Hmm...I was really thinking these past months, a lot of the graphically superior games on PS3 (Heavenly Sword, Killzone 2 and a bunch of others), seem to be in 720p. With the exception of Lair of course...however, it does have framerate hiccups. I was wondering if this is the choice of the developer to develop games in 720p for smoother framerates...for example (30fps or 60fps). From what I know, Killzone 2 runs at 30fps, which is not that surprising given the amount of objects and characters on screen. My question to the techies: is this 720p and 30fps for games like Killzone 2 the absolute best that u can squeeze out of the PS3's hardware or through improvements on dev kits and developer's knowledge on the PS3 that these set boundaries can overcome? My friend, who's a console supporter, claims that the absolute best the 360 and the PS3 can both render, is 720p and not the much talked about 1080p. Now not that I say he's wrong, but wasn't Sony really advertising 1080p? If PS3 can only upscale 720p to 1080p for games and cannot render native 1080p without upscaling, that is kind of disappointing.