Just Cause 2

Finally found some military jets. Got in a G9 Eclipse and flew to the maximum altitude. Was way above the clouds and everything looked so small from up there.
This game in constant awesomeness.

Humus, quick question. Is there a reason why you didn't implement this for the buildings in the big city?
http://www.humus.name/index.php?page=3D&ID=80 <- I would love to see it in realtime but my Geforce260 isn't fabulous enough to run it :(
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Oh well, priorities were in good order, the game is second only to Crysis in the graphics department and it runs fine on my veteran system.
Yeah, it's been mostly positive. :) The project surely had its problems at times, and it took quite a bit longer to complete than originally planned. It's been a turbulent time for the studio as well. Shipping JC2 was a very big milestone, and the reviews and feedback has been a lot more positive than expected. The modding community that grew up quickly around the PC version of the game took us by surprise, but it was totally awesome. :cool: Did not see that coming.
As for the studio, we're back to healthy conditions again. My sense is that people are feeling a lot more positive right now than before. We've learned a lot from the JC2 project and future stuff is coming along very well. We've been hiring and it's cool to see a bunch of the old Avalanchers return home again. :) We're still fewer than we were at the peak though, but I think we're still looking for more people, at least there appear to still be some positions available.

Can u post some links to good mods. If there's a throbbing mod community around this title, I'll buy it :) ! I had loved the demo on the ps3 and steam, but , you know, there are too many games around these days, and well, truth be told, Infamous has me hooked as far as Open World games go ;) ! But good mods are something that bring the variation in and I played Crysis for years just cos of that.

So, please guide me through some good mods !
Daggerfall ;)

Surely there are some people out there still working on their first play through of that game? One of those "gotta go everywhere" gamers.
Played for about 4 hours this weekend. Nice game, good looking graphics. Negative mouse acceleration is horrible though and there seems to be no fix for it. (console signature, I guess).

A question.
Has it been patched so that these commandline options don't work anymore (Steam launch options) ?
I cannot get them to work.
/failsafe           Start in failsafe mode (settings ignored)
/fullscreen         Fullscreen mode
/windowed           Windowed mode
/borderless         Borderless windowed mode
/width=n            Width in pixels  (fullscreen/windowed)
/height=n           Height in pixels (fullscreen/windowed)
/widthFS=n          Width in pixels  (fullscreen)
/heightFS=n         Height in pixels (fullscreen)
/widthW=n           Width in pixels  (windowed)
/heightW=n          Height in pixels (windowed)
/msaa=n             MSAA sample count
/refreshrate=n      Refresh rate in Hz
/vsync=b            Enable/disable V-sync
/dxadapter=i        Use DirectX adapter at specified index
/dxbuffers=n        SwapChain buffer count (1-3, default: 3 with vsync on, 1 without)
/dxframelatency=n   Maximum frame latency (1-3, default: 3)
/aniso=n            Anisotropic filter (0-7, default: 7)
/shadows=n          Shadow quality (0-2, default: 1)
/shadowres=n        Shadow resolution (0-1, default: 0)
/shadowcull=f       Shadow object cull factor (default: 1.0)
/shadowcullnear=f   Shadow object cull factor near (default: 1.0)
/shadowcullmiddle=f Shadow object cull factor middle (default: 1.0)
/shadowcullfar=f    Shadow object cull factor far (default: 1.0)
/ssao=b             Enable/disable SSAO (default: disabled)
/hbao=b             Enable/disable HBAO method for SSAO (default: enabled)
/plspec=b           Enable/disable pointlight specular (default: disabled)
/posteffects=b      Enable/disable posteffects (default: enabled)
/lodfactor=n        Geometric detail (0-3, default: 0)
/decals=b           Enable/disable decals
/edgefade=b         Enable/disable edge fade effect
/filmgrain=b        Enable/disable film grain effect
/frameratecap=n     Lock framerate to the specified FPS
/fovfactor=f        FOV factor (default: 1.0)
/inputsmoothing=f   Input smoothing (default: 1.0)

b=boolean, (0 or 1)
n = number (integer)
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size doesnt matter as much as unique content, Elite 2: Frontier had a whole galaxy of mostly empty space and barren planets =)
What about Freelancer? It had an interesting universe. I would like a new one, hunting for wrecks with awesome guns.