Fred said:
I did not direct the charges of anti semitism towards anyone in particular on this forum. It is however something I have seen rising in Europe recently. From the burning of synagogues to derogatory remarks, to political stances to conspiracy theories. Its many small things that effect that perception, and its mine alone to offer. I am not a jew or christian, I am an atheist!
The burning of synagogues and the few attacks on jews in the wake of the escalation of violence in Palestine and Israel were commited by muslim immigrants. This is not an issue of "European anti-semitism". So what exactly have you seen rising?
The conspiracy theory about jews controlling our elections, has already been brought up on this board before, recently too I might add. So thanks, coming from the gutter, i'll remind people that these types of absurdities are still nice and current in the mindset.
First of all, no one but a complete nutcase would claim that jews "control" the elections in the USA.
A point can be made about campaign contributions tho. The AIPAC is one of the Top 5 lobby group in the USA, there is no conspiracy theory about. Just check Fortune's annual "Power 25" list. They dispersed about 35 Million USD during the past 25 years, to Republicans and Democrats alike.
Considering the well known importance of money in US politics, I don't think it's too far fetched to say that there
might be a connection, don't you think? Isn't that what lobbying is all about?
So please spare me the usual rethorics about conpiration theories... don't need a conspiration theory since all this is happening in the open for everyone to see. There's nothing hidden about it.
No, the Pro-Israel groups don't control the elections, they influence America's Middle East policy with money.
As far as the occupation goes, I don't think you'll find many people arguing against it (mutters about Strawmen).
Outside Israel and the US?
Its almost universally acknowledged by Israelis and everyone else, that in an ideal world, when a lasting security is established that Palestinians can have those lands back.
Universally acknowledged it is? Interesting. Then why is Israel still grabbing land if they are well prepared to give it all back once there is "peace"?
Plus, you can't expect "lasting security" as long as the problem persists. This is a completely unrealistic scenario and everbody knows it. It cannot be achieved. This is basically a fig leaf for the Israelis to continue the occupation ad ultimo. Demand something no Palestinian authority can possibly provide and make it a prequesit for any Israeli move. All of it, of course, while expanding settlements at an amazin rate - Sharon put it straight when he said that everything they grab now they won't have to give back later.
Israel has utterly crushed the Palestinian Authority so the constant demands of the Palestinians to keep the radicals in check are the pinnacle of cynicism. Every bit a cynic as blaming a powerless, isolated and besieged Arrafat for every Hamas bomber.
The problem is, everytime someone decides to set up agreements to give those lands back, some lunatic blows himself up in protest.
What agreement? Even the so-called "generous offers" fell short of meeting minimum requirements, there wasn't one plan which would have resulted in a viable Palestinian state. So they agreed on a step by step approach which was continuously delayed and broklen by Israel. Israel never stopped to expand and build new settlements. Israel never stuck to the timetable. The RESULT of this was the 2nd Intifada and the resulting erruption of terrorism on both sides.
I don't need to remind everyone why that 'illegal occupation' took place in the first place. Perhaps due to repeated 'illegal' attacks by neighboring nations.
The Palestinian nation (which one?! There was none) attacked Israel?
Oh, by the way... it was Israel who attacked in 1967, claiming it to be a preventive stike.
Talk about hypocrisy, why weren't they put under longterm sanctions for trying to invade a sovereign nation?
In 1967 when Israel attacked?