Freak'n Big Panda
Well, I don't recall the 'blocks-to-memory' conversions, but most Morrowind save files were around 200-250 blocks. They could technically, but not practically, be larger than that. For some reason, if your save file was over 250 blocks, the game would crash/freeze frequently. At least, this was the case with the original DVD. Don't know if they fixed it for the GOTY edition.
In morrowind you could drop an item and come back months later and it would still be there (IIRC).
This isn't exactly true. Items dropped 'in the wild' would eventually disappear. Only items stored in chests would stay permanently.
Not true. All items dropped anywhere would stay there forever. I know this for a fact, I had a stash of rare items and weapons (the vast majority of which were not in chests or crates or w/e) and none of them ever disappeared. And morrowind saves gradually got bigger and bigger the more you played. My 300+ hour save file was around 12MB.