MGS2 tearing

PC-Engine said:
1. Shenmue doesn't have clipping not to mention HUGE draw distance ie Dock level.

2. The NPCs fade in/out they don't clip and it's only when there are many of them onscreen.

3. The slowdown is few and far between, again only when there are many NPCs (who have their own mini lives).

4. Shenmue runs in Progressive.

I've watched my friend play Shenmue 1 on DC a lot lately.

A few disagreements:

1. I haven't seen the dock level, but on the streets, the draw distance is DECENT.

2. They fade. They ALWAYS fade. Even in the first two very small, limited, no more than 2 NPC's areas.

3. Slowdown in the city. Granted it was raining, but it was kinda... depressing.

4. Super Mario Sunshine runs progressive too, but that's 30FPS. What's your point?
KH was pretty good.. the inconsistency in LOD models really bugged me, as did the lack of voice acting throughout.

Gameplay got sort of reptitive after a while (I dont like platformers), and each 'world' was small to the point that it left me wanting more!

All in all, it was a 'special game', not a 'great game'. Sort of like a 'special mention goes to...' candidate ;)
yeah well im only at 20 hours into the game.... but kh left the getaway on the shelf gathering dust ever since i bought them... the particle effects are just great....

i love particle effects, i dont know why... maybe i'll stuck with sony's consoles after all, they've always been somewhat keen on particles.... :LOL: