Life of Black Tiger [PS4] and other shit games that show a lack of QA on PSN

How do you know that? If there are hundreds of amazing titles no-one has heard of, you wouldn't have heard of them to know they are being overlooked. The only way to truly know if indie titles are getting overlooked or not is to go looking and extensively study the games out there.

I wrote "believe". I can't know, no one can know. But for all media, I would say that > 95 % of everything produced is not worth my time. It seems to me that the good stuff gets recognized, but your opinion might differ.
On a continual theme of PS store quality

$14 for an arkanoid clone with anime tits.
Maybe a bunch of these posts could be split into a *ps store quality thread
Maybe a bunch of these posts could be split into a *ps store quality thread

Agreed. Let's keep this thread about Life of a Black Tiger and separate the conversations about crap games so we don't confuse the two.
Updating thread title...

What's the state of play on XB1? In theory it's even more open to any content, so is there a better quality control in place?

The plan is to have a dual layered approach. XBLA for curated indie content and then another less advertised category for less curated indie content. Currently, I believe everything has to get approved by MS.

I still keep seeing quite a few announcements for games coming to 'PC and PS4'. Are Sony just more open to games then?