Just Cause 2

Possibly but I have my doubts. The 8600 and 2600 are kind of the de facto PC GPUs for "being close to console performance" when it comes to PC versions of multiplatform games (but not necessarily optimized;)). I don't think they'd require something like an 8800 or 2900 only to "recommend" something that is at the most 20 to 30% faster. Also there are were very few models of the 8800 and 2900 series that had only 256 MB of VRAM, only a handful IIRC.

This does lead me to wonder though: how come we don't see more ATi technology partnerships with games that are ported from the 360 to the PC?

*Sorry for the double post*

I could be just like the x1900 vs the 7900s. The x1900s are now faster in modern games than the 7900s.
Just Cause looks like a very just purchase. I wanna see what a DX10 native can do. :D

What about 11 Nebby? Does this dial go all the way up to 11?
Love screenshot 13 on their website (can't link to individual screeny sadly) which shows a guy standing on a plane in flight. I might have to get this game just for that.
Well it says DX10 and doesnt mention DX9 so in that case I suppose XP wont work.

Correct. It's DX10 exclusive, with 10.1 supported (with a nice performance boost).

But would game had DX9 support it would certainly make the DX10 part suffer and you would likely end up with worse perfomance in DX9 mode than DX10 even counting in use of Vista or Windows 7 which btw should barely have any negative perfomance impact if at all. Your perfomance numbers goes against the norm and if anything maybe Nvidia cheats activating in WinXP but not applicable in Win 7? :LOL: :p

We have somewhat reluctantly maintained a DX9 path because our editor which runs the game engine uses DX9, and not everyone in the office has Vista/Win7 yet. We can build the game exe to use DX9 instead as well, which is something people still on XP have done from time to time when they need to run the PC version, but that means a number of features are dropped. Strictly speaking the DX9 version should run faster, because it's rendering less, but actually the DX10 path runs at about twice the framerate. Of course, the DX9 hasn't received as much optimization work, but I think it still says something about the performance advantage of the DX10 interface.

I must note though, "required: 8800 Series Geforce or Ati Radeon 2600 Pro". Is that 8800 a typo that is supposed to be 8600? We all know an 8800 series GPU is pretty much 3-4 times as powerful as the Radeon 2600.

I wonder where the OP got this picture from. This looks like copy of the initial draft some PR guy did. Minimum is 2600/8600. Technically the 2400/8400 will run the game too, but will be unplayable even at lowest settings. I don't know where we stand on CPU right now, because after we did the testing for establishing the min spec for CPU I did a bunch of optimizations that boosted the CPU performance by more than 50%.
We have somewhat reluctantly maintained a DX9 path because our editor which runs the game engine uses DX9, and not everyone in the office has Vista/Win7 yet. We can build the game exe to use DX9 instead as well, which is something people still on XP have done from time to time when they need to run the PC version, but that means a number of features are dropped. Strictly speaking the DX9 version should run faster, because it's rendering less, but actually the DX10 path runs at about twice the framerate. Of course, the DX9 hasn't received as much optimization work, but I think it still says something about the performance advantage of the DX10 interface.

Thanks for info! :smile:

I wonder where the OP got this picture from. This looks like copy of the initial draft some PR guy did. Minimum is 2600/8600. Technically the 2400/8400 will run the game too, but will be unplayable even at lowest settings. I don't know where we stand on CPU right now, because after we did the testing for establishing the min spec for CPU I did a bunch of optimizations that boosted the CPU performance by more than 50%.

That is great to hear. About the pic I grabbed it from a game news site. :oops:
@Humus: How would you rate the story in this one, personally? I was in contact with Matt Castello via mail 2 weeks back, tried to get info but no luck ;) ! But still, his presence makes me think it will be pretty good, but the game constraints usually make the story take a back seat sometimes. Also, the wild nature of Just Cause 2, the huge open world, makes me wonder how you guys would put a cohesive story in !

How did it go? Just some tit-bits would do :) !
Correct. It's DX10 exclusive, with 10.1 supported (with a nice performance boost).

How come theres no DX11 Mr Crazy coder? Shouldn't it be "It's DX10 exclusive, with 10.1 supported (with a nice performance boost) and DX11 offering an even nicer performance boost, we worship DX11 and all it stands for"?
I would have liked DX11, and I did in fact propose it, and many other agreed to do it, but I'm not in a decision making position.
Dude, if it's on Steam we'll probably be buying two. My kids are tough taskmasters for legal software, it's weird. :???:

My son stole my first Steam account, and my daughter stole my second. :(

Got quite a few games on both, my kids are in to online so it's a required now.

My 12 year old son is just a huuuuuge fan of the original Just Cause and he's been pumped for months for this one to come out, so I had to ask. :oops:
Technically the 2400/8400 will run the game too, but will be unplayable even at lowest settings.

Well of course, they have the same feature sets as their more powerful series brethren, just not the overall pow-wah. I'm sure we'll see plenty of people running the game on lower than "required" spec systems who will post videos on Youtube, like with GTAIV and Crysis. It is inevitable :p
I wonder if there will be a mindless forum event over the lack of XP/DX9 support. Bioshock had a massive "have nots" entitlement meltdown when people found out that their SM2b cards couldn't run it.