MGS2 tearing

PC-Engine said:
Why don't I complain about Shenmue? It didn't take 1/3 of a DECADE!!!

On the 'Project Berkley' disc wich was out in the end of 1998, it says that they had been working on Shenmue for 3 years already. And Suzuki said he got the idea for the game in 1994. And the game was out in the end of 1999.
There's NOTHING in MGS2 that should take 3 years to develop on a developer friendly console like Xbox or GCN...NOTHING. It's MGS1 with some upgrades, it shouldn't have taken that long so the logical conclusion is obvious.


Your comparing that , which takes place in confined rooms , is very dark and basicly doesn't have much going on to this


Beautifull out door locals , with lots of action going on . Increadible detail . Notice how sega isn't using dark colors and Limited light to hide anything. The overdraw on this tittle alone would bring the ps2 to its knees. Have any of you actually played Shenmue? Its easly the best looking and imho playing game of this generation so far.
The overdraw on this tittle alone would bring the ps2 to its knees. Have any of you actually played Shenmue? Its easly the best looking and imho playing game of this generation so far.

Boy O! Another DC fanatic.... :eek:
chap said:
Sega got Shenmue running on Saturn. :eek:

No sega did not get it running on the saturn . They got a very rough tech demo running on it which was used to get the funding.

The over draw in shenmue would bring any system down. Look at the xbox version of part 2 . Did they add anything to it over the dreamcast ? no . Even though the xbox has way more fillrate then the dreamcast it is brought down to the dc's level because of the over draw. Not bad for a system that sega was selling at a profit for 50 bucks huh
jvd said:

Your comparing that , which takes place in confined rooms , is very dark and basicly doesn't have much going on to this


Beautifull out door locals , with lots of action going on . Increadible detail . Notice how sega isn't using dark colors and Limited light to hide anything. The overdraw on this tittle alone would bring the ps2 to its knees. Have any of you actually played Shenmue? Its easly the best looking and imho playing game of this generation so far.

I ask myself that question all the time, but it seems like people don't like to hear a DC game actually producing better graphics than the all mighty PS2 because the mere thought of DC which is older inferior hardware being better than PS2 is outright blasphemy. :oops:
PC-Engine said:
london-boy said:
and i played it on ps2...... so?

Can you play a DC game on PS2? ;)

Again, i say DC is over rated and PS2 hardware sucks but lemme show you this quote from the team that did Test Drive LeMans 24 DC.
LM24 PS2 unfortunately had only a few months development time from receiving initial PS2 dev kits to finish. Obviously it's a port and many parts of it are basically emulating in software, functions of the Dreamcast hardware.

Provided that LM24 PS2 looks slightly worse than DC, still it is not bad of an emulation. :p
Ps2 has polys and lights over the dreamcast , but the dreamcast can do so much more than the ps2 . Its sad but it shows how many fan boys there are. I love sega but i will admit if it was 2d the saturn would rule but was only so so compared to the psx
**I ask myself that question all the time, but it seems like people don't like to hear a DC game actually producing better graphics than the all mighty PS2 because the mere thought of DC which is older inferior hardware being better than PS2 is outright blasphemy. **

actually londen boy , ps2 is not made of off the shelf tech like the gc and x box. So considering that i don't feel bad for it . Nor do i feel bad compareing it to older off the shelf tech like the dreamcast
Provided that LM24 PS2 looks slightly worse than DC, still it is not bad of an emulation.

You're totally missing the point. The irony is I can pop a PSX MGS disc into my DC and play. You can't take a DC disc and play it on a PS2. It wasn't about how powerful the hardware is. Anybody with a brain knows DC is more powerful than PSX ;)


I'm guessing you haven't read this thread from the beginning because you'll realize I wasn't the one who brought Shenmue and DC into the argument. It was the PS2 zealots ;)

I only started comparing Xbox and GCN to PS2 when people started comping PS2 to the DCs older inferior hardware.
You're totally missing the point. The irony is I can pop a PSX MGS disc into my DC and play.

I dont get you....
So DC can emulate PSX games, big deal......... :oops:
chap said:
but the dreamcast can do so much more than the ps2


256 different fog effects, super sampling anti-aliasing, specular highlighting, texture filtering, bump mapping, perspective correction, alpha blending (256 levels of transparency), ARGB gouraud shading, MIP mapping: point, bilinear, trilinear, and anistropic, General Modifier Volumes (GMV) for such effects as shadows, light, transpararency, etc.

All that in hardware. how much of that is done in the ps2 in hardware ? I'm sure at least 80% of its done in software. I'm sure it can do alot more than this too i just didn't have the time to go diving into old reports and news to find more considering its 6 am and i'm trying to finish up a final
(50 page paper)