I agree.
But it would not be wrong with 3d grass if they had that extra power to do it , right.
In an action game that is very fast paced do you want the game developer to devote programing time to objects that will no doubt get ignored or wont matter at all during gameplay?
I could understand if the game was slower paced and you had to use grass fields to hide in for stealth missions, then again riding a dragon while wearing a much needed metal armor that shines defeats the purpose of stealth.
Lair is Factor 5's first game out of the gates and yes the PS3 does have alot of computing potential as a games console that is very different from what PS1 and PS2 developers had to work with, at the end of the day though I believe its going to come down to what will the game need the "insert 3d object" for.
We could argue all day that the grass should be 3d and it should catch on fire but will it even matter if it does. I say it should not because then that effect will just create even more problems as it could be argued that trees should catch fire too.
So if trees can catch on fire and burn (and they should) how and what will happen when you have the skies filled with enemy or friendlies and the forest catches on fire, it becomes a different game altogether and you will end up having to avoid doing that so that it does not kill you and make you frustrated while playing if you happen to be inside the forrest.
I think its too early to be expecting such effects, I just feel that they will take time, if it does show up, then good but if it does not and the game is still fun it should also be good.
I personally had my expectations set so high on Halo 3 and its multiplayer mode only to so far be disappointed because although that game will look pretty and all, the things that I expected to evolve in a first person shooter running in a higher spec console over the old XBox 1 were among other things enviromental hazzards and destructible buildings and walls.
Then again given the following that game has if those things I mentioned were to get implemented you would get a split reaction of people who hate the new features because they just don't like getting killed because there are less safe spots or people who will love it.