Image Quality and Framebuffer Analysis for Available/release build Games *Read the first post*

You sleuth you ;). I'll post the shots for PS4 later to have you guys confirm.
Halo 2 Anniversary (The Master Chief Collection)



Your right there is more to it than pixel count. I seem to remember several Driveclub pics posted recently and we have known that titles resolution for over a year. Anyone know what type of AA is being used in Halo2 Anniversary ?
Well, even this much scaling looks a bit better if it's horizontal only, IMHO. Hope to see this becoming the norm in the future.
What AA method are they using in AC Unity? I've found that it seems to be much more effective than the AA in The Crew, Watch Dogs, or AC4. I've noticed hardly any aliasing in the game. The picture is slightly soft, but that may be a result of the 900p resolution. Although personally, if it nearly eliminates aliasing I'm okay with a slightly soft image.
I noticed some sharpening artefacts on many high constrasted edges on AC Unity (PS4).





It's particularly noticeable on the UI. it must be from the upscaling, right?
Is it confirmed that Unity does not use HRAA? If it does then that might explain the sharpening artifacts.

No, AC Unity uses some kind of FXAA (plus some kind of blurring effect, IMO, maybe that's why they added a sharpen filter because of the heavy post AA + upscaling blurs?).

There are no sharpening artifacts in Far Cry 4, not one pixel, which definitely uses some original and very clean solution that I had never seen before.
Far Cry 4 uses HRAA.

And you might have to look here to see what I am talking about. You can see that it looks sharp but aalso at the same time seems to lack very fine detail, which is the result of using HRAA. Pay attention to the trees particularly.

This is how HRAA works picture from Far Cry 4's presentation slides)
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I'm just going by my eyes, but it doesn't feel like there's any blurring going on with AC Unity, just the upscaling from 900p. If you watch a 900p video on a 1080p screen upscaled, the edges will look about that blurry, but I think whatever method they're using, it's great, because I can hardly ever notice any significant aliasing.