Kinect Games

So it's officially called...

Michael Jackson: The Experience

Sounds a lot like Dance Central with singing and only MJ songs. No new songs are mentioned. Still just Beat It & Billie Jean. At least it mentions auto-tuning. :)

Tommy McClain

This game is tricky for me to decide, were I Microsoft, what I would spend on either trying to kill or delay the competing console versions or ensuring a HEAVILY co-branded marketing buy. I'm just not sure the title warrants it though it could be one of those Just Dance evergreens. I think I would err on the side of MJ
I'm going to have to play both Dance Central & MJ before I make a decision on which to buy. I will not be buying both since I'm already have 2 or 3 other titles I want to get.

BTW, found this article by Stephen Totilo on Kotaku...

My Weirdest Kinect Experience So Far

It's about Ubisoft's Motion Sports game. It' specifically talks about the American Football mini-game. What an interesting experience. Sounds almost like he experienced some kind of uncanny valley.

Tommy McClain
Interesting, although somewhat disappointing the game doesn't at least have you run in place to move. Although perhaps that's a concession to all the out of shape console owners in the world. :D

In the rest of the world though, I think he's remained quite popular over the years, especially over in the Orient. I wouldn't be surprised to see a small spike in X360 sales in Japan when it releases despite the 360 being almost dead in Japan, for example.


Since the Michael Jackson game is coming out for PS3 and Wii as well, I doubt it would have much impact on 360 sales in Japan.
CNET UK hands on with Ubisoft's Your Shape: Fitness Evolved.,39029441,49306117,00.htm

They did not detect any lag apparently, and it seems that the game now displays a mirror image of the player instead of the jelly form shown during E3.

Dont like the player image the E3 one was better imo.
It had something special instead of that butchered mirror image on those screens, bad design choice i would say.
I think I agree. The problem with embedding video is the lighting is a complete contrast from the game, and the quality is never great. Even moreso given the low resolution of Kinect's cameras. Plus the background removal isn't particularly smooth, making a 'cut-out-by-a-child' silhouette. The jelly-blob fit the design better IMO. The scarf detection and selection is pretty amazing.

The game itself adds proper skeleton tracking, meaning the accuracy is very good and the potential for proper balance and poise exercise is more professional. As an exercise...title (I won't call it a game!) it look very good.
I think I agree also. This looks like something very beta.
Peter Molyneux's Milo and Kate presentation at TEDGlobal

Peter Molyneaux begins by saying "This talk is going to be a little bit insane."

Peter Molyneux wants to revolutionze storytelling. Films and TV are rubbish because they don't involve the audience.

Peter Molyneux wanted to create a character that felt totally alive ... now he's going to show us a live demo of that tech

Peter Molyneux is going to trick us all into feeling like there's a real, living being in the computer.

Molyneux's volunteer, Dmitri begins interacting with the technology, using natural hand movements, not connected by wires.

Peter Molyneux shows the young boy character whose facial expressions are completely AI-driven, blush responses and all.

Peter Molyneux's helper Dimitri tells Milo to squash a snail ... and the character hesitates, and squashes

Peter Molyneux and Dimitri are going to teach the character Milo to skim stones.

Peter Molyneux has Dimitri help Milo to clean his room, cheering him up a bit.

Dimitri is talking to Milo, trying to cheer him up about a recent move that was difficult for him. Milo responds happily.

Peter Molyneux: I love these revolutions and I love the future that Milo brings
CNET UK hands on with Ubisoft's Your Shape: Fitness Evolved.,39029441,49306117,00.htm

They did not detect any lag apparently, and it seems that the game now displays a mirror image of the player instead of the jelly form shown during E3.

The player image does look a bit weird/creepy.

I found this to be interesting
We were particularly impressed when we picked up this scarf -- Kinect identified it as something we were holding, and even found the edges of the scarf itself. We waved it around in a manner we'd describe as 'fancy-free' and Kinect kept up admirably. We didn't have to enter any special information or tell the console we were holding something either -- it figured it out all by itself.
Some good potential there.
Id suspect the majority of the lag we have seen in the past is introduced by the skeletal tracking. I dont think it is being used in this situation, background removal like we see here should be much less intensive than the skeletal traking mapped to 3D model we see in other games.
Id suspect the majority of the lag we have seen in the past is introduced by the skeletal tracking. I dont think it is being used in this situation, background removal like we see here should be much less intensive than the skeletal traking mapped to 3D model we see in other games.

It tracks the player's skeleton to determine the correct posture.
I think I agree. The problem with embedding video is the lighting is a complete contrast from the game, and the quality is never great. Even moreso given the low resolution of Kinect's cameras. Plus the background removal isn't particularly smooth, making a 'cut-out-by-a-child' silhouette. The jelly-blob fit the design better IMO. The scarf detection and selection is pretty amazing.

The game itself adds proper skeleton tracking, meaning the accuracy is very good and the potential for proper balance and poise exercise is more professional. As an exercise...title (I won't call it a game!) it look very good.

Yeah the former blob figure fit well with the background music and the intent of the product far better than the player image in that hands on. Hopefully if they continue down this road they'll put in an option to have the original blob.

Apaprently it's not a preview as it's not (yet) a game... (Eurogamer)

According to the BBC report on Molyneux's speech at the TED Global conference in Oxford - where technology gurus are given 18 minutes to present their ideas - the veteran games designer said the Milo technology is in development and Microsoft has no plans to release it.

However, he also hinted that the game was designed for widespread use and could end up being a commercial product one day
The problem with Milo (IMHO) is that it'll be like the first basic text adventures that came out - you'll say something and he won't understand it, it seems (reading the link) that he's asking 'shall I do something' and listening for you to say yes or no.
The problem with Milo (IMHO) is that it'll be like the first basic text adventures that came out - you'll say something and he won't understand it, it seems (reading the link) that he's asking 'shall I do something' and listening for you to say yes or no.

Oh absolutely. But it should be able to work well enough eventually though. And anything that can bring back that freedom of typing anything that comes into your head into a textbox in games like the Sierra adventures (Larry, Kings Quest, Space Quest, Police Quest, etc.) is a big, big win in my book. God I miss those days - it's one of the type of experiences I miss most currently on consoles, and I liked that kind of freedom much more back in the day than the Lucasarts style of adventures where you click/choose one of the available options. Just much more fun to try and see what works (causes less clutter on screen as well)
The problem with Milo (IMHO) is that it'll be like the first basic text adventures that came out - you'll say something and he won't understand it, it seems (reading the link) that he's asking 'shall I do something' and listening for you to say yes or no.
There's a big difference here in having a cloud-based knowledge base, so the platform would be constantly learning. Although learning what, I'm not sure. Molyneux's claims of intelligent, learning creatures with so many of his titles didn't ever deliver. Black and White's creature was a mess!

But this is kinda off topic, as it's not a game to discuss in this game thread about the games coming out.

Are there any more expected but unannounced titles for Kinect? Or is the OP list pretty much the line-up for launch and a fair while after? Edit: Rumours abound of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows being Kinect enabled.