Kung Fu Live [PSN]

I bought this on the strength of the positive feedback on here and I'm finding it infuriating to setup, so much so I doubt it'll ever get played, I just think our front-room isn't bright enough :(

This has reminded me why I rarely buy anything for over £5 without a demo
I bought this on the strength of the positive feedback on here and I'm finding it infuriating to setup, so much so I doubt it'll ever get played, I just think our front-room isn't bright enough :(

This has reminded me why I rarely buy anything for over £5 without a demo

where is your lighting coming from? make sure it's not in the camera view
I bought this on the strength of the positive feedback on here and I'm finding it infuriating to setup, so much so I doubt it'll ever get played, I just think our front-room isn't bright enough :(

This has reminded me why I rarely buy anything for over £5 without a demo

Just discard the warning that you room isn't bright enough. Go into advanced settings and increase the exposure of the camera from there. Tada ! Everything is nice n bright now and the game copes up with it. My room is brightly lit , yet sometimes I get a warning that my room is dark. I just increase exposure and it works. Also, the game works even in my bedroom, which is pretty dark at night. Just fiddle with exposure and other settings. I have found a preset which works, when it doesn't, I chose the settings that I have saved.

@Shifty: I understood what you said later on. When you said "In the end" , I was thinking of the end of the video instead of the end of the sock :LOL: , so I misunderstood. Kungfu live is friendly enough to let us beat baddies with empty socks too ;), infact I am finding the sock to be a great weapon. Start rotating it like a fan when in trouble!

@Patsu: I know the white warrior stage is very tough, atleast uptill now. I might clear it when my body loosens up a little more. Today is the first day when I am not paining all over :LOL:. My body got really sore on the first 3 days of play, now it is getting used to it. The white Warrior shall be defeated, but its just too hectic a fight as of now and I get out of breath very soon !
I know the white warrior stage is very tough, atleast uptill now. I might clear it when my body loosens up a little more. Today is the first day when I am not paining all over :LOL:. My body got really sore on the first 3 days of play, now it is getting used to it. The white Warrior shall be defeated, but its just too hectic a fight as of now and I get out of breath very soon !

Yeah, my son couldn't beat her. It's easier to take her on if you minimize your own movement. Only attack the real warrior. Flip and double punch is very useful to get to her.

This game and Sports Champions: Table Tennis are hard on my limbs. :D
where is your lighting coming from? make sure it's not in the camera view

the ceiling, it's just that the room isn't overly bright when I turn the lights on max (we have 25watt bulbs)

@patsu - get both, I just can't seem to get it right...either lumpy or ghostly (usually without legs)

@RenegadeRocks - I tried playing with the settings with no joy, I will try again tho

I think mt issue is that the lights are slightly behind the player (well the kids) I think if the light were in front of them it might be OK
the ceiling, it's just that the room isn't overly bright when I turn the lights on max (we have 25watt bulbs)

@patsu - get both, I just can't seem to get it right...either lumpy or ghostly (usually without legs)

@RenegadeRocks - I tried playing with the settings with no joy, I will try again tho

I think mt issue is that the lights are slightly behind the player (well the kids) I think if the light were in front of them it might be OK

I'm using a K-Lite 23 watt fluorescent bulb & it lights my room up pretty good maybe you should use a fluorescent bulb

silly video but I was bored & couldn't sleep so I just made this video to show someone that the PS-Eye does have really good quality video when you are in good lighting
cheers guys, my options are limited due to the light fixings we use (FTR the sofa is light brown colour, a bit fleshy really so not ideal!), however I was in B&Q and they had a small lamp on sale for <£4 - I placed it in front of the TV and it works a treat :)
Ah, I was going to suggest putting another light source in front to overcome the silhouette lighting. Hope you enjoy the game as much as we do. ^_^
Am at the Gatekeepers now.

BTW, I LOVE the lightning power ! I love Infamous, and here I am shooting lightning on screen :D :D :D ! It was totally unexpected, and very cool and the game never misses a gesture.
Good news for everyone. US playstation blog says KungFu Live Demo is incoming this week ! For all those who were on the edge, now's the time to jump in ! :D

A look at Kung Fu LIVE's skeleton tracking from the debug software thanks go out to Teemu Mäki-Patola from virtualairguitar for sending me the video.
Mine has a few issues tracking me correctly and some of the background is visible around my layout. I have no idea how to fix this
Mine has a few issues tracking me correctly and some of the background is visible around my layout. I have no idea how to fix this

make sure that your light source isn't in the video because the camera adjust to the brightness of the lights , & try not to have on colors that blend with the background
make sure that your light source isn't in the video because the camera adjust to the brightness of the lights , & try not to have on colors that blend with the background
This is the problem. I've tried the demo and it doesn't work for me. If there's contrast in the room, like a dark shadow under the sofa of an otherwise pale room, then the game can't determine what's background and what's player, and cuts holes in the player. This shows they aren't doing anything clever with skeleton tracking to fill in where the legs should be - the fact they can draw the legs and feet and have a gap between shows there's no understanding of anatomy. That's understandable, but that vid of yours suggests they could fill in the person outline for some fixes. But all in all, I've found it just too plain buggy. Needs acres of space and just the right environment. I guess if you have some bright clothes to wear (where are all those 80's fluorescent shell-suits? ;)) then it'd work, but otherwise there's a lot of play-space management needed.
Thankfully, I didn't need to change anything in my room or clothes for it to work ! So, I can't understand the fuss. As for holes in your body video feed, tinker with the advanced settings. You can control how aggressivly it fills holes there. I have made a preset which works for my setup and i use that when playing in artificial light and the 2nd or 3rd preset provided by the devs works for daytime play.

Its not as if it is perfect. Sometimes part of background is visible in the game, but it doesn't tamper with the gameplay. As long as my kicks and punches and movement is registered well, the game doesn't give you time to think about if some BG is showing in the feed. I think that is where the tracked skeleton helps. Even if some BG is showing up, it still knows my hands from the BG.

And we have played in whatever clothes we were wearing. i was wearing really dark clothes and my nephew was all orange. and we have a maroon and cream sofaand light coloured walls. Lots of stuffin the BG like different coloured cushions on the sofa.

Heavy shadows from sunlight do show up, but can be removed by using an aggressive preset. and even if they don't get removed from the feed, it still knows where ur feet are. Atleast, during my game time, even if my shadow was visible sometimes(during day), it never affected my punches or kicks.
Thankfully, I didn't need to change anything in my room or clothes for it to work ! So, I can't understand the fuss. As for holes in your body video feed, tinker with the advanced settings.
I did! In this specific example, the whole room was long and pale, cream furniture and light wood floor, with peachy walls. There are two sets of light chandeliers, one either end of the room (I think it was two rooms knocked through). Skirting boards, doors and wood trim on the furniture is dark.

The background has the dark trim of the furniture flagged as background and so it is removed. then when you stand in front with dark trousers, the camera can't tell the difference and removes that part of your legs! Playing the game, it still worked mostly but there'd be flashes of confused background.

I recall Your In The Movies on XBlive! Camera. At the time a Sony EyeToy bod said that in their experience background removal doesn't work and didn't trust YITM's to work, and it didn't. This latest attempt on PS3 is trying valiantly, but optical differences aren't enough to selectively remove the background from the player at the moment. It needs a more intelligent system that maps a virtual person and removes that which doesn't fall within the person boundary, rather than that which does satisfy certain contrast or colour thresholds. Basically all they have to work with at the moment are the equivalent of Photoshop's selection tools. If you take a photo of a person in the conditions I had, you as a person can see where the legs would be even if the contrast isn't there to show them. Within PS you'd need to draw a selection as selection via magic wand and the like won't have enough information to make an accurate selection. Thus until we see such tech appearing in photo editing applications, where you can accurately select objects in photos without colour and contrast detail clearly defining them, we shouldn't expect realtime background removal to work particularly well.
This is the problem. I've tried the demo and it doesn't work for me. If there's contrast in the room, like a dark shadow under the sofa of an otherwise pale room, then the game can't determine what's background and what's player, and cuts holes in the player. This shows they aren't doing anything clever with skeleton tracking to fill in where the legs should be - the fact they can draw the legs and feet and have a gap between shows there's no understanding of anatomy. That's understandable, but that vid of yours suggests they could fill in the person outline for some fixes. But all in all, I've found it just too plain buggy. Needs acres of space and just the right environment. I guess if you have some bright clothes to wear (where are all those 80's fluorescent shell-suits? ;)) then it'd work, but otherwise there's a lot of play-space management needed.

there is a setting for the feet shadow , & you really don't need acres of space you can pretty much stay in 1 spot and play the game you just have to make the side to side movements by pointing your arms in the direction that you want to go in

I'm in my bed room with not much room to my sides & I played just fine some people think that they have to run around to play the game but you don't .I'm 6' tall 200 plus lbs & I can play in my bed room no bright colors needed