Is Extremetech under rated?

DaveBaumann said:
I believe, if I got it right, Jason is now at NVIDIA. Dave Salvator has also left for Intel.

Nvnews frontpaged ET's search for Salvator's replacement. Paid gig, high-profile employer. Nice job for somebody. Tho apparently you'd have to live around San Francisco, which is pricey as hell. (said the man who sold his house in Sacramento for $320k, and knows that 3/4ths of the people who looked at it were bay area types who thought that was dirt cheap and were looking to make 2 or 3 hr oneway trips to/from work in order to afford a house).
I think Cross is still at ET. I'm not too fond of the site, but 95% of Jason Cross's articles are very good. I also enjoyed reading his work back when he wrote for "Computer Games".
A bit late jumping in -- No, Jason Cross didn't leave ExtremeTech. Dave Salvator unfortunately did a few weeks ago, but I think he'll enjoy Intel.

Loyd Case is now Editor of ET (he's done a great job over the past four years -- ET will be four years old on June 12th), and Mark Hachman (excellent news guy) is still there too. Loyd hired Jason Cross a few years ago. Jason is definitely a top-notch tech writer, as echoed above, and a great guy too.

How do I know this? I was co-founder of ET and I hired Loyd, Dave, and Mark in late 2000 and early 2001. I'm Nick Stam, and I was also Lab director/tech director at PC Mag Labs since 1991. In mid-2003, I needed to move off of ET to work fulltime at PC Mag for business reasons (though I still helped ET guys where I could).

ET was a spinoff of PC Magazine, not ZDNet. Very confusing, but ZDNet was acquired by C/NET, and ZD print magazines (like PC Mag and CGW) formed new websites, along with ExtremeTech in 2001.

I chose to leave Ziff Davis after 13 years to join Nvidia as their Director of Technical Marketing just a few months ago, working closely with analysts and press on technical matters.

Dave B., I'm probably the guy who you heard left ET (ZD) for Nvidia. We actually met at E3. I was the used-to-be-good-looking-balding-chap among the Nvidians in the room (actually there were a few Nvidians fitting that description), and I was there to observe our product pitch to you, and listen intently to your (excellent) questioning and comments...

Unfortunately, we are encouraged not to participate in online forums for reasons that some of us might get a bit too wordy and regurgitate state secrets :) --- but I couldn't resist jumping in this ET thread...

ps - Dave Salvator did a HUGE amount of great work on the 3D Pipeline Tutorial -- I was the tech editor of that 23,000 word three-part monster, and it's still very useful today as a baseline, even if not including all the newer technologies since mid-2001.

Nick Stam
Director, Technical Marketing, Nvidia Corp.
Dave B., I'm probably the guy who you heard left ET (ZD) for Nvidia. We actually met at E3.

Hey Nick. Yeah, I knew it was someone - We'll put it down to jetlag! ;) (Did I pick up your card?). Probably be seeing you "soon" again :)
I can recall Loyd Case' articles and features in CGW during the mid-90's -- always pertinent and informative.

For some reason ExtremeTech doesn't feature in my daily browsing routine, although I have been pointed to a number of high quality pieces there over the past year or so and their take on any new graphics-related item always warrants a viewing. Perhaps I should visit more often, but as 3dcgi mentioned, there are only so many hours in the day and I tend to find my way over to any (graphics) related piece of interest there anyway from other sites. Why read reasoned, well researched compositions and editorials when there's idle speculatin' to be enjoyed over at B3D! :LOL:

Didn't Loyd Case work for nVIDIA a couple of years back?


Dave - I think I gave you a card, but if not, I'll give you one when we meet next at an "unspecified" time in the future... ;)


Nick Stam
Director, Technical Marketing, Nvidia Corp.
NickStam said:
Dave - I think I gave you a card, but if not, I'll give you one when we meet next at an "unspecified" time in the future... ;)

I'll forgo the little cardboard one and go for one with lots of components on if you don't mind! ;)
Dave, would you mind posting some graphs comparing site traffic between B3D and Extremetech? I don’t know where you got the graph in your E3 traffic thread. I think that most will be surprised by how little traffic they get. Again The whole purpose of this thread was to illustrate, what I thought was an underappreciated site.

PS. Stay on topic or I will report you to umm, yourself. ;)
I swing past at least twice a week. They have an incredible back history of articles that are good to check out again occasionally. Their reviews are always very in-depth and I always enjoy them.

I thought the Creative X-Fi article by Dave recently was especially well done.
I read sometimes ET and i find that worthwile but i have to say i hate their design and it is the main reason for me to not go everyday.
PatrickL said:
I read sometimes ET and i find that worthwile but i have to say i hate their design and it is the main reason for me to not go everyday.

1. If you use RSS, you might want to subscribe to RSS feeds instead. We got plenty:,3973,869830,00.asp

2. We're coming up fast on a major site redesign, so make your voice heard! Not here, but through our more direct lines of communication:,1697,9118,00.asp

Specific likes/dislikes would be most helpful. With the redesign, we're going to try hard to make it FAR more appealing, and it's really important that we know what people hate about the current layout (or like, for that matter).
DaveBaumann said:
NickStam said:
Dave - I think I gave you a card, but if not, I'll give you one when we meet next at an "unspecified" time in the future... ;)

I'll forgo the little cardboard one and go for one with lots of components on if you don't mind! ;)