MGS2 tearing

chap said:
You're totally missing the point. The irony is I can pop a PSX MGS disc into my DC and play.

I dont get you....
So DC can emulate PSX games, big deal......... :oops:

I think what he is saying is one of the two big diffrences just got taken away, the other being able to play dvds
chap said:
You're totally missing the point. The irony is I can pop a PSX MGS disc into my DC and play.

I dont get you....
So DC can emulate PSX games, big deal......... :oops:

Ok if you can pop a GCN or PS2 disc into your Xbox wouldn't that be mindboggling? I would think so..
hm with bleem you can play i believe 200 , with emu's off the web you can play almost all of them. You can also play vcds , divx , avis and mp3s on the dreamcast. I'm not saying the dreamcast is the better system. I'm just saying that the dreamcast has its strengths , so does the ps2. Did the dreamcast make one of the most beautifull games ever made in shenmue... yes they did . Anyone who can sit there and tell me know is either A) smoking some good shit b) never played it c) is a sony fan boy

If you can tell me metal gear looks better than shenmue , see the three choices above.
chap said:
Ok if you can pop a GCN disc into your Xbox wouldn't that be mindboggling?
Bad choice to use GCN and Xbox.

I think what he is trying to say ... god why do i gotta keep doing this... anyway he is trying to say that its amazing that another system can run games that aren't meant for it. It be like taking dreamcast games and playing them on an x box , I felt that way with my genesis when i used the master system converter. But hey whatever.
hm with bleem you can play i believe 200 , with emu's off the web you can play almost all of them.
Oh boy........ :(

You can also play vcds , divx , avis and mp3s on the dreamcast
So can PS2.

If you can tell me metal gear looks better than shenmue , see the three choices above
Shenmue looks great for a DC, no two ways about it.
In the meantime, why dont we compare BMXXX with FFX?
I personally like mgs2 or ico's look better than shenmue's look....

call me whatever u want.... :rolleyes:

and, u try running the particles u see in mgs2 on a dreamcast and lets see how long does it take it to melt down..... :LOL:

even the xbox has framerate issues.... fair enough, it might be a *rushed* port (even though they had like more than a years time to port it over) but my point remains...

there's no need to say one console is more powerful than the other one... they have strengths and weaknesses...

and the fact that the ps2 has some of these effects in software instead of hardware affects u in what way exactly?!?!?! :rolleyes:
PC-Engine said:
Well how about PS2 disc? Nevermind..

Look at it this way....
If someone really wanted, they could get Saturn games running on PS2 and GCN and Xbox. Which is as exciting as getting PSX games on DC.

But seeing as how Bleemcast died with only MGS1 and GT2 to show, i dont think anyone will be interested.

PS. I think there is a Xbox N64 emulator somewhere out there.

EDIT: i made a small boo-boo, if Xbox can run GCN disk, it will be cool but that is quite different from getting PSX games running on DC. :p
Yes I'm glad you like the look better , but graphicly shenmue is better than metal gear. You may like the look of it better but there is more going on , more to look at , more to render . Thats what makes shenmue more graphicly impressive. You may like mario 64 more than you like Super mario sunshine but we all know which is graphicly more impressive.

By doing it in software it takes away from the ai , polygons , lighting and other effects you want to do , plus fillrate and bandwidth. where as in hardware it will just take away from fillrate and bandwidth. Thats because dedicated hardware will caculate and handle the effect instead of the main cpu or graphics chip.
Beautifull out door locals , with lots of action going on . Increadible detail . Notice how sega isn't using dark colors and Limited light to hide anything. The overdraw on this tittle alone would bring the ps2 to its knees. Have any of you actually played Shenmue? Its easly the best looking and imho playing game of this generation so far.

Are you kidding??

I'm playing Shenmue 2 on Xbox atm, and christ it can be ugly!!! It certainly shows its age.

The over draw in shenmue would bring any system down

Yeah right. If there's that much overdraw, they shouldn't be writing games anyway - because they're drawing a bunch of polygons that can't be seen and are therefore wasting system resources.

And you just said it yourself - Xbox has got a port. It runs better than the DC version - err? Nice logic btw: you're comparing a port here. Did you notice that MGS2 on Xbox is slower than the PS2 version? The Xbox must be inferior :rolleyes:

I ask myself that question all the time, but it seems like people don't like to hear a DC game actually producing better graphics than the all mighty PS2 because the mere thought of DC which is older inferior hardware being better than PS2 is outright blasphemy.

You ask yourself whether we've played Shenmue? Well, to ease your curiosity - yes. 1 and 2, and 2 on Xbox and DC.

And it is not that amazing looking a game. Both titles are showing their age quite badly, especially on dreamcast, where the lack of mip-mapping and makes for a very aliased game. Don't even get me started on the pop-up.

256 different fog effects


super sampling anti-aliasing

PS2 can do it, and has it in more games than Dreamcast did.

specular highlighting, texture filtering, bump mapping, perspective correction, alpha blending (256 levels of transparency), ARGB gouraud shading, MIP mapping: point, bilinear, trilinear, and anistropic, General Modifier Volumes (GMV) for such effects as shadows, light, transpararency, etc.

It can do all of these, what the hell are you talking about?

In hardware too, geesh.
Well if Bleem wanted they could've made Bleemcast work with a lot more games like the PC version of Bleem. The reason why it only worked on 3 games was because Bleem wanted each game to work flawlessly instead of making the emulator work on 200 games but with some glitches here and there.

A lot of PS2 owners play PSX games on PS2 so it's not that bizarre.

And it is not that amazing looking a game. Both titles are showing their age quite badly, especially on dreamcast, where the lack of mip-mapping and makes for a very aliased game. Don't even get me started on the pop-up.

It sure looks better than MGS2 ingame, but that's just my opinion ;)

Sure it has pixel shimmering and other graphical problems. Nobody said it didn't. Go back and read the whole thread. MGS2 has graphical problems too, like the blurry green textures, tearing, and no progressive output, but that wasn't what this whole thread was about. I won't repeat the same things over and over again. Please go read the whole thread.

It's not about DC being superior to PS2. It wasn't even about Shenmue or DC until the PS2 zealots brought it up ;)
Well if Bleem wanted they could've made Bleemcast work with a lot more games like the PC version of Bleem. The reason why it only worked on 3 games was because Bleem wanted each game to work flawlessly instead of making the emulator work on 200 games but with some glitches here and there

But they didnt, too bad. :cry:
Bleem suck anyway, ePSX is a better emulator.
**By doing it in software it takes away from the ai , polygons , lighting and other effects you want to do , plus fillrate and bandwidth. where as in hardware it will just take away from fillrate and bandwidth. Thats because dedicated hardware will caculate and handle the effect instead of the main cpu or graphics chip.**

duh everyone with half a brain knows that. :D

read my question:

how does that affects YOU the gamer....

at the end of the day, even if it does them in software, it can still handle way more polygons and more sophisticated AI than the system that does them in hardware..... :rolleyes:

no hard feelings, im just trying to make my point here
And i still didnt noticed serious tearing when i played the game back then. :p
Too bad i sold off my MGS2. :cry:

i played through mgs2 once.

put it back in the case.

put it in my game library.

never touched it since... :LOL:
It doesn't , and neither does graphics . The first zelda on the nes doesn't suck now because of Zelda wind waker . Its just as great of a game and its graphics are just as impressive.

How does it effect me as a gamer . well I wouldn't have to sacrifice effects to have a game run on a system. Actually the playstation 2 can't do all of that in hardware. I will have to dig up old pdfs and what not which i don't have enough time to do. But you can look it up yourself.

Anyway there is no way to change your mind. Obviously you like dark , grainy , jaggy , graphicly unimpressive games over Barrier crushing break throughs . Whatever. I'm done I have an exam in a few hours