Hype is also people on forums, youtube, constantly "hyping" the game.
Already mentioned. You'll find probably everyone else is using 'hype' to mean (paid for) marketing in terms of adverts, articles, TV time, etc. Forums and chatroom discussion among users can include hype (people saying it's the greatest game ever) but also general discussion, like, "I don't think this game looks that good." A good fight can see dozens of posts over something not even part of the thread subject.
Please use hype the same way everyone else is, otherwise we'll just have confusing arguments and more bickering than discussion.
Edit: Type 'Hype' into Google and read the definition. "Extravagant or intensive publicity or promotion." Not "people talking lots about something".
If Titanfall is beating Infamous 10-1 in Google search interest/twitter (interest by regular people at the most grassroots level), but on forums it seems the opposite is true, well that suggests forums are biased and "hyping" a product, not vice versa.
I'm not even convinced of that. There are more PS4 owners than XB1 owners, yet the TF threads are getting proportionally higher hits. Also look at the times. TF thread in this forum was started June 2013, Infamous started Feb 2013. So Infamous thread has had more time to grow.
Forum discussion can include hype, but it can also include derision and complaint, so simple number of posts is meaningless. Analysts who use social media to evaluate a product's performance search for appearance of key words within such discussion to determine how much discussion is positive and how much is negative.
Overall, your analysis of the numbers is missing key points of interpretation and jumping to an unsupported conclusion, while your use of the term 'hype' is out of sync with everyone else's in this discussion about sales and what's driving them. I should probably extradite this noise to save this thread.