Well it seems your agenda (bias) is quite clear now (thanks for coming "out", finally).
Now if you consider the DC as being the uber easy console to develop for and that many consider it to be more powerful than the PS2, then you would have to consider a Shenmue that is any less than utterly perfect as a complete failure.
Hmmm... Perhaps those developers should have just passed on the DC and made their game natively on the PC platform? That would surely make their efforts foolproof, right? Let's just open a huge worm grenade and wonder why all GC and Xbox games aren't utterly flawless, given the power of their respective architectures and the ease of development environments? The sheer amount of experience base already established on the PPC 750 and the Pentium CPU architecture should make CPU issues in-game on Xbox and GC utterly nonexistent. ...unless you concede that the 2 CPU's are inadequate in some manner, thus flawed, and thus the respective consoles are inherently flawed... THE HUMANITY!!! There are no worthy, viable consoles on the market now?! The enjoyment we have derived is merely illusion as we have been playing horribly, pitiful shadows of true games.
...and this business of developers having to "fight" the PS2 architecture to extract good results (humorously, I guess you could say if you are unwise enough to "fight" the PS2, you will lose
). Perhaps it is exactly because they are "fighting" it, that they are not getting the results they wish? Trying to program it like its a PC? Why not target its strengths and exploit them to swoon the PS2 architecture? Can't do it? Stick with the PC- the Mos Eisley for computer programmers.
Leave the "alpha-programmers" and hardware wizards (and that is not meaning the basement nerd who builds their own PC and thinks they're God because of it) to discover and wonder what is possible on the PS2 hardware (not saying they will invariably succeed, but certainly the results will be quite unique).
Now if you consider the DC as being the uber easy console to develop for and that many consider it to be more powerful than the PS2, then you would have to consider a Shenmue that is any less than utterly perfect as a complete failure.
...and this business of developers having to "fight" the PS2 architecture to extract good results (humorously, I guess you could say if you are unwise enough to "fight" the PS2, you will lose