MGS4 doesn't regularly have FMVs. I recall the one obvious example, the huge battle. And that's done with in-game assets, it's actually more likely to be a realtime captured video from a powerful PC that is just played back. So it's not really pre-rendered like the FMV in Uncharted or FF. That's why you don't notice a glaring difference. I also hate the use of FMV in gameplay heavy games. It's fine in Final Fantasy or other JRPGs because they rely a lot on story and emotion, but I hate it in shooters.
Also, the one thing that Uncharted has over MGS4 are the textures, which are MGS4's weakpoints - while MGS4 clearly has the edge in character polish and sharpness. Uncharted always looks a bit blurry, although that may be their desired stylistic approach.
I'm pretty sure the uncharted cutscenes are all captured from the real time engine, and only captured at all to load level assets in the background.