Just got Wisdom Teeth Out

So yeah, I got back from the dentist about 1.5h ago. I was put under general anathesia, since I was getting all 4 done at once. It was an interesting experiance. They started putting the gas it, it tasted funny, my vision started to go all double and I was gone. Next thing I know, I'm waking up all wacked out.

They let me sit in the chair for about 30 minutes, until the drugs wore off enough for me to walk. I was talking the whole time. My brain seemed clear enough, but my body was just not co-operating. Anyways, after a while I walked out to the car with my mom, and I was pretty steady. By the time I got home, I was very stable.

Next thing, I read over the sheet they give you about what to do. Then I very gently rinsed some of the blood out of my mouth before putting the gause in to stop the bleeding (it's pretty much done now). Oddly, looking at the blood didn't disturb me on a conscious level, but clearly there was something going on in the depths of my mind, because I instantly broke out into an intense cold sweat. After putting the gause in, I had to lie down and regain my composure.

Next I had some water and waited 15 minutes to see if I would puke, which I didn't thanks to my iron stomach. After, I took a pain killer, some anti-biotics and an anti-inflammatory. Apparently, they gave me some strong stuff, stronger then condine. Good thing too, because the freezing is just starting to wear off, and my mouth is quite sore. Thankfully, the pain killers are kicking in now, and it's fading away.

Anyways, I just hope there's no complications. My aunt had dry socket when she had her's done. I'm still busy as ever, but I'll take some time to relax in order to aid my recovery. I wanted to save my teeth as a souvenier, but they had already thrown them out. All in all, the most nervous thing about it was when they put the needle in. I watched open-heart surgury on TV as a child, so I was primed for them to slice and dice. It's just that needles bother me, oh well.
It's Oxycocet, which contains 5mg oxycodone and 325mg acetaminophen, the first of which is apparently the strongest oral pain killer and has a vibrant drug trade associated with it. It seems its effects mimic those of heroin and morphine. Apparently my tablets are worth something like $10 each on the black market, and I have 30 of them. I wouldn't sell them anyways, even with my enormous student debts, I'd rather not be suffering.

The latter compound is just Tylenol, and apparently it's toxic at 10g. So if I were to take the entire container, I'd likely die of liver failure. Cool!
Oooh, Oxycocet is fun. You should be good thru the painful bit with it at least.

I'm more old skool, VicodenES for me for pain. ;)
i went with the liquid tylenol with codeine deal back when i had mine done. Dosed myself once every 4 or 5 hours (not per directions) which knocked me right back out into more sleep. Did that straight with a few periods of some soup and crackers for 3 days straight. My face was perfectly round because of the swelling. Lasted a good 7 or 8 days before i could eat solid foods normally. After about 4/5 you should be able to eat pastas and breads easily.
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When I had mine out, my mom locked her keys in her car at the drugstore and took 2 hours getting back w/the pain meds.

It hurt so bad I puked. And puking while your mouth is all f'd up just makes things 10x worse. I shiver at the memories.

/just thought I'd share
i didnt vomit, i guess it happens to some people though, problably depends how much blood goes down your throat. They told me not to eat anything 12 or 6 hours prior i believe.
Yeah, the not eating part was "fun". I was damn hungery when they put me under. Now, I don't feel like eating anything. Oh, the irony! :LOL:
i cant believe you're sitting at a computer, i just wanted to stay knocked out, plus what ever they gave me at the place was still kicking in so i hadnt reached my pain peak yet. If you can use a computer you can go make some soup. My food for the first 18 hours was the damn drugs. :cry:
That's the funny thing, I'm in no pain at all. Mind you the numbing hasn't fully worn off yet, but I can feel it tingling now. I'm starting to feel a bit drowzy. Must be the painkillers.
Ice helps... It doesn't bother you all that much while browsing the internet, either.

Is it common to take all out at once? I'm taking my third one out on the 15th, and unless it's an emmergency my dentist never takes more than one. I also did 2 mild surgeries without general anathesia and, although a bit unconfortable, it wasn't much different than a regular visit.

In all cases I never had the need to use painkillers, but then again, the 4 teeth at once might be a bit too much. :)
Well, I just figured it's more efficent this way.

Also, I must say that Oxycocet is one hell of a pain killer! Whoa! I can't even feel it with I pinch my arm. :oops: I'm getting a bit drowsy too. If I start posting weird things, then you know why. There is some soreness around my teeth now, but it's fairly insignificant. They say it's supposed to feel like heroin, but I'm not getting any buzz! :( I just feel a bit weird.
When I had mine out, my mom locked her keys in her car at the drugstore and took 2 hours getting back w/the pain meds.

It hurt so bad I puked. And puking while your mouth is all f'd up just makes things 10x worse. I shiver at the memories.

/just thought I'd share

I went rollerskating the night I had mine removed because this cute chick wanted in my pants and I was, of course, eager to oblige her. Clearly, between the two of us, I'm the alpha male. :p
Meh. I had 4 impacted. And you?

rollerskating. HAH! A Disco male. And we know exactly how alpha they are.

While probably listening to Olivia Newton-John's Xanadu theme song.

But, no, mine weren't impacted.

Diggie, we all know what you used for the pain. You were probably blazing before you even got out of the dentist's office. :cool:
My ex-g/fs ex-b/f died after getting his wisdom teeth pulled. They got infected and by the time he took himself to the hospital it was too late, the infection had spread to his heart and he died in the ER.

I had mine taken out about 3 months prior to that. Aall 4; 2 of them were impacted. I ended up with an infection as well. It was the worst week of my life. Was sick and puking for days. It took 6 days before my cheeks didn't look swollen anymore. I looked like a chipmonk.
Fuck blazed, I was unconscious. I had to get them all surgically extracted since the tops had rotted off. :LOL:

My wife still laughs thinking back to that surgery. They had me count backwards from 10. I made it to about 5, then the next thing I know I was awake and VERY confused and disoriented...but not wanting to let on that I was.

They let me make a complete fool of myself for a while, they were all very entertained by it. I have no issues with it, they fixed up my mouth pain free and I got a week off recovering in a nice VicodenES haze. :)
One strange side-effect of those pain killers. I can't tell if my bladder is full as easily. Instead of the "I need to go" feeling, it's just an odd pressure. Totally unlike how it normally is. Even urinating itself felt diffferent.

This shit is hardcore! :LOL:

I'm going to have another one soon before I go to bed. I wonder if it will affect my dreams?