Image Quality and Framebuffer Analysis for Available/release build Games *Read the first post*

Here is the comparision of different amount of light passes. Starting at 0 and ending at 10 (default max set for PC is 3). Results are interesting and 3 seems to be a sweet spot, no?

Anyway the face didn't get like in PS3 version. I took 2 shot for each setting as the characters gets lit differently when saying "lets go" and she gets ready to move to train.



Comparision compilation on PC.
Here is the comparision of different amount of light passes. Starting at 0 and ending at 10 (default max set for PC is 3). Results are interesting and 3 seems to be a sweet spot, no?

Anyway the face didn't get like in PS3 version. I took 2 shot for each setting as the characters gets lit differently when saying "lets go" and she gets ready to move to train.



Comparision compilation on PC.

Nice work. So it's the changes to the renderer then. A peculiar choice.
I have a request about 2 games guys, what is the resolution/AA of Nier and Deadly Premonition - I know both games are not known for their graphical fidelity but I'm still curious. :smile:
Thanks for your reply.

Maybe you should edit your post with the correct game title though ;).

Anyone else here, who is able to check if the game also features a 1080p mode?
Some HQ 360 TDU2 shots. Looks to be 720p 2xMSAA.

Low res shadows look rather poor when approaching them. Shadow LOD is also rather noticeable, much like ACB. It's stronger than the LOD for small pieces of foliage, although you can't fail to see small grasses being drawn in as you drive.

PS3 on the other hand... same res but QAA. Only got poor shots though.

Mod : Screenshots removed as excessive and unnecessary. You can link to images for corroboration of analysis. One or two screens to highlight a specific point of interest is okay, but multiple megabytes of images is overkill for the topic where we only care about the numbers, and not what the things actually look like! ;)
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Marvel Vs Capcom 3



Looks like some effects feature low res alpha buffers on both platforms. Some seem to be slightly lower on the PS3 if you're going to nitpick about it. There are a few other differences: the odd specular map looking less precise on the PS3 (possibly ever so slightly lower res) in other shots, along with the 360 getting a tad higher level of AF.

No AA on either platform by the looks of it. Plus slight gamma difference.
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They're pretty much identical. Not sure which images show the differences you're mentioning. Any differences in filtering may simply just be down to the filtering hardware at the particular angle than a difference in AF setting.
Some of the lower res PS3 stuff seems to stem from a slightly closer zoom on the characters the PS3 in some shots that I've seen. They are both the same, now seeing with a 'fresh' pair of eyes. My bad, I was really tired last night.

Although, there does seem to be some subtlties between the two with regards to some of the super effects. Not noticeable when playing, but there all the same. The shot in my last post for example, appears to be taken from the same point in each version identically.

Anyway here's the AF thing:



Mod : It'd be easier if you tell people what you looking at. eg. "Notice the grass softness in PS3 version versus XB360 version."
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Some of the lower res PS3 stuff seems to stem from a slightly closer zoom on the characters the PS3 in some shots that I've seen. They are both the same, now seeing with a 'fresh' pair of eyes. My bad, I was really tired last night.

Although, there does seem to be some subtlties between the two with regards to some of the super effects. Not noticeable when playing, but there all the same. The shot in my last post for example, appears to be taken from the same point in each version identically.

Anyway here's the AF thing:



Mod : It'd be easier if you tell people what you looking at. eg. "Notice the grass softness in PS3 version versus XB360 version."

No sure if depend of AF... maybe a little better texture on 360... anyway the wood of the shaft appear little better on the ps3... but probably there are little differences here & there on both platform.
Yeah, the grass thing there might just be the angle of the surface. If you look at the lower left there is a portion where the grass looks identical between the two versions and it's clearly the same distance from the view camera. We do know that G7x didn't have the greatest filtering at certain angles, and from the B3D article, we only know a tiny bit about the filtering quality on Xenos. The number of AF sampling though is likely to be the same.

As for the tree/wood, the difference there might be due to the tree being squashed a little on 360. I don't know what it looks like in motion, but the tree seems to be able to morph its geometry during gameplay.