Goddamn Natoma, talk about massive reply! Anyways, if anyone stated somethign similar, my appologies.
Natoma said:
Now, everyone remember the 'system failure' at the end of the first matrix? I believe that is what the architect was talking about. When Neo became "The One," the matrix began to break down. That's why the rebels freed more people in the last 6 months than they had in the prior 6 years. The Matrix was breaking down and more and more people were becoming aware of the truth.
That is why the architect said that if Neo didn't rejoin the Matrix and disperse his code to the new matrix, everything and everyone would die. This continuous cycle of birth, death, and regeneration was necessary in order to keep the codebase fresh and appealing for the billions of minds connected to the system.
I'm thinking more on this particular bit, so please don't mind the brevity of my discussion on this portion.
If we can agree that Neo's existence and rise to power in infact due to some self-propogating, anomalistic error then the two choices seem much clearer from the Architects PoV:
(a) By choosing to save humanity at the expense of Neo, this would allow the erronious code that is Neo to be replaced, ala the previous 6-odd "Ones." The Architect was attempting to persuade Neo into choosing this with his talk of a "Logical" choice over an emotional one, aswell as the pictures of humanity flashing threw Neo's mind (as seen on the TVs in what's a brilliant scene).
(b) By choosing to leave and preserving himself, Neo (who I believe to be quite a bit more powerful than expected) has allowed himself to have a 24hour window to end this. Which, as you alluded to, will ultimatly lead to a
Also of note is the very cool transition thats occured in the setiment of the collective and the general population at Zion:
In the first film, Morphius was seen as a prophetic and visionary man. His thought was unparalleled, his grasp of the situation constant. This is contrasting to the setiment of Neo.
Now, we find that Morphius is seen as an outcast to many of the elite in the Zion Hierarchy - an almost theological mystic. He's vision that was so clear in the first, that gave rise to Neo and Zions assent to power is now clouded. Neo, himself, has lost all hope of the future based on the words of his nemesis, the architect.
I can't help but feel that in traditional trilogy and epic style; there will be a Return of the Prophecy and within the next 24hours (which Revolutions takes place in) the will be a revolation inspired by Morphius, one which will bring closure to this.
Also, I can't help but feel the overriding theme of this was
Choice and what it's composed of. Which was brilliantly displayed by using an almost Quantum Mechanical means to show the infinate concurrent choices on TVs and the, as in real life, navigating a channel of just one choice between the infinate sea of possibilities. I think the presentation and Theoretical Physics aspect was so damn cool, but yet it kept the philisophical overtone by asking when and who ultimatly makes a choice. Anyways, I saw it almost 10 hours ago and need some sleep.
JoeDeFuria said:
However, at least on some subconsciousl level, humans are still apaprently aware that they are not making real choices.
Ahh yes, yet more blatent stealing of contemporary philisophical thought (eg. Putnam and Cohen).

But, its great that the general public learns things like this, as they would have no ambition to come across it any other way.