Last of Us [PS4]

Artwork of monster that was cut from TLOU


Freaky! With the head cutting out, it reminds me a little of the monstrosity from John Carpenter's The Thing.
Personaly, I think LOU is better without these over-fantastical monsters. The big bloaters were already a little out of place in a otherwise pretty plausible universe (to contemporary GAMING standards, that is) and I would argue the game would have gained more than it would have lost by actually ommiting them completely from the campaing (their instances are not even that many anyway) but that's because that game impacted me much more with its strong story-telling than its gameplay, although that too was top-notch. But I am one of those boring people who like indie artsy games and slow dialogue heavy movies.

We got the next best thing through, their cut-scene character models were put into the real time segments as well as gameplay.