platform in this case PS. But they don’t actually gain new users. That’s the problem.
This short term gains in exchange for potential long term profits.
If FROM thought as SE did, Elden Ring would never have sold as well as it did. ER sold incredibly well across all platforms and that just comes from supporting all 3 platforms through good and bad.
You have no way to extrapolate those "short term gains" vs "long term gains". Considering the sales of FF15 on One, nothing supports the perma death of the franchise on the XBOX for the future or a huge loss.
A good game is a good game, and mainline FF games are not sequels. They are separate games with separate worlds and stories, with only some themes being common. A good FF game on XBX in the future will sell well.
Because its a good game.
You have no way to extrapolate those "short term gains" vs "long term gains". Considering the sales of FF15 on One, nothing supports the perma death of the franchise on the XBOX for the future or a huge loss.
A good game is a good game, and mainline FF games are not sequels. They are separate games with separate worlds and stories, with only some themes being common. A good FF game on XBX in the future will sell well.
Because its a good game.
Short term gain: getting money from Sony to make up the loss of not releasing it on Xbox

Long term gain: releasing it on Xbox and gaining the good will to drive future sales of your franchise on a new population. Placing your titles onto game pass and just working it.

See Yakuza Series. Xbox and game pass is credited to its recent success in the western market.

In order to gain fans you need people to at least play your older titles. When they did release FF on game pass. They stifled them by not releasing anything of relative matter since FF15. It will be at least 10 years before another new mainline FF makes it way to Xbox. At least. And you won’t be able to put the FF7R and FF16 on gamepass due to contractual obligations with Sony.

Like I said. Short term gain vs long term potential.

It’s a bit like everyone criticizing MS for not expanding better into Europe. If they are supported better perhaps they would gain more ground there. That’s the same with SE. if they supported Xbox better they would gain new customers. 20M+ users on Xbox wouldn’t play a new mainline FF? And then use that to drive sales for FF16+ ??

Anyway. I don’t think anyone on Xbox is bitter they are being skipped. Everyone who wants FF left Xbox by now.
A good FF game on XBX in the future will sell well.
Because it’s a good game.
And by your logic, since it doesn’t sell well on Xbox currently. There is no loss of going exclusive. Therefore, It will never come to Xbox because they are content to take exclusivity money instead.

Until SE is willing to make an investment into Xbox, the series will not find new users on Xbox platform with the way they are going about.
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Short term gain: getting money from Sony to make up the loss of not releasing it on Xbox

Long term gain: releasing it on Xbox and gaining the good will to drive future sales of your franchise on a new population. Placing your titles onto game pass and just working it.

See Yakuza Series. Xbox and game pass is credited to its recent success in the western market.

In order to gain fans you need people to at least play your older titles. When they did release FF on game pass. They stifled them by not releasing anything of relative matter since FF15. It will be at least 10 years before another new mainline FF makes it way to Xbox. At least. And you won’t be able to put the FF7R and FF16 on gamepass due to contractual obligations with Sony.

Like I said. Short term gain vs long term potential.

It’s a bit like everyone criticizing MS for not expanding better into Europe. If they are supported better perhaps they would gain more ground there. That’s the same with SE. if they supported Xbox better they would gain new customers. 20M+ users on Xbox wouldn’t play a new mainline FF? And then use that to drive sales for FF16+ ??

Anyway. I don’t think anyone on Xbox is bitter they are being skipped. Everyone who wants FF left Xbox by now.
I know what you meant with short term and long term.
You are making a lot of assumptions hence why you are contradicting yourself.
You dont know whether to claim a game can pick up on XBOX or whether it will be killed off.
Yakuza was originally a PS exclusive. But now you claim it became a success on the western market by releasing it on XBOX and on Gamepass (lets ignore btw the PS4's installbase in the west though).
It either did not sell well on XBOX because all previous games were PS exclusive or it did sell well on XBOX.
Then by going through your logic by how awseomely supposedly it did on XBOX, the same would have counted for FFX15 on XBOX and Gamepass which would have ignited interest in SE continuing the release of mainline games on XBOX because Gamepass and units sold on XBOX was bringing in the big money.
Then again if you claim it DID well on XBOX, it goes against your claim that exclusivity killed the franchise because it would have been dead for decades since it was a PS exclusive to begin with before it came on XBOX.
If you on the other hand claim games benefit from Gamepass, then SE can simply release a game on XBOX and Gamepass and ignite interest 🤷‍♂️

It is not SE's job to market XBOX's brand. It is MS's. If MS did well with their marketing in EU, then developers would have been more willing to support it (edit: for reference let me remind you how many PS exclusives came to XBOX, including FF13 when the 360 was selling well). If MS doesnt care about their baby, dont expect others to take care of it.
Dont blame SE for MS's blanders.

At this stage you have no clear idea how much money SE is making on XBOX, how much they got from Sony, or how much they will lose from XBOX or gain by more people joining PS. Everything you say is vague and an assumption with lots of contradictions.
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I know what you meant with short term and long term.
You are making a lot of assumptions hence why you are contradicting yourself.
You dont know whether to claim a game can pick up on XBOX or whether it will be killed off.
Yakuza was originally a PS exclusive. But now you claim it became a success on the western market by releasing it on XBOX and on Gamepass (lets ignore btw the PS4's installbase in the west though).
It either did not sell well on XBOX because all previous games were PS exclusive or it did sell well on XBOX.
Then by going through your logic by how awseomely supposedly it did on XBOX, the same would have counted for FFX15 on XBOX and Gamepass which would have ignited interest in SE continuing the release of mainline games on XBOX.
Then again if you claim it DID well on XBOX, it goes against your claim that exclusivity killed the franchise because it would have been dead for decades since it was a PS exclusive to begin with before it came on XBOX.
If you on the other hand claim games benefit from Gamepass, then SE can simply release a game on XBOX and Gamepass and ignite interest 🤷‍♂️

It is not SE's job to market XBOX's brand. It is MS's. If MS did well with their marketing in EU, then developers would have been more willing to support it. If MS doesnt care about their baby, dont expect others to take care of it.
Dont blame SE for MS's blanders.
Yakuza was never on Xbox.
And they released the entire series on Xbox and on game pass.
This isn’t just releasing a title onto xbox, they made damn sure everyone who wanted to try it could play it.

This is very different from FF. If you think suddenly dropping an 80 dollar title onto xbox after missing the last 3 big releases is going to be successful we have a very different idea of what success is.

We’re going To have to agree to disagree.

Imo they’ve successfully burned their bridges into Xbox for the foreseeable future. The last 3 big FF releases cannot come to gamepass. A critical step in bringing fans back quickly for a new release.